Caite is completely wrong - jasonzzz *NOT* a disgusting pornographer - definitely not troll

UPDATED: Wednesday, June 1, 2005 10:43
VIEWED: 2972
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Monday, May 30, 2005 6:56 PM


Look here, you have read some pretty vile accusations apparently about some pictures that I posted. It looks like there was quite a big misunderstanding as far as what I'd posted and what people had seen. Here's how it goes. Some sites play tricks and do switcheroo on you, when you look at the pictures from another site that doesn't have the right cookie, they serve up different pictures - sometimes to trick you and shock you...

I had the misfortune of using a STFU pic that did this. It was suppose to show you this, which was what about 80% of the people who read it saw:

( ask me about the context of why this STFU pic was invoked in the first place please! Before you go metal storm on me, tie me to the stake and burn me like Caite did. Thanks Caite! )

However, about 10 - 20% of the time, apparently the viewer saw something else. Pretty vile if you don't know the context of those pictures. Actually pretty vile still even if you do know.

Note the percentages are just from what I had sampled. I hit all 15 of pictures (the servers that served the various STFU pictures that I used) about 25000 each from about 10 different client locations - these were all cacheless fetches. I actually only got it about 25% of the time at only 2 of the client sites. The other 8 I didn't get any in all of those 25k fetches. So if you did see it, I am sorry, I don't know if you were just unlucky or what.

(note: added this after Misguided By Voices ( )commented that the above is nothing but *techno-babble* to s/him)

As for the "techno-babble" that you referred to as the full explanation to what happened, here's a lay-man's breakdown:

1. I posted a series of URL links of STFU pics on a particular posts.

2. The people who run one of the servers of the STFU pics apparently likes to play jokes and switches out the pictures for some of the people.

3. Some of the people did not see the STFU pic, they saw something else entirely. Note I did not post the things you guys had seen.


This is the offending link. You can piece it back together again if you like. Be forewarned, you might not like what you see at all...

(the offending link ... http:// j p g )

Anyways, what people saw was a collage of goatse... If you are not familiar with this piece of internet folklore. And it really has been around for a long while. Wikipedia has a clear explanation... Be prepared, even the explanation is graphic:

Here's a somewhat "clean" tribute to the goatse "art"

So, to Caite, StarPilot, and ChrisIsAll, my complete apologies that you had to learn about goatse from my misfortune.

I don't know how else to say it. I didn't know exactly how to take it when I saw the results - I'm not exactly shocked by it after all these years. I've known of this netlore for probably about 8 years now? I think... It was 97 or 98 when I had a really bad bout of spam emails and some of the first ones had links to the very original goatse website. It was pretty damn creepy when I first had that experience, that lasted for almost the entire summer... Yikes. That was also when I stopped listing my real address and any identifying info in my internic records.

If you needed an apology, that was it. I am still very adamant that I did nothing wrong in posting - I have no intention of exposing anyone to that kind of vileness, but I do wholeheartedly apologize that you had to see it. I am sickened that Caite would burn me at the stake - accusing me that I posted those vile pictures, and even now knowing that I had no intention of posting that kind of picture would still withhold a complete apology for torching first and asking questions later (actually never asked questions, I am pretty sure s/he still thinks that I attacked s/he personally for whatever reason)

Why sickened? I learned a lot more about the people "around" me, about the "community" of "people" here. Quick to judgement, "send the torches", "burn burn burn!". With absolutely no evidence of their own, many decided to go ahead and assumed that I had every intention of posting that vileness. Yeah, at first I fought back, but I had also demonstrated every single ounce of willingness to work with you and demonstrate to you that I did not post those pictures. But there was a complete lack of faith and willingness to figure things out. (At this point, I had to say that StarPilot did offer a helpful explanation, but pretty quickly turned when he plainly offered up his 2nd post unprovoked). Yeah, the people that I oft had disagreements with on numerous threads definitely wasn't going to help - but I had some sort of wishful thinking that being the self-proclaimed scientists and rational thinkers that they were, that they would offer to suspend the methodology being used on this baseless and factless witchhunt, to perhaps offer some of their "engrained" training and personal philosophy to help. Pithy, I guess the weren't the type of people they claim to have elevated themselves to be. I guess I can take a disquieting comfort that I'm surrounded by human beings after all. Thousands of years of human history haven't changed, we still base our judgements on emotions and we are just as quick to condemn others, even one of us who have lived here for so many years.

