LOL @ Women's U.S. Soccer Team

UPDATED: Thursday, August 10, 2023 11:21
VIEWED: 5309
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Monday, August 7, 2023 9:07 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Where did your attitudes come from? From Trump:

Donald Trump Mocks Megan Rapinoe After USWNT World Cup Loss: 'Nice Shot'

By Ewan Palmer On 8/7/23 at 4:20 AM EDT

Former President Donald Trump has mocked Megan Rapinoe for her penalty miss against Sweden in the Women's World Cup, while claiming the USWNT's elimination from the competition is proof that "woke equals failure."

Numerous conservative figures chose to mock Rapinoe and the USWNT after their defeat because of their "woke" views. There had been criticism of the team for largely staying silent rather than singing during the playing of the national anthem before each game.

Trump and Rapinoe, who is gay and campaigns for LGBTQ+ rights and gender equality, have had a long-running feud dating back to when she was among the first prominent sport stars to kneel during the national anthem to protest against police brutality in 2017.

"The 'shocking and totally unexpected' loss by the U.S. Women's Soccer Team to Sweden is fully emblematic of what is happening to the our once great Nation under Crooked Joe Biden," Trump posted on Truth Social on Sunday night.

"Many of our players were openly hostile to America—No other country behaved in such a manner, or even close. WOKE EQUALS FAILURE. Nice shot Megan, the USA is going to Hell!!! MAGA," he wrote.

In the 1960's I noticed that the adults who were complete assholes (beat up wives or girlfriends or their own families/got fired from jobs/struggled with alcohol/were always short on money/endless number of accidents and illnesses caused by their neglectfulness/etc.) were Nixon supporters. Their children and grandchildren, I have noticed, are today's assholes (with even more problems than their 1960's relatives) and are also Trump supporters. I see a powerful connection between their screwed-up and sad lives, their political affiliations, and their opinions on sports and movies.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, August 7, 2023 11:30 AM


Megan was right.

They should have let chicks with dicks on the team and the USWNT would have beat everybody else 20-0.

Get fucked, Second. I don't follow Trump. You do.

Americans are tired of fatherless and Anti-American behavior being praised by the elite.

Democrats are cancer.

And if you really think that Trump is the problem, you've got another thing coming. He's just a scalpel. And if you were ever to manage to break that scalpel, we'll find another one. And then another one. And another one.

Nobody is happy with the direction of our country right now. If it weren't for the cultists on the left, the polls would mirror that statistic against the Democratic party.

It may take some time, but eventually when things get bad enough for everyone they will.

And it's not the people who are laughing about the Women's Soccer Team embarrassing themselves that are assholes. It's the Women's Soccer Team who are the assholes. Get some decent talent back on the team instead of women who care more about their agenda and social media dopamine hits than playing the game they're being paid to play.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Wednesday, August 9, 2023 1:28 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Get fucked, Second. I don't follow Trump. You do.

Americans are tired of fatherless and Anti-American behavior being praised by the elite.

Democrats are cancer.

And if you really think that Trump is the problem, you've got another thing coming. He's just a scalpel. And if you were ever to manage to break that scalpel, we'll find another one. And then another one. And another one.

Nobody is happy with the direction of our country right now. If it weren't for the cultists on the left, the polls would mirror that statistic against the Democratic party.

It may take some time, but eventually when things get bad enough for everyone they will.

And it's not the people who are laughing about the Women's Soccer Team embarrassing themselves that are assholes. It's the Women's Soccer Team who are the assholes. Get some decent talent back on the team instead of women who care more about their agenda and social media dopamine hits than playing the game they're being paid to play.

Why Conservatives Absolutely Hate the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team

The far-right has always been weird about soccer, but the U.S. Women’s National Team really gets their forehead vein popping.

Aug 08, 2023 6:48 PM

“WOKE EQUALS FAILURE,” posted Donald Trump, to his many sunburnt followers on Truth Social. “Nice shot Megan, the USA is going to Hell!”

“When they lost, I wasn’t sad,” added Franklin Graham, the useless scion of celebrity pastor Billy Graham, who honestly has an underrated case of being the worst of all American characters. “I wish I didn’t feel that way, but when players think it is more about them than the nation they represent, I can’t support that.”

And here’s Alexi Lalas, former U.S. men’s team player, DeSantis backer, and longtime soccer commentator, who echoed these hollow concerns. “Don’t kill the messenger. This USWNT is polarizing. Politics, causes, stances, and behavior have made this team unlikeable to a portion of America,” he tweeted. “This team has built its brand and has derived its power from being the best/winning. If that goes away they risk becoming irrelevant.”

