UK to ban violent pornography.

UPDATED: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 06:17
PAGE 1 of 1

Wednesday, August 30, 2006 2:39 PM


The first reaction is "hurray" and the second is "why isn't it banned already?".

The third is to realise that checking porn online in a site hosted overseas can't be criminalised, due partly to logistical problems, partly due to lack of overseas cooperation, partly due to UK and international laws on country of operation of web servers and partly due to the fact that simply looking at such porn won't come under the act, in order to protect people going to the wrong site by accident.

The fourth is to consider that "featuring violence that is, or appears to be, life-threatening or is likely to result in serious and disabling injury" would criminalise news broadcasts that reported on rapes. I've seen television news, post-watershed, reporting on crimes against humanity in the war in Congo, including the problems suffered by women who have been raped. Congo is an invisible war anyway and rape is a barely-visible problem - it shouldn't be made less visible.

The fifth is to wonder if members of the (fully consensual) BDSM commumity will find their literature curtailed due to the bill. As spokespeople have said already, accidents happen anywhere, and an accident happening in BDSM would take it under the banner of sexual activity resulting in serious injury, and would take its pornography within the act.

The sixth is to worry that various works of fiction both printed and non-printed - including fanfiction posted on this site - that depicted rape and recovery would be banned under this act. Incidentally, the proposed ban on "sexual behaviour with a corpse" would appear to outlaw erotic vampire fiction.

The seventh is to speculate that this will be yet another law, along the lines of gun control, that doesn't target the people or activities that it was intended to target - in this case, extremely violent websites - and instead attacks a lot of people who the government accepts aren't doing anything they want to stop.


(I'll discuss later; it's 1.30am and I have work tomorrow!)


Wednesday, August 30, 2006 4:23 PM


Keep the Shiny side up

Some people kill other people because they say God told them to. Should we ban religion? Some people kill other people for money. Should we ban money? Some people kill other people because they love them. Should we ban love?

The issue isn't God, or money, or love, or violent porn, it's that people think that killing others to solve their personal problems is a valid solution.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Wednesday, September 13, 2006 5:52 AM



That man didn't kill the woman because he was looking at violent porn. He was not corrupted by violent porn. He watched violent porn because he was disposed to like it, and he happened to be disposed to kill a woman and hide her body.

Like with child pronography, I am not against banning the possession of pornography that depicts real victims. That's just wrong.



The new law will not target those who accidentally come into contact with obscene pornography or affect mainstream entertainment industry working within current obscenity laws.

What are those laws, then?
Does staged and acted porn about violent sex count as illegally obscene? That sort of thing probably exists, right? What about some of those Japanese mangas with the tentacles and such? Are those all alright?

I'm not a huge fan of penalizing fantasies, even if they are... unwholesome. Hell, even if they turn my stomach.


Wednesday, September 13, 2006 6:17 AM



Originally posted by Eloisa:

You make alot of really good points in your discussion. All I could come up with was ''s another career option I can't make."

I note for the record that my only contact with these kind of movies has been...prfessional... We proscuted a sex offender who had a large amount of violent sexual content on his home computer. His problem was not the movies, but the inspiration they provided. Luckily, he was an idiot and got caught before he did anything REALLY bad this time. However, having viewed a small amount of the material and even played a selected scene for the jury, I think there is a big difference between similated violence and actual violence and also the matter of consent is important in these films.







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