I hope, next time - armed with this piece of knowledge learned from this horrible experience, just ask "who posted the goatse" or "did you know your post when to a goatse"? Only if Caite had enough of an understanding to ask "Hey, what the heck were you thinking with that goatse". I would have said, "My sincere apologies, the links wasn't working right"

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Tuesday, May 31, 2005 12:40 AM


Telling people to STFU is not the way a decent person argues. It's rude, disrespectful, adds nothing and is trolling at its most basic. How long you've been here is irrelevent. You have no moral high ground to stand on so why you're even searching for it is beyond me.


Tuesday, May 31, 2005 4:18 AM


Yeah, I admit, it is rude and mean. I admit it would be shocking if you walked into the pool hall and expected to see people sitting cordially drinking lemonade and playing tinkly-winks. But people walked into a Real World Discussion where half the idiotic participants trade ad-hominem insults and completely non-sensical back-and-forths.

That was why a completely different section in this website called Real World Discussion was created because there were people here who couldn't contain themselves for what reason or another when they are discussing these "Real World Events" - *AND* other more gentle people no longer wanted to read those things. The STFU was in response to someone who couldn't argue his ground and started an ad-hominem by calling me a jackass. I've tried dancing around those things before - it doesn't work. I got tired of dancing around it. No, I'm not going to dance around this one either and say that it was all fine and dandy.

and I know that there are people who had never cursed one breath in their lives - I don't know any personally but I figured there might be. I am not one of those, I do use it. But I don't initiate attacks on other people.

But you are also acting like it's okay to brand someone a pornographer just because they were rude in the local poolhall. I think not.

I am not searching for any kind of moral high ground, all I want is the truth to be told - and a complete apology. Granted Caite didn't know what was going on when s/he saw those things. But even now, when the truth is here; there is no apologies. This isn't how things work. What you are telling me is that only someone completely virtuous - maybe Mother Theresa - can have the truth revealed and just compensation when they've been wronged.

I don't think we have that kind of twisted rules there even in England.

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Tuesday, May 31, 2005 5:11 AM


If you examine the containing directory ( ) you can see the offending files (I recommend *NOT* clicking on them if you are faint of heart, they are quite nasty); I'm willing to believe that the site occasionally redirects image requests as a practical joke, although I haven't done the experiment myself.

Jason, can you remove any links to that web site in your posts, and refrain from linking to that site in the future?

In fact, it would be nice if everyone could go easy on linking directly to large images or lots of images from within threads, since 'popular' threads take long enough to load as it is.

Also, even in the Real World Events forum, everyone should keep in mind Haken's posting policy, stated at the top of the page when you post a reply: "While we have an open policy concerning messages, please be civil when responding to others."


Jayne, your mouth is talkin. Might want to look into that.


Tuesday, May 31, 2005 6:09 AM



Originally posted by Jasonzzz:
I am not searching for any kind of moral high ground, all I want is the truth to be told - and a complete apology. Granted Caite didn't know what was going on when s/he saw those things. But even now, when the truth is here; there is no apologies. This isn't how things work.

I don't know what you need an apology for. While the pictures may not have been intentional, they represent a reckless disregard for good taste and civilized discourse caused by your own failed effort to be rude and vulgar.

For my part, I accept your explanation and apology but I still admonish you to avoid the underlying poor behaivor that CAUSED this whole business in the first place. You can disagree with people without resulting to "STFU" type language.



Tuesday, May 31, 2005 6:34 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The post that I saw had BOTH the goatse AND the STFU posts. If it was a just simple case of "redirection", only one set would have shown up- right?


