GOP tries to convince voters that Republicans are actually human.

UPDATED: Wednesday, October 19, 2022 11:19
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Sunday, September 28, 2014 11:02 PM


When you have to try to convince people not that you have valid ideas or real policy positions, but simply that you're human, you've pretty much lost.


Sunday, September 28, 2014 11:58 PM


So I guess that makes it a twofer, cause when your party is so despised that your only chance to not get steamrollered out of office is the mass disenfranchisement of voters and blocking peoples ability to vote, also, you've lost.

While not shared by many, my opinion is that they ain't - I might not believe in dehumanizing folks, but I do believe that they can abdicate and surrender their own humanity, which is what happens when "side" becomes more important than anything else, even basic morality.
And at that point, I feel no further obligation to treat them as human beings, as people, to me they're just debris, objects in the way, like a dog turd on your lawn, just something to be cleaned up and disposed of.



Tuesday, September 30, 2014 9:22 AM


I know that you can't say all of that with a straight face about Republicans without directing the same sentiments to the Democrats as well, right Frem?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, September 30, 2014 1:52 PM


Well it ain't like I got that much respect for them weak kneed, pansyass, gutless bitches either, Jack... had they reached down and found a fucking pair when it counted the GOP wouldn't have been able to create the epic clusterfuck they did, and if the current administration wasn't so focused on not offending anyone they woulda rightfully steamrollered them pissants and had something of a fix (although halfassed and terrible, given their own incompetence) on the matter already.

But when it comes down to a choice between incompetent and wackjob fucking crazy, imma hafta go with the former, since one handy virtue of it is being as incompetent at fucking things up as they are at fixing them.



Tuesday, September 30, 2014 1:55 PM



Originally posted by FREMDFIRMA:

Well it ain't like I got that much respect for them weak kneed, pansyass, gutless bitches either, Jack... had they reached down and found a fucking pair when it counted the GOP wouldn't have been able to create the epic clusterfuck they did, and if the current administration wasn't so focused on not offending anyone they woulda rightfully steamrollered them pissants and had something of a fix (although halfassed and terrible, given their own incompetence) on the matter already.

But when it comes down to a choice between incompetent and wackjob fucking crazy, imma hafta go with the former, since one handy virtue of it is being as incompetent at fucking things up as they are at fixing them.


Well... but... yeah... um... but....????

Ain't you supposed to be one of the few sane people left in this brave new world?


Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, September 30, 2014 10:30 PM


Well, look at it from my perspective, willya ?

Crazy batshit motherfuckers who wanna jumpstart the apocalypse.

Lazy incompetent motherfuckers who will slowly fuck everything up.

Outright wackjobs from the first one there PRETENDING to be third party.
(And double-dipping too cause US Taxpayers and US Constitution parties around here are both GOP fronts, which is a bullshit dodge to get three candidates on the ballot, along with the fully compromised local Libertarian party, so you have four candidates from the same wackjob agenda)

More lazy incompetent shitheels from the second pretending to be third party.
(Greens, etc)

Actual third party candidates with no support, no money, no ability to get anything done even if they did get into office, who nobody knows a damn thing about much less their agenda or intentions.

Yeah, whole lotta "choices" there, so from my end of things the ONLY viable course is to put those pissant dimwit dems in office, not for their own sake, but as a roadblock to armageddonist lunatics (what I call the "sumo defense", squat on the office and challenge them to move you - displayed in flawless perfection by my own local rep, John Dingell) and then work at hacking the knees off these crazy rightwingnut bastards while working and hoping for some option other than this asinine status quo.

Would that there was a better way, but now that the GOP has been fully exposed as ten pounds of crazy in a five pound bag, and desirous of some kind of gotterdammerung scenario to lock power in their hands forever, or in the case of evangelicals, start the rapture - there is the little matter of not putting them in any kind of position to kill us all, yes ?

Which means holding my nose and pulling levers for fuckers whom I hate just a LITTLE bit less, who aren't going to rush us headlong into extinction and even if they tried would probably fuck it up.

When Voting Is Defensible

In Demby's case, there are conceivable scenarios where he or other captives would have had a chance to "exercise some kind of vote." Perhaps Colonel Lloyd might have sought the advice of a trusted slave, or what if Demby or other slaves sought to "influence" the colonel's decision on an overseer by consciously working harder for the preferable villain. It's absurd to accuse these people of endorsing the institution of slavery. If they are able to discern a less murderous overseer and cause his selection, their behavior is an act of self defense.

Granted, there are ways to act defensively while damaging the system such as running away. But these are clearly more dangerous paths. Nor are all choices mutually exclusive. A slave could both choose an overseer and attempt to run away, thus increasing his odds of survival if he's captured in the escape attempt, thus making an attempt equal in effectiveness ' if successful -- to the slave who would only choose non-cooperation and running away as tactics. It is even arguable that the former is more effective at undermining the institution, as a "deceitful slave" might impose a greater economic cost in the form of risk than the predictable ethical "non-voting" type.

You can vote as an act of aggression. You can also vote in self-defense. If you are assaulted, you can flee the person. If cornered, you can choose to dodge the blow. If unable to dodge the blow, you might choose to block or deflect the attack. A proportional defensive counter-attack may even be of order. And while it's perfectly laudable that a person can choose fleeing or dodging as their personal range of moral choices, the choice is exactly that -- personal instead of universal. Aggression requires intent. Self-defense is the strategic root. Voting is a tactic.



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