The place of women’s soccer in post-Trump America has gotten weird. The hatred of the USWNT is not the project of a fringe, trollish contingency in the American ecosystem—these aren’t pickled tweets from anonymous hucksters delivered solely to get a rise out of us. No, this has become a genuine fixture of the conservative media content strategy—an orthodox opinion that will be shared by pretty much everyone sharing the GOP debate stage this winter. The fundamentals of their discontent are pretty straightforward. The members of the U.S. women’s team have espoused progressive opinions about equal pay, social justice, and LGBTQ+ rights, none of which Republicans like. But the full saga of this cold war is much longer, and much stranger. Let me recap it all, in three parts.

More at

6ixStringJack, you forget that I live around your kind of people. They don't prosper in America for obvious reasons which have always been incomprehensible to them, at least since I first started paying close attention to the adults around me in East Texas who weren't successful but think they should be. They are thinking wrong about themselves, but nothing is gonna change their minds to force them to understand that their weird psychology causes their own downfall. 6ix, you are perfectly free in America to be the biggest failure you can be. Many Americans take full advantage of that freedom to really screw up their lives without knowing what they did to themselves. Then they find someone else to blame, usually a Democrat or a Jew or a black, or someone gay who plays soccer.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, August 9, 2023 2:59 PM



Originally posted by second:
6ixStringJack, you forget that I live around your kind of people.

I don't forget that you lie constantly about everything and that nobody gives one single shit about your fantasy-land anecdotes.

The rest of your reply went unread, as per usual.

Get fucked, retard.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Wednesday, August 9, 2023 6:35 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by second:
6ixStringJack, you forget that I live around your kind of people.

I don't forget that you lie constantly about everything and that nobody gives one single shit about your fantasy-land anecdotes.

The rest of your reply went unread, as per usual.

Get fucked, retard.

People who waste their life thinking hatefully about women's soccer do NOT prosper, 6ix. In so few words you demonstrated your psychology. Does it ever cross your mind that is the reason your life went in odd and unfruitful directions? I keep seeing this in so many Americans, over and over, how their funny little brains process the world and the results, the bitter lives. But you got to be you, totally free to fail.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, August 9, 2023 9:21 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by second:
6ixStringJack, you forget that I live around your kind of people.

I don't forget that you lie constantly about everything and that nobody gives one single shit about your fantasy-land anecdotes.

The rest of your reply went unread, as per usual.

Get fucked, retard.

People who waste their life thinking hatefully about women's soccer do NOT prosper, 6ix. In so few words you demonstrated your psychology.

Oh, shut the fuck up dude.

1 week from now I'll never give the USWNT or Rapino another second of thought for the rest of my life.

You can't go a single fucking day without talking about Trump even though he hasn't been in a position of power since January 20th, 2021.

Look in the mirror, retard.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Wednesday, August 9, 2023 9:35 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

1 week from now I'll never give the USWNT or Rapino another second of thought for the rest of my life.

You can't go a single fucking day without talking about Trump even though he hasn't been in a position of power since January 20th, 2021.

Look in the mirror, retard.

Gay soccer players are your scapegoats for now, but you will find new goats to blame. You need to start owning your problems rather than blaming Democrats. But Trump allows you to place responsibility for your sorrows on somebody who had nothing to do with screwing up your life, so you believe Trump.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, August 9, 2023 10:38 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

1 week from now I'll never give the USWNT or Rapino another second of thought for the rest of my life.

You can't go a single fucking day without talking about Trump even though he hasn't been in a position of power since January 20th, 2021.

Look in the mirror, retard.

Gay soccer players are your scapegoats for now, but you will find new goats to blame. You need to start owning your problems rather than blaming Democrats. But Trump allows you to place responsibility for your sorrows on somebody who had nothing to do with screwing up your life, so you believe Trump.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

My life is just fine, idiot. How was work today?

I don't have scapegoats because I don't have problems I need to blame on anybody else. I'm doing better than 95% of the people in this country, and I don't even have to work at it.

We're through with the societal issues that Democrats have inflicted on every one. Everybody in your own party hates everyone else in your own party. You're the umbrella party of fuck ups, hate-mongers, racists and whining little bitches.

The tides are turning. Back to the caves with all of you.

And when that happens, and it's going to happen soon. If you can't hack it, maybe you should think long and hard about how much you want to keep living here in America, or on this planet for that matter.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Wednesday, August 9, 2023 11:38 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

My life is just fine, idiot. How was work today?

I don't have scapegoats because I don't have problems I need to blame on anybody else. I'm doing better than 95% of the people in this country, and I don't even have to work at it.