Tuesday, May 31, 2005 12:28 PM


We all can understand how mistakes can be made.
It's just that a touch of humility would go a long way, IMHO.

Been known to be rude sometimes hisself Chrisisall


Tuesday, May 31, 2005 1:24 PM


I can and I have tried that. I'll take that tidbit again though. But please note that these are the very same familiar people who go off on their first responses with "jackasses" this and "jerkoff" that. You can kindly admonish those people too or is it just an exclusive club in admonishing Jason today?

There are lots of very similarly poor behavior, if we are basing and passing judgement today purely on poor behavior or even repeatedly poor ones, then let pass me the torch and I'll tie myself up and burn myself at stake. As long as the club expands its membership to many numerous other on our little "gang of four" here.

We can start with some of these other posts:

Ah, the ever useful STFU, gosh, other people use it too?

Originally posted by SignyM:
Your post hardly is worth a reply, but I'm going to anyway. When you have taken care of Terri for EIGHT YEARS- diapering her, feeding her, bathing her, amusing her- as her husband did- THEN you can come back and call him "evil". Until you've done that, shut the f*ck up.


This one is rather violent...

Originally posted by Knibblet:

"I'm gonna rip you a new puppet hole, bitch!"


Now, it's just not only personal, it's about the board member's mother!

Originally posted by Connorflynn:


According to Signym "IT'S NOT OK" to whack or interrogate terrorist bastards who kill people (because we may humiliate them or further anger them ) but it's ok to starve someone to death based on SOMEONE ELSES word even though there were NO OTHER MOTHER F'ing witnesses!!!!!

What a crock of shit.

Conscience just give it up, all the liberal douchebags on these boards are a bunch of hacks.

I think I get it now..the new "Progressive Credo"


I wonder how many people would cry out in anger and dismay from the liberal douchebag wing if we were to STARVE TO DEATH an animal, because "THEIR OWNER" said that the animal wouldn't want to live that way.


That's a nice string of rather colourful language.

Originally posted by Connorflynn:


I'm begging you to pack and move to Canada to live with all the other tree-hugging capitalism hating ass blasting dirt munchers.

I'll continue to have compassion for those who deserve it and those who don't can kiss my ass.


Political *and* descriptive from witlesschum:

Originally posted by witlesschum:

And if anyone wants to call me a godless, commie, heathen leftwing bleeding heart fuckhead, well I'm proud of it. Elitist might not be ok, though I do hope to one day make enough money to be an elitist liberal.



Or how about this one - describing a conversation Xed had with our very own SergeantX:

Originally posted by xed:


According to some people on this forum, like the out-of-control character assassin SergeantX, Firefly was *the* perfect show. No faults. No flaws. And the only reason these people (like the rabid name-caller SergeantX) can give for Firefly's failure is that everyone in America is apparently an idiot -- except SergeantX, of course.

Here is SergeantX's closely reasoned response:
"`Put up or shut up?' How about f*ck you? How about you quit trying to pretend your [sic] intelligent and go away?"
In response, naught but hysterical character assassination and crazed name-calling.
SergeantX: "How about f*ck you?"
Now there's a compelling argument if I ever heard one.
In between the berserk name-calling and the envenomed verbal abuse by a handful of people like SergeantX, this forum is leaving a very bad taste in everyone's mouth courtesy of out-of-control character assassination.
Consider, if you will, SergeantX's response to my remarks that the first couple of episodes of Firefly were clogged with expositoin, stopped dead in the middle when the narrative flow hit a brick wall, and full of depressing Friday-the-13th-style slasher ultraviolence:
SergeantX: "Now for the baseless name calling! You're a jerk, a pompous idiot, a sad little twerp.."
It's sad that this is the way people will remember Firefly -- as a show whose supporters are Joseph McCarthy-style smear artists like SergeantX who refuse to admit that A*N*Y episode of this fine show was A*N*Y*T*H*I*N*G elss than 100% totally perfect.
Firefly -- the show with so-called "fans" whose only reaction to the show's cancellation is to scream vicious insults at everyone in close proximity.
With fans like SergeantX and other like-minded name-callers and character assassins, does Firefly really need enemies?

