Flying Finns

UPDATED: Sunday, November 15, 2009 14:06
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Sunday, November 15, 2009 3:32 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Why use and axe to chop down trees when using a car entertains the crowd so much more?


Incredible isn't it? It boils down to Ferrari, in what can only be described as a brilliant Machiavellian move effectively priced him out of the market, Finn Kimi Raikkonen would be paid by Maranello US$10 M. if he races in 2010 but $17 M if he takes the year off or retires!

It is said Mclaren are ready to pony up up to $15M but The Kimster is not going for any discounts and probably just as happy using the extra Ferrari cash to go rallying.... Only in F1!


Sunday, November 15, 2009 11:19 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Okay, the Kimi mood-detector is pretty darned funny, I'll give ya that one.

When Kimi came into F1 upon Mika Hakkinen's retirement, we started out calling him "Mika-Lite". The joke was, he's got all the driving talent, and only half the personality. It was funny because Mika was known as being VERY droll, very unpersonable. So yeah - Kimi is even less so.

Here's Kimi celebrating his 2007 F1 driver's championship:


Sunday, November 15, 2009 11:27 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Funny thing is, though, that Kimi says he WANTS to race, but only with "the right team" and the right fit for him, in a car that is competitive. A year ago, not one single solitary person outside the Honda F1 team would have picked Brawn GP to win the constructor's championship or Jensen Button to win the driver's championship. Honda pulled out of F1, leaving the team high and dry, Ross Brawn bought the team at a fire-sale price, and the rest is history. And Red Bull came in second in both constructor's AND driver's championships, a move not even they could have predicted.

So what constitutes a worthy ride these days? Renault has been sucking, McLaren is worse, Ferrari was an also-ran on their best days, etc. It's a whole new season. Hell, even Toyota, who may not even BE in F1 for 2010, could be a winner if they do.


Sunday, November 15, 2009 12:15 PM


Hell, Mikey, if they let me use the Espace F1 Concept, I'd drive for Renault!

Heheh, that thing is nuts.

I've had awful experiences with US market Renault though, my buddy had Le Car that was a lemon and a half, we left it for dead in the school parking lot and couldn't even find a salvage yard that wanted it enough to tow it for free - it was dubbed "Le Carcass" for the next year and a half, and for all I know the damn thing is still there.

Worse, my mother bought Car and Drivers "Top Ten" pick, the Renault Alliance...
(What more proof does one need that these rags kowtow to the manufacturers than that?!)

And it spent SO much time in the shop, that the neighbors thought OUR car was the Blue one (shop loaner) and the Gold one was a rental!
Worse, twice the damn shop loaner DID break down, and we DID wind up with rental, which was White.
It became a running joke at my mothers office that you could tell how bad her day was goin by what color her car was.

I wish to hell I could find a puny little car with a four banger that got decent mileage and cost under $10k - but the mandatory (and damned heavy!) "safety" equipment tends to push the cost of even the crappiest tinfoil wonder up past $13-16k despite the car being WORTH maybe $5-7k IMHO...

And that "safety" equipment makes the car handle sloppily, poorly, and impedes braking efficiency and stopping distance to the point where you start to wonder what PLANET these folks live on, since the weight has begun to make some of these cars unsafe!

I hear it's worse in aviation - and I firmly believe that many light aircraft crashes are caused by the planes being overloaded with mandatory "safety" equipment which is exempted from the weight limits because otherwise the plane would be "overweight" even without the pilot onboard - I still firmly believe this contributed to the death of Jessica Dubroff, a tragedy all the worse for being unnecessary.

And don't even get me started about how the rules deliberately make ultralights unsafe to operate at all...

So yeah, applying the same dumbass and counterproductive "safety" rules to cars is moronic - what's next, motorcyles with a huge top heavy gantry containing four side airbags, which coincidentally makes them impossible to keep upright ?

The idea is to not crash in the first place, or have people forgotten this ?


ETA: At least they had the decency to apologize.

And in deference to my departed mother, our family always did have a nostalgia for AMC.
(Which was partially responsible for this clusterfuck of a car.)


Sunday, November 15, 2009 12:53 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

I suspect it's the Jagermeister. Has a lobotomy effect.

The language has that effect too perhaps.

Darn Vikings.


Sunday, November 15, 2009 2:06 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Hell, Frem - don't feel TOO bad about having a soft spot for AMC. Lots of people do.

My wife and I were just talking last night, and the subject of Jeep came up (how, I have no idea...), and it got me thinking. I can't think of a single automaker who ever owned Jeep that didn't go bankrupt. I know they're a hell of an off-road vehicle (the Wrangler and CJ Jeeps, anyway), and I know they have a cult-like following, but from Bantam through Willys to AMC and Chrysler, every company that's had the Jeep name and built the things has gone into history's dustbin.

Is that mere coincidence?

My theory is that FIAT's buyout of Chrysler is geared solely at taking the Jeep name (which is widely respected around the world, while Chrysler and Dodge really aren't) and making it more of a "global" off-road vehicle, something to go up against the old-style Land Rover Defender and Toyota Land Cruiser (the REAL off-road, stripped-down versions, not the luxed-up boulevardiers that we get here in the colonies). I predict FIAT will keep Jeep and trash the rest, sell off what they can, and go from there.

I wonder if FIAT will survive this operation.

By the way, not ALL the Renault Le Car models were horrible. I remember quite liking the little R5 Turbo II model.

And yes, that's exactly how it looked when it rolled off the factory floor. No rear seat - the hopped-up turbocharged-within-an-inch-of-its-life four-banger lives just behind your right ear! Quicker than a Porsche 911 Turbo in its day. :)

The Espace F1: Coolest minivan EVER! (or, My Minivan Can Beat Up Your Viper)


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde






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