Yep, expectedly bizarre.

UPDATED: Saturday, November 24, 2007 20:41
VIEWED: 1184
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Wednesday, November 14, 2007 2:11 PM


Y'll might remember a discussion about criminals using social and psychological blind spots to get over on the populace and legal system if you read this thread...
(Yes it's a PN thread, and yes he's a bit odd but it was still a good discussion overall.)

And thus might remember the comment...
"What's next... "Satanic" bank robbers ?"

Well, if it wasn't on video, imagine trying to explain to the cops that you just got robbed by a pair of badass female ninjas ?

And no, I am not at all kidding.

Just *imagine* trying to explain that to a cop, court or jury without the tape.

Blind spot revisited - and now even the common crooks are figuring it out too, it seems.

It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Wednesday, November 14, 2007 4:24 PM


America loves a winner!

I'm at a loss for words here at how to respond. Here in Atlanta, we've had the Barbie Bandits

and the Brats Bandits,

, and now Ninja Warrior Bandits ?

Sorry, where's the issue again?

"Hillary tried to get a million dollars for the Woodstock museum. I understand it was a major cultural and pharmaceutical event. I couldn't attend. I was tied up at the time." - John McCain

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Wednesday, November 14, 2007 4:53 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

This seems to be the only semi-appropriate thread to put this:

The Inscrutable 8-Ball Revealed

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Saturday, November 24, 2007 4:56 PM


This just in.

Hmm, threatre of the bizarre.

Look, this dude might be fulla shit, but from a cursory investigation outside the scope of the article, there's some evidence of what he's sayin - at least in the specifics of the identity switch.

AND his dissappearance occurs within a time frame in which a rash of such occured at the hands of "Franklins Finders" for lack of a better term, folks who did have intel and political connections.

Do I think he's nuts ? sure, plumb bat crazy.

Like Troy Boner
Like Paul Bonacci
Like Alisha Owens
Like Jeff Gannon aka Guckert

They're all mad as hatters, sure - doesn't mean they're lying, it means whatever did happen to them, fried all their hardware upstairs, is all.

But that's the point, or was part of it, they cannot testify, and should they do so, they'll be laughed right off the stand despite the plain and simple FACT that this shit did happen, and it happened with Government interest and financing as often as not.

A long, proven history of this exists.
Such as Projects.


Not all of the projects were fully supervised or supported, and there was a lot of crossover with culties and organised crime as useful proxies who might or might not have had any awareness of where exactly the money and support was coming from or why.

They also had tenous, if any, connection with each other, and used different methodologies.

Normally I woulda dismissed this one as just BS, but the description of events is straight out of the Bluebird/Monarch playbook, right up to and including the "snap-back" effect of Sodium Amytal, which was used in the conditioning process by such, in combination with ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) in order to force a form of DID/MPD known as a personality splinter under the control of an established handler.

And despite repeated and fervent denials by established intelligence agencies, there's some pretty solid evidence of these types of program operating well into 1985.

What we know, what we can prove - is that this kind of thing DID happen, on the taxpayer dime, and a great deal of cult and organised crime involvement was present.

The problem comes down to the specifics, because any of the victim-witnesses are four-plus crazy and thus of dubious quality on the stand, and anyone else who was involved either destroyed the records (Jesse Helms), committed suicide (Hunter Thompson), had an "accident" (William Colby) or was dissappeared (Rusty Nelson).

If any useful data exists, it's probably buried in those sealed files on Abramoff's activities that Waxman wants so badly.

However, the problem isn't the programs, as they seem to have petered out on their own and there's just no way in todays society they could keep a lid on it if they did, compliant media or not.

The problem is how the deterius from them keeps coming back to bite us, in the cults involved, such as synanon, aka the seed, which formed straight, inc. - and continues to use similar methodologies in their behavioral modification facilities.

And especially organised crime and child exploitation rings, who by these tactics not only ensure compliance, but successfully destroy the effectiveness of the witnesses.

Not to mention the tactic of hooking a politician for blackmail by tempting them to participate in behavior that will ruin their career if it ever gets out, but THAT game pre-existed even the institutions that enacted these programs, anyways.

Right now the primary focus - at least for my people, is thanks to an internal leak in a certain politicians campaign staff, who put a list of "approved" snatch-for-hire folk in the hands of Shelby... folks used by the behavioral modification facilities mentioned above to "collect the product" by whatever means necessary, up to downright smash and grab snatch.

In comparing a list of certain snatchings that occured a while back in michigan, and a list of vehicle descriptions with a few partial plates... yeah, we wanna have a damn close look at these folks, where the money comes from, legal ramifications - and if any of those vehicles match up, a nice long talk with Warren about where they WERE on those occasions.