Wow. how can you argue against that!

Originally posted by SignyM:

Can you please for once come up with something insightful, or at least not so single-mindedly bloody stupid?


hmmm... what kind of animal is a jackass?

Originally posted by Tallgrrl:
Um, fool---I mean Skywalken--you need to get some facts together before you post and make yourself look like a jackass.


My "pal" Finn, who is probably the most sane one around but still couldn't deal with it on his high horse.

Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:

Ah, I see. So if the definition in the dictionary doesn’t agree with what you want to be true, then go find some internet site that will tell you what you want to hear. That’s classic, Vizzini. However, you’re full of crap. A definition isn’t “dated” because you don’t like it.

That's a good pleasant way to keep the conversation going...

Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:

He's a fruitcake.


Here's one of the fine examples where our friend SigmaNunki is demonstrating his superior intellect by summarily browbeating a fellow on the net with the fact that how much SigmaNunki is completely right and his arguing opponent is so irreversibly wrong that there is no redemption:

Originally posted by SigmaNunki:
I do not have time to go through some american "news" paper looking for an obscure article. I've already stated that I wanted a link (which you've failed to supply). And I've already stated a preference to a real news paper (ie non-US). This one is in "Grants Pass, OR". I really don't know why you have such trouble with simple instructions.

And if your "quote" is accruate, it hardly constitutes a death threat. Probably just more right wing BS designed as a "weapon of mass distraction."

Here's one where SigmaNunki is acting like the "Mister Rogers from Canada" and demonstrating how swearing on this board is just completely wrong!

Originally posted by SigmaNunki:
Listen to me you arrogrant peice of shit. Socialism isn't something that can be nailed down in one sentence. It is a broad term that encompases a range.


So then, the government owns all the facilities in a country that is Socialist?!?!? This is pure crap.

In your definition there is a word "advocating" which means that the government advocats it, but it is not necessary to actually have it.

In my definition posted above, there is the word "often" means not necessarily.

My wiki link provides a much better explination of the term. You should read it, you might learn something.

And if you were wondering not only was SigmaNunki wrong, but we are a bunch of spelling Nazi's too.

Ah, here's yet another one, you are probably tired of these things, but take heart, this is all from just one thread!

Originally posted by SigmaNunki:

Originally posted by AnthonyT:

I agree that the key to success is a balance. But it's important to note that Socialism is not balance. Socialism is not Norway's strong social programs floating in a democratic country with capitalist tendencies. Socialism is absolute. The government owns everything, and distributes according to need. (Or, what they perceive the need to be.)

Ok, I'm breaking my not participating b/c this is just effectively one big lie. I don't blame you, I just really think you don't understand it.

There is a major difference between modern socialism and what you discribe. You are probably confusing it with Marxism or Leninism.

Please update your knowledge.

Going back to /ignore.

Clever! the British variant.

Originally posted by xenocide:


Feel free to ignore me. Glad if you do. Since you can't make an argument without resorting to juvenile name calling, and can't make an argument based on reason at all. Feel free to sod off.


But to your inquiry, I have kindly asked numerous times for an apology specifically in having this escalate to completely outrageous proportions based on one act that I am accused of that I did not do. That's all. Yeah, I have already admittedly that the original stuff was in poor taste taking out of context. But here what you are saying that had the pictures that I intended to post been ones of Mother Theresa - I would have been any less villified? I am asking you to look at that one thing alone - by itself - you are in the lawyering profession, so I'm asking you to look at just the facts for this one thing and not drag in everything else at it. What I ate for lunch nor anything else is relevant. I was accused of something that I did not do, that's the only thing I really oppose here.


