The EPA just got neutered

UPDATED: Friday, September 23, 2022 14:52
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Sunday, September 18, 2022 9:05 AM



Sunday, September 18, 2022 9:13 AM


Expect agencies like the CDC to be similarly neutered in the coming years as well.

It's not often that our representatives represent the will of The People, but if the government is going to force mandates on us whenever it suits them, then it's going to damn well be done through a vote by the people who We voted in and not by some jagoffs like Fauci who aren't accountable for any of their mistakes.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Sunday, September 18, 2022 4:03 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Having worked in a regulatory agency, a lot depends on the original law or charter which established the agency in the first place, and whether the law was subsequently amended by the legislature to expand it's scope. Sometimes the charter is written in such a way to permit expansion of it's original authority. For example, if the EPAs charter was written to encompass protect the environment to protect the health and wellbeing of the population.... well, that covers a lot of ground including toxics and (potentially) greenhouse gas emissions ( if you can show that GHG affects health and well being.)

It's a point of law.

Now, if the Supreme Court would only rule that the WH could NOT engage in hostile action abroad w)o Congress declaring war... And make it stick this time.. that would be a big step in the right direction.

Thanks for the info. I like to keep up with the latest

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Sunday, September 18, 2022 8:04 PM


No problem.

This one wasn't even on my radar, and the video was made a week ago. I didn't see it mentioned at all on the RCP headlines (which I check every day) and nobody else I watch on YouTube even mentioned it.

The guy who made this video is the guy I followed to fix my car twice now over the years. He's a retired mechanic.

In the last year his format has changed from making how-to videos to steering into politics (mainly as they pertain to vehicles) as well as doing long Q&A segments.

I appreciate that he has the free time to research this stuff that is related to his life-long field and bring it to everyone's attention.

P.S. I love hearing about the possibility that vehicle emission testing will be ended and I won't have to hope that the court case against the state of Indiana that's been in limbo since December of 2021 finally sees some action before my next test.

That's one of the biggest scams that the EPA has going for them, and it is the definition of disproportionately affecting the poor.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Monday, September 19, 2022 12:27 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

It's unlikely that vehicle emissions testing will be done away with, at least n the grounds that it's outside the EPA's scope bc they're not testing for fuel efficiency or greenhouse gas emissions (the point of this ruling) but for wht are called "priority pollutants" ... pollutants that have been in the EPA's purview since the inception of the Clean Air Act.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Monday, September 19, 2022 8:38 AM


Well there's always "Plan B".

It turns out that you don't actually have to play by their rules.

But the nerve of our government to screw over poor people like that. Especially with car prices as high as they are today.

Most folk don't know there is a $9 fix that doesn't involve a snake oil product that won't fix your car or pouring 2 gallons of lacquer thinner in the gas tank and driving at illegal speeds until the tank is empty. Had I known at the time I'd be about $100 richer right now myself.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Friday, September 23, 2022 11:26 AM


Vehicle taxes and road paperwork tax theft seems like a scam, the Carbon credits thing buying credits from one poor nation so another can pollute more seems a bit idiotic but the EPA wasn't always bad.

Calling an entire agency that takes filth out of your rivers bad, protects against poison and toxins entering the soil and air seems dumb.
Maybe this is what happens when you switch from one brainwashing clown party to another, you just puke up and vomit whatever gibberish they preach, and you parrot whatever they tell you without thinking for yourself

EPA was started by a Republican, Nixon ...Conservation of your clean backyard is not some Leftwing Democrat conspiracy...why does everything have to be a conspiracy?

Nuclear pollutes less than coal. I for one think we should drive Nuclear Cars, they even had a Ford back in its day had a 'Nucleon' it was a nuclear-powered concept car, maybe if streets were not filled with crimes and drugs and shootings, we could do it bigger like Train or Bus. Plus use something like Thorium instead, almost impossible to weaponize into a bomb, others around this world are investing in Cold Fusion it was once a story from scifi books but the tech gets closer each year, pure Hydrogen like the Sun.
If you're going to insist on some new electric thing at least have Nuke Plants or some power grid ready to back it up.

Gasoline has done fine in modernizing the world yet I am also not a fan of buying Oil from terroristic jihadis the Middle East as buying that demon black blood buried under those sands it gives power to a demonic culture of mohammedans that rape little boys and girls, terrorize others and take slaves, Russia is also in this commodity and fuel business which the stupid unprepared West is in a state of economic war, 28 pages cenosred from that 911 report to appease Saudi.

Not every place will be ready with alt power, not every place can have a reactor, human stupidity shows people shelling power plants in the Russia Ukraine War and it might be a bad idea to build a reactor along fault zones like Japan or Commiefornia.

You can get away from an Addiction-To-Oil but that would require alternatives, building Nuclear like the French a nd Chinese have done, Solar, Wind, massive Hydro Dams other ethanol bio fuels or drilling near home.

Planning ahead is something the West is not doing very well these days.


Friday, September 23, 2022 2:52 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Vehicle taxes and road paperwork tax theft seems like a scam, the Carbon credits thing buying credits from one poor nation so another can pollute more seems a bit idiotic

I was never for "market-based pollution control". It creates an incentive to pollute so you can get "credits" for reducing your pollution. also, most of those "credit" schemes turn out to be frauds. There was an investigator who tried tracking down HOW those credits were being generated and in the five cses that he investigated, NOBODY was doing what they said they were doing.


but the EPA wasn't always bad.

Calling an entire agency that takes filth out of your rivers bad, protects against poison and toxins entering the soil and air seems dumb.
Maybe this is what happens when you switch from one brainwashing clown party to another, you just puke up and vomit whatever gibberish they preach, and you parrot whatever they tell you without thinking for yourself



EPA was started by a Republican, Nixon ...Conservation of your clean backyard is not some Leftwing Democrat conspiracy...why does everything have to be a conspiracy?
Once upon a time, the government wasn't so bad. Unfortunately it's been entirely captured by big money. Lofty goals like R2P and Green Energy are now just money giveaways to oligopolies.


Nuclear pollutes less than coal. I for one think we should drive Nuclear Cars,
The engineering around that is just too big to be lugging around by car. I don't know how they power satellites long-term ... maybe they use plutonium plus the Seebeck effect?


they even had a Ford back in its day had a 'Nucleon' it was a nuclear-powered concept car, maybe if streets were not filled with crimes and drugs and shootings, we could do it bigger like Train or Bus. Plus use something like Thorium instead, almost impossible to weaponize into a bomb, others around this world are investing in Cold Fusion it was once a story from scifi books but the tech gets closer each year, pure Hydrogen like the Sun.
If you're going to insist on some new electric thing at least have Nuke Plants or some power grid ready to back it up.

Gasoline has done fine in modernizing the world yet I am also not a fan of buying Oil from terroristic jihadis the Middle East as buying that demon black blood buried under those sands it gives power to a demonic culture of mohammedans that rape little boys and girls, terrorize others and take slaves, Russia is also in this commodity and fuel business which the stupid unprepared West is in a state of economic war, 28 pages cenosred from that 911 report to appease Saudi.

Not every place will be ready with alt power, not every place can have a reactor, human stupidity shows people shelling power plants in the Russia Ukraine War and it might be a bad idea to build a reactor along fault zones like Japan or Commiefornia.

You can get away from an Addiction-To-Oil but that would require alternatives, building Nuclear like the French a nd Chinese have done, Solar, Wind, massive Hydro Dams other ethanol bio fuels or drilling near home.

Planning ahead is something the West is not doing very well these days.


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake






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