Strawn is a case example of just how messed up these folk are, a wife batterer, alcoholic and molester, who was allowed to "retire" one day before being fired by the police dept after choking his wife and firing his service weapon in a drunken rage, who further got in trouble after that for beating the shit out of his 14yr old daughter over a camera, who admitted during questioning that he molested her, but then recanted after they handed her back to him to "adjust her attitude" a little bit.
(bit of a break from established proceedure and a free pass, since he's an ex-cop yanno..)

There's also suspicion in the case of a 17yr old girl who he transported, but no way to prove anything because the first day of her incarceration at casa by the sea, she committed suicide by jumping headfirst off a cliff.

The programs may be gone, but their poisonous and toxic debris remain with us, haunt us in the dark places of our society where nameless terror lurks and few ever go, and those that do, come back changed, or not at all.

Whether the guy in the news story at the top is fulla shit, or crazy, or both... or even WORSE, crazy, fulla shit, AND telling the truth as he remembers it...

It does bring to light some of the points I was making in the thread mentioned above.

Ain't no one gonna take him seriously - ain't no one gonna believe him.

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was convincing the world he didn't exist."
-Verbal Kint, Usual Suspects.

Really, pray you don't ever know as much as I do - and be forewarned, watch your kids.



Saturday, November 24, 2007 5:59 PM


I've come closer to some of this stuff than I would care even to admit to myself Frem. Let's just say that I've stuck my head in the rabbit hole but haven't managed to slip down it because my shoulders are too wide.

Just knowing what I know, and having experienced what I have experienced, it's still unimaginable to me exactly what could be done along these lines when you add all that political power, near limitless resources and a virtual get out of jail free card for when things really get out of hand. (Of course, scapegoats are always at hand should something become too public)

Add to the fact that some of this stuff is so damn outright attractive, alluring and ultimately addictive, I often find myself wondering how many people we have in power that are either under the influence directly or simply being blackmailed today for things that they did before that would not only ruin their political careers if they got out, but most likely every other aspect of their lives as well. (Much easier to blackmail into submissiveness rather than brainwash outright, for reasons such as those illustrated in that last link you posted about Ken Williams/Don LaRose.)


Crazy stuff you can get people to do if you get their mind in the right place.

I personally believe that every government sex scandal that we've heard about this year is directly involved with these insidious things happening behind the scenes.

Yeah... Senator Craig propositioning male sex in the mens washroom.... I can point you in the direction of more than a couple of girls who would have been able to get him to do something much more degrading than that in public. Perhaps he knew one of them?

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Saturday, November 24, 2007 8:41 PM


Well Jack, thing is, when I dive in the rabbit hole, so to speak, I bring a lifeboat with me, and I *always* bring it back.

Where do you think that support comes from, the information out of places you'd think a civvie unable to obtain it ?

I collect the human wreckage left behind by this stuff, do what I can to help em come to terms with it and sort out a something close to normal life - in exchange for their assistance in shovelling sand in the gears.

Been doin it a while, and pretty good at it by now, especially given practical applications of the work of Doc Bruce Perry and Alice Millers theorems, applied far later than the best point of intervention and less useful for all that, but still effective in combination with standard regimens for PTSD, one of which, unspoken and unacknowledged by the medical community - is revenge against what inflicted it upon you, because PTSD is essentially a fear reaction, and the human reaction to fear is to attack what makes you afraid in hopes of wrecking it's ability to harm you.

And so, once I pull em out of the maw of the beast, I teach em how to sandbag, monkeywrench, and manipulate elements of the system against itself, allowing them to strike back effectively without some stupid futile gesture which would only get them locked up in prison or an asylum.

The kind of loyalty you can buy with that is something you cannot measure or describe, and through all the horror and the hate and the darkness, every one of these "total write-offs" as they would be classed under DSM-IV actually manages to build a semi-normal life and live it is a tremendous victory of human resiliance and spirit, you see.

I also, as you know, collect washed up, used up, ex-soldiers who've otherwise failed in their attempts to re-enter civilian life, often made all the harder by physical disabilities as well.

It's not a one man band, by any means, and if some day I don't come back out of the rabbit hole, then it's down to the next one, there's plenty more well trained and skilled successors to the work, very willing to do it even if it destroys them mentally and emotionally in the process - the hard part is finding folk who's base nature is nasty enough to do it for any length of time without that happening.

But there's enough of them too, while the gentler folk can handle the aboveboard stuff without being poisoned by the horror so badly.

I posted in another thread, the two questions, considering the more important of em to be "What do you want?" - and what I want, more than anything, is a world where we do not destroy our own humanity by the savage maltreatment of our young.

We're unlikely to have that in my lifetime, but for a fact I mean to see it done, and so do all those survivors standing beside me in this.

Guess that parody version of Myers-Briggs wasn't so far off after all, eh ?

It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it