Originally posted by Hero:

Originally posted by Jasonzzz:
I am not searching for any kind of moral high ground, all I want is the truth to be told - and a complete apology. Granted Caite didn't know what was going on when s/he saw those things. But even now, when the truth is here; there is no apologies. This isn't how things work.

I don't know what you need an apology for. While the pictures may not have been intentional, they represent a reckless disregard for good taste and civilized discourse caused by your own failed effort to be rude and vulgar.

For my part, I accept your explanation and apology but I still admonish you to avoid the underlying poor behaivor that CAUSED this whole business in the first place. You can disagree with people without resulting to "STFU" type language.


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Tuesday, May 31, 2005 1:27 PM


Actually in this case no, since the fifteen things were from different sites. And the one site that was doing it was doing it only about 20% of the time - as far as by node locations any ways. Took me a little while to figure it out and confirm my suspicious even after the clues.


Originally posted by SignyM:
The post that I saw had BOTH the goatse AND the STFU posts. If it was a just simple case of "redirection", only one set would have shown up- right?

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Tuesday, May 31, 2005 1:39 PM


Hi Chris,

I am not sure how much more humility on my side I can give when I got roasted on something that I didn't do. Isn't it innocent until proven guilty (with evidence?!). I did really feel bad and made a complete apology to every single person who had posted that they saw those things.

Not one! Not one single person came forward to help, all I got were people with torches ready to burn to barn. I asked Shiny what he saw before he deleted those posts, and he said that he himself didn't see anything even close to what were described - but he took out the posts anyways based on request. (Note, this is my paraphrase. I'd post what he said, but that was a private message and I don't have his permission to post it as of yet)

What would you think if you were tried and summarily sentenced for something that you didn't do - then have to do everything yourself to try and show that you were innocent; and still end of with the sentence over your head?

I have apologied for the fact that anyone here had to see those things - but I did not post those things.

I have taken the responsibility myself to track down the facts and what had happened and presented them here.

All I ask is a simple apology post facts for burning me without any evidence and not working with me on trying to figure things out.

Is everyone is closing ranks and telling me that each and everyone of us only deserve to have the evidence bear out before judgement *only* if we are the ultimate in character? What would each one of us find offensive? slightly offensive? moderately offensive? I have humility, but I am also asking if this is the kind of treatment you would expect for yourself? Someone find it offensive that you would put wearing leather shoes and condemns you for everything else that you did - even if it's trumped up, is that ok?


Originally posted by chrisisall:
We all can understand how mistakes can be made.
It's just that a touch of humility would go a long way, IMHO.

Been known to be rude sometimes hisself Chrisisall

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Tuesday, May 31, 2005 2:38 PM


Okay, Jason, I myself got slammed for making a joke that was innocent enough, but got taken out of context, and to the person who was offended it was irritating, she had no idea of my playful intent. I appoligized profusely, and stated no harm was meant. I don't know if she forgave me, as she did post a reply. I really felt bad 'bout that. So I kinda know that end of it.
But you were disrupting a thread you had no intention of participating in. Even if the 'skin' stuff hadn't accidentally made it in to your post, just crappin' posts is rude enough. I would expect to be recieved in a less than kindly manner myself were it me.

But enough of that. Let's start clean.

Hey, Jasonzzz, next time I post something anywhere, I look foward to your reply. Okay? We are all FireFlyFans here, after all.

Sorry I got so riled up Chrisisall


Tuesday, May 31, 2005 2:38 PM


And yet another case of him/her not being able to let things go.

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Tuesday, May 31, 2005 2:44 PM


Can we move this whole thread to the troll room?


Tuesday, May 31, 2005 3:36 PM


Thanks for the peace branch Chris. I appreciate that, I have admit again and again that it was bad behavior. But there's two things that I need to absolutely get across: one is that I did not post those disgusting pictures, and two is that I absolutely am not going to be crash dummy for the same behavior that is demonstrated again and again here on this very board. I'm not saying that it's ok, I'm saying if you guys are deciding to not like what I did - don't use me as a poster boy, go after these other people too.

