The f*in' Careless Media

UPDATED: Monday, July 12, 2021 21:55
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Sunday, July 11, 2021 9:40 PM


When they're not outright lying, they just can't be arsed to present facts as facts.

They really need to stop putting out bullshit headlines for clicks...

With more than half of the people in the country that were unemployed having their benefits cut abruptly and payments still not going out in states where judges have said they need to continue, seeing headlines talking about the 4th stimulus check being a monthly payment ONLY going to people with kids is not a headline that a lot of people are happy reading.

The worst headline I read today was from some lefty outlet in the UK saying that US families with children would be getting a $1,500 per month stimulus check for the rest of the year.

All of this is entirely bullshit.

All the Biden* Tax credit did was the following...

1. Raise the amounts per child from $2,000 to $3,000 for a child aged 6 to 17 and to $3,600 for a child under 6 years old.

2. It added 17 year olds. Last year it capped out at 16 year olds.

3. It made this credit "fully refundable" instead of "partially refundable". What this means is that they will get that full amount per child, even if they didn't make enough money to pay that much in their Federal taxes. Last year, if that were the case, they would have only gotten $1,400 instead of the full $2,000 credit.

4. It lowered the caps on income by A LOT. Instead of the cap being at $400,000 for married couples, it's only $150,000 now. A lot less people are going to get this credit next year, and they will be the ones subsidizing this for the most part.

5. THIS is the BIG one....

Starting this month, families will be allowed to get 6 monthly partial payments on HALF OF this credit early instead of having to wait until after they file and their return comes in.

What this means is if you have two children under 6 years old and will be receiving $7,200 in tax credits after you file next April, you can instead choose to get $600 per month NOW instead of waiting. You'd still have to wait until your tax return comes in for the other $3,600. You also can decline the payments now and get the full $7,200 on your tax return.

What it also means is that if a family with two kids got $4,000 last year and would be getting $6,000 this year decide to take the monthly half of it early, they're going to be left with a tax return that's $1,000 less than they got last year, and since most people are stupid they're probably fucking themselves and will be bitching a lot next year, long after they'd already spent it.

What hardly anybody is reporting on is that this has been capped to TWO children since 2017, and from everything I've read on the subject that part hasn't changed.

So if people just read the Media lies and take them at face value, some lady with 7 kids might think that they're entitled to $21,000 to $25,200. They're only getting it for the first two... so make sure you pick the two that are under 6 years old or you're screwing yourself out of $1,200. I'm sure the IRS isn't in a big hurry to fix this for you if you jack that up.

This is NOT a Stimulus payment. It's also NOT all that much different than last year either, outside of the fact that you can take half of it monthly right now and by screwing a lot of middle class people it's mostly going to the poor. It probably won't actually cost the Government much of anything because of this fact.


Monday, July 12, 2021 2:48 PM


If we're not gonna be handed money anymore, can I at least get a good-sized hunk of that Govt. cheese they gots? Fugging Soshalizm owes me sumthin'!


Monday, July 12, 2021 9:55 PM



And he who is not sufficiently courageous to defend his soul — don’t let him be proud of his ‘progressive’ views, and don’t let him boast that he is an academician or a people’s artist, a distinguished figure or a general. Let him say to himself: I am a part of the herd and a coward. It’s all the same to me as long as I’m fed and kept warm.






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