We're through with the societal issues that Democrats have inflicted on every one. Everybody in your own party hates everyone else in your own party. You're the umbrella party of fuck ups, hate-mongers, racists and whining little bitches.

The tides are turning. Back to the caves with all of you.

And when that happens, and it's going to happen soon. If you can't hack it, maybe you should think long and hard about how much you want to keep living here in America, or on this planet for that matter.

6ix, let me quote you: " Like I said, there's been about 3 weeks now where I was doing pretty much everything wrong. In a funk... Not working on projects. Letting the lawn go too long. Napping in the afternoon after a full night of sleep. Eating more carbs than I should be when I'm not working for it. Etc... Yanno... Winter behavior. " -

6ix, you have (an autoimmune disease) an allergy to . . . yourself with type 1 diabetes. Then you have weird obsessions with Disney, soccer players, etc. Exactly the same obsessions as other nationally known Republican politicians. 6ix, you are not right in the head which is why your life went horribly wrong. But you are not alone. Every Trumptard I know was obviously nuts before Trump came along and their difficult lives follow from the crazy ways they handle problems at work, at home, when they are just wandering around America in dazed confusion. Come to think of it, Trump has never handled well his problems. He has had decades of problems at work, at home. Wherever he goes Trump needs lawyers to untangle the knots he ties in his life. That is the attraction between him and his Trumptards, the screwed-up mess he made out of life.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, August 10, 2023 1:23 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

My life is just fine, idiot. How was work today?

I don't have scapegoats because I don't have problems I need to blame on anybody else. I'm doing better than 95% of the people in this country, and I don't even have to work at it.

We're through with the societal issues that Democrats have inflicted on every one. Everybody in your own party hates everyone else in your own party. You're the umbrella party of fuck ups, hate-mongers, racists and whining little bitches.

The tides are turning. Back to the caves with all of you.

And when that happens, and it's going to happen soon. If you can't hack it, maybe you should think long and hard about how much you want to keep living here in America, or on this planet for that matter.

6ix, let me quote you: " Like I said, there's been about 3 weeks now where I was doing pretty much everything wrong. In a funk... Not working on projects. Letting the lawn go too long. Napping in the afternoon after a full night of sleep. Eating more carbs than I should be when I'm not working for it. Etc... Yanno... Winter behavior. " -

6ix, you have (an autoimmune disease) an allergy to . . . yourself with type 1 diabetes.

Yes. I know all of this. I typed it.

I didn't type it for you, but because I'm plagued with your presence here and you read every single thing that I post because you're obsessed with me of course you saw it.

That's fine. I read almost nothing that you post since most of it is lies and delusions of a psychopath. And if you went away tomorrow and never posted here again, I wouldn't think of you ever again. It would be as if you never even existed.

In fact, you mean so little to me that the second I'm done typing this out I'm not going to give you a moment of thought until the next time you quote something I say and then follow it up with whatever unrelated dumb shit that floats around in that diseased brain of yours.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Thursday, August 10, 2023 7:28 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Yes. I know all of this. I typed it.

I didn't type it for you, but because I'm plagued with your presence here and you read every single thing that I post because you're obsessed with me of course you saw it.

That's fine. I read almost nothing that you post since most of it is lies and delusions of a psychopath. And if you went away tomorrow and never posted here again, I wouldn't think of you ever again. It would be as if you never even existed.

In fact, you mean so little to me that the second I'm done typing this out I'm not going to give you a moment of thought until the next time you quote something I say and then follow it up with whatever unrelated dumb shit that floats around in that diseased brain of yours.


How you do anything is how you do everything.

Pay attention to your own signature: "How you do anything is how you do everything." You messed up your life, 6ix, with alcohol, unemployment, politics and a thousand other things you wisely haven't talked about because of shamefulness. Women's soccer is not to blame for your life. And Trump cannot fix your life for you. He cannot even clean up his own mess.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, August 10, 2023 11:21 AM


Strong and independent Women's soccer doesn't need a straight white male White Knighting for it. Get off your horse. You're embarrassing yourself.

If they didn't want to get involved in politics, they shouldn't have made themselves all about politics. They might have won a game or two had they focused on what they were being paid to do.

I don't give a single fuck about Women's Soccer. I don't give a single fuck about Men's Soccer for that matter. These women meant absolutely nothing to me before, and once they fade from the media cycle they'll mean absolutely nothing to me again.

But the worst part of it for them is that they don't matter to most of the people who cared about Women's Soccer anymore either. And for that... They have no one but themselves to blame.

I'm actually quite fond of the USWNT Comedy Troupe. This was the funniest thing that anybody has ever made in 2023:

Who says women can't be funny?


How you do anything is how you do everything.






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