If you drink, I'd buy you a beer later; if not, we can just sit on the porch and have some sweet-tea.


Originally posted by chrisisall:
Okay, Jason, I myself got slammed for making a joke that was innocent enough, but got taken out of context, and to the person who was offended it was irritating, she had no idea of my playful intent. I appoligized profusely, and stated no harm was meant. I don't know if she forgave me, as she did post a reply. I really felt bad 'bout that. So I kinda know that end of it.
But you were disrupting a thread you had no intention of participating in. Even if the 'skin' stuff hadn't accidentally made it in to your post, just crappin' posts is rude enough. I would expect to be recieved in a less than kindly manner myself were it me.

But enough of that. Let's start clean.

Hey, Jasonzzz, next time I post something anywhere, I look foward to your reply. Okay? We are all FireFlyFans here, after all.

Sorry I got so riled up Chrisisall

Haken needs a new development system. Donate.


Tuesday, May 31, 2005 3:41 PM


You certainly like to hear yourself talk, don't you? is it that or are "the people in the know" whispering to you again?


I especially love it when you add value to a discussion like this:

Originally posted by SigmaNunki:
Hero, in all seriousness fuck off.

You have had nothing to offer this discussion at the beginning and you still don't now.

So, stop acting like a troll and go away until you have something to add that's relevant.


Originally posted by SigmaNunki:
And yet another case of him/her not being able to let things go.

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show

Haken needs a new development system. Donate.


Tuesday, May 31, 2005 3:49 PM


Thanks very much Shiny, I've removed the link that went to that one site before. I think I was pretty thorough, but if there are others, please let me know asap or just kill it.



Originally posted by Shiny:

Jason, can you remove any links to that web site in your posts, and refrain from linking to that site in the future?

In fact, it would be nice if everyone could go easy on linking directly to large images or lots of images from within threads, since 'popular' threads take long enough to load as it is.

Also, even in the Real World Events forum, everyone should keep in mind Haken's posting policy, stated at the top of the page when you post a reply: "While we have an open policy concerning messages, please be civil when responding to others."


Jayne, your mouth is talkin. Might want to look into that.

Haken needs a new development system. Donate.


Tuesday, May 31, 2005 4:50 PM


I disagree with your opinion that this whole thread is troll. The discussion is "real world" and spot on, and belongs appropriately in the "Real World Discussions".


Originally posted by dietcoke:
Can we move this whole thread to the troll room?

Haken needs a new development system. Donate.


Tuesday, May 31, 2005 4:57 PM


Jesus, Jason. Didn't your momma give you any lovin' as a kid? I've never seen anyone so in need of attention.

I'll second the troll country request. This asshat has wasted enough of our time.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Tuesday, May 31, 2005 5:17 PM


Don't come into this thread and troll about my mom. If you expect higher level of sensible and civil behavior, then you can quit that too. You don't want any rational discussion. But now we know what kind of hypocrite you are, so your post can go to Troll Country.


Originally posted by SergeantX:
Jesus, Jason. Didn't your momma give you any lovin' as a kid? I've never seen anyone so in need of attention.

I'll second the troll country request. This asshat has wasted enough of our time.


Haken needs a new development system. Donate.


Tuesday, May 31, 2005 5:17 PM


2x post


Tuesday, May 31, 2005 5:29 PM



"Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." - Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi


Wednesday, June 1, 2005 8:27 AM



For my part, and as a virtual n00b compared to the majority of the site, I recommend you ignore the nasty comments and then reflect upon your own posts. There are young Fans who frequent this site, and as a loving father of a three year old, I know that I wouldn’t want her to see many of the images that you have posted. That being said, when I was completely new here I thought you were a moderator, your consistent support for Haken’s efforts are admirable, and I myself placed you among the higher echelon with Shiny and Haken himself.

As the tired adage states: Respect goes both ways. Do us all a favor and retain the air and dignity that you have always presented, help us to maintain the order and purpose of our eclectic society.


