The Real No-Knock Warrant Thread

UPDATED: Sunday, May 25, 2008 02:11
VIEWED: 2528
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Friday, May 23, 2008 6:18 PM


Sadly this thread will bear watching. Too much truth has already been forgotten. Needant lose any more knowledge or freedom. And by the way Claydoor, maybe a new idea again. Was once an old idea. In use. In Africa .... also have Flame deterant versions even for automobiles. An impressive video still Floats around the web, from time to time.


Friday, May 23, 2008 6:18 PM


Sadly this thread will bear watching. Too much truth has already been forgotten. Needant lose any more knowledge or freedom. And by the way Claydoor, maybe a new idea again. Was once an old idea. In use. In Africa .... also have Flame deterant versions even for automobiles. An impressive video still Floats around the web, from time to time.


Friday, May 23, 2008 6:20 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Hero: That actually might be the STRONGEST argument to not vote, but I'll still take my chances. I've been called for jury duty three times in the last year, in a county with about a million residents. It sure feels like there's a pattern in this randomness...

And for the record, I only had to serve on one jury, and it didn't go to verdict. It comes in handy to get out of other juries, though, since I can be excused since I've served on a jury within the last two years.


Friday, May 23, 2008 10:20 PM


And now to elict tiny mews of terror from every prosecutor out there.

Two words.
Jury Nullification

In summary ?

"Oh come on, that law is bullshit and ridiculous, why are we wasting time and money on this ?"

As a Juror, regardless of illegal instructions from the Judge to give him his rubberstamp, in spite of his threats, legally you are REQUIRED to make that call as well as guilt or innocence.

That's been true since our inception as a country, due to a precedent case that had a significant impact on both this issue and freedom of the press, the case of John Peter Zenger.

The problem is that too much power was placed in the Judicial Branch, with no proper means of accountability, and they have misused it to warp our entire legal system into a weapon of oppression, one of the methods thereof has been to misinform and pervert the role of a Jury from a defense of the citizenry, to a rubber stamp for convictions, and threats against Jurors and Counsel who don't play ball are quite common.

Prior to wisely asking the question of bias against law enforcement and sending me packing, I got to listen to fifteen minutes of really heavy threat-laden diatribe from a Detroit Judge amounting to but not quite explicitly saying...
"Find him guilty or else!"

Even if I had no pre-existing bias, that threat laden rant would have immediately guaranteed my decision, Constitutionally a person is guaranteed a fair trial - and if the events in front of you seemed a bit "rigged"... stacking the jury, suppressing evidence, prosecutorial misconduct, laughable 'evidence' - then it's a Constitutional DUTY to refuse to convict, even if they did it, because without that fair trial, there is no due process.

And believe me, a fair trial based on ALL the information is the LAST thing most Judges want, remember they work for the State, as does the Prosecutor, and the Police, and all the people processing the paperwork, handling the evidence, determining the venue and selecting the jury.

Sure, you can compel witnesses to attend, but if the State refuses to provide their address to you, or doesn't even TELL you there were certain witnesses, what can you do - same with evidence, they decide what is presented and what is not, and should they get caught withholding evidence that favors the defense, they suffer no penalty whatever 99.995% of the time anyway, because they're part of the system that would lead to those penalties.

Such a sweet little racket it is, innit ?

No, they DON'T want you to know the whole shebang, they only want you to know the little teensy incomplete slice they give you to lead you down the garden path to the decision THEY want.

Fair trial be damned, the facts be damned.

The debate over this whole matter was originally carried by Alexander Hamilton in Federalist Papers 78-83 and by Brutus in the Anti-Federalist Papers 11,12 pts 1&2.

And I note to you that 220 years after the fact, in hindsight, Brutus was correct on almost every single point and that dimwit Hamilton was as completely fulla shit as he was on everything else that he based on the good nature of men instead of actual limits to their authority.

But being that Hamilton was plotting to use those loopholes for his own ends almost immediately gives a clearer view of his reasons for not proposing those limits - him and his buddies Jay and Madison didn't want to END the Aristocracy, they just wanted to break off the crowns authority so THEY could be the new Aristocracy, and set about it rather immediately, too.

It is the unrestrained power of Judges and misinformation and perversion of the Jury system that has lead us to the path of such asinine things as an UnConstitutional Federal Agency (BATFE) who's sole purpose was originally to restrict a Constitutional Right that shall not be infringed.

It's all right there, clear as day, to anyone who knows sufficient history to understand it.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Sunday, May 25, 2008 2:11 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
First they make so many laws no one can obey them all, and thus make us all criminals...

Then they declare "war" on "crime". (in short, us)

In a closed society where everybody’s guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."