Go sign my Guest Book,
Then download Serenity,
And remember, Roni's watching you.

And So Are They.


Wednesday, June 1, 2005 8:48 AM



I appreciate your posting. I definitely am willing to get all of these things under the bridge and really want to do so. But as we speak, these posts containing all of these lies and falsehoods are behind cached and archived on the net for perpetuity. If some "young posters" on this board are willing to "stumble" into threads and single me out of all of the other "nasty" posters - imagine what the net-at-large would be willing to do when they see the cached copies of these lies?

What would you do if not 1 but 2 threads on this board is dedicated to trashing your name? all without evidence? would you demand a complete and immediate retraction? or just let it sit and ignore it?

I think I am beyond being reasonably patient in asking for a simple act of contrition. I consider this now an active act of libel and defamation - especially so after the fact. A complete retraction would be nice, but getting those two "Troll" threads in connection with my handle completely obliterated would be an alternative.

As for me, I have lost just a little bit more faith in the people around me. I don't think I am a saint, I like the things that I like, I don't hurt or harm people, I don't go on rampages. But now I have witness more acts of complete dogmatic bias, hypocritical provincialism, and outright amateurish self-conceit - right here. I hope that no one here is next on the list for this completely idiotic lynching by your gullible peers - especially not Caite; since you haven't learn the lesson, you really wouldn't know what the heck hit you.

And as for kids, I don't let my kids around my computer when I'm doing anything. Especially so when I am posting here - and not only because of the words I use, but especially because of the violent emoticons that are shown each and everytime I post. The shooting, the blundgeoning of one against another with a hammer, the smily with the finger, the I'm stupid, the smoking, the smiley with the knife thru its head, and the dead hanging disembodied head. I'm not a puritan, but these are the basics of things that my kids aren't ready to be exposed to yet, let alone other written words or pictures.

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Wednesday, June 1, 2005 10:39 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

This is just repetitive, worse, it's boring.
I don't think any amount of hyperventilating (or veiled threat) is going to either 1) make people grant you the respect you think you deserve, or 2) get people interested in 'your cause' at all.
Get some sleep, turn down the amp in your head, have a nice day, and come back refreshed.
There are certainly other topics for other days waiting for good debate.


Wednesday, June 1, 2005 10:43 AM


So it would be ok to start a couple of threads to burn your effigy? Let me know and maybe we can get the village clan here ready with their torches.

People are asking for better explanations, they want answers. I am trying to be patient in explaning them. If you find it boring, you can start you own thread and talk about something else. No one is forcing you or gluing your eyeballs to this. Those remarks are completely extraneous and unnecessary - it just serves to troll things up and rile up people.

As for threats, I don't know where you are getting them from, but -as normal- your pitiful attempt to mischaracterize this unfortunate situation is going nowhere.

Have fun and have a nice day ... elsewhere.

Haken needs a new development system. Donate.






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The End of Constitutional America
Mon, June 3, 2024 10:34 - 88 posts
Mid-Term 2026 US Elections
Mon, June 3, 2024 10:32 - 22 posts
Today's Democrats in Big Cities are So Bad Chicago is About to Have a Straight White Male for Mayor Again
Mon, June 3, 2024 10:29 - 10 posts
The worst Pedophile Judges, Rogue Prosecutors, Demonic Criminal Supporting Lawyers and Corrupt District Attorney in the history of the United States of America? and other Banana republic
Mon, June 3, 2024 10:18 - 23 posts
Glenn Greenwald (darling of progressives): The deep state is at war with Trump
Mon, June 3, 2024 10:16 - 31 posts
Manhattan DA Bragg sues Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan
Mon, June 3, 2024 10:09 - 5 posts
Voter fraud - American election vastly corrupted
Mon, June 3, 2024 10:07 - 149 posts
Mon, June 3, 2024 09:54 - 854 posts
Rachel Maddow chokes back tears
Mon, June 3, 2024 09:51 - 22 posts