Two white girl BLM members ran over by black dude in Seattle

UPDATED: Wednesday, July 8, 2020 21:43
VIEWED: 1149
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Sunday, July 5, 2020 10:11 PM


2020 just keeps getting crazier...

I'd suggest that y'all on the left probably should stop acting like video game NPCs at this point. Dude was probably methed out of his mind and thought he was playing GTA V.


If anybody would like to try to explain what the hell this was all about, I'm all ears.

Honestly, I can't even come up with one plausible explanation at this point.


Monday, July 6, 2020 10:40 AM


None of you cowards have any comments on this one either, huh?


Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, July 6, 2020 12:24 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
None of you cowards have any comments on this one either, huh?


Do Right, Be Right. :)

What does it all mean? Nothing. Try a search for "hit and run accident"

Here is typical story: Amish Hit-and-Run Leaves Four Seriously Injured, Police Looking for Driver of SUV
Police are looking for the driver of a black, 2018 Chevrolet Traverse that hit an Amish buggy, then fled the scene.

What does it mean? People are terrible drivers when drunk or stupid or distracted or angry or whatever.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, July 6, 2020 4:56 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
None of you cowards have any comments on this one either, huh?


Do Right, Be Right. :)

Are you playing us now?

Is this you virtue signalling?

A few years ago I mentioned my proposed candidate for Darwin Awards Nomination. Some Sierra Club idiot decides to protest the Forest Rangers by standing in the path of a falling Sequoia or Redwood. Yep, he splatted.

I looked at the last video.
The location is the middle of the roadway of Interstate Highway 5. I-5 is a limited access expresssway running from Seattle to San Diego, probably around 75mph speed limit in this spot. The video shows that it is 5-7 lanes wide in each direction at this point, including the Carpool Lane. THIS IS NOT A RUTTING PICNIC AREA! GET OUT of the damn roadway.

So clueless criminal idiots are trying to get run over by traffic. Being in the area of Sanctuary City Seattle, they felt the right to park sideways across lanes of the highway.
After they get in the way of the car, them some of the BLM thugs race after the car to get all Rodney King on the driver, so the driver tries to elude the rioter/looter criminals. Can't say I blame the driver.
Then the BLM morns display how they concerned they are by making a decision as reaction. They could use their PHONE to make a video of them babbling on, or they could use their recording device to MAKE A PHONE CALL to Emergency Services and request help in their criminal enterprise, in their Exclusion Zone, in their Police Exclusion area. Most law-abiding citizens would not need much thought to make this decision, but these morons decide that the only reasonable thing to do is RECORD A VIDEO instead of calling for legal assistance. or response.

I do agree that the 2 bimbos who damaged the car should be arrested and fined, as well as the organizers (responsible parties) of this event. Tickets should include vandalism of the car, Obstructing Public Highway, Improper Lane usage, Obstructing traffic, Littering on Public Highway, Being stupid, disturbing the public, Jaywalking.

Stay tuned for the following itinerary of upcoming scheduled event locations:

Bowl of a smoldering volcano
Atop the hole of Old Faithful
The runway Touchdown area, where all the black marks are.
The rocky shores of the oceans
Rim of Grand Canyon
surrounding falling Sequoia trees
Lava streets of Hawaii
Eyes of the Hurricane
In front of aircraft nose cones during RADAR checkouts
riding melting icebergs of Antarctica
Inside the Lion's cage
Cobra Pit
Alligator canal

Such fun.


Monday, July 6, 2020 8:20 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
None of you cowards have any comments on this one either, huh?


Do Right, Be Right. :)

Are you playing us now?

Is this you virtue signalling?

The cowards I was referring to were mostly Nilbog and Ted. Maybe a little Cap'n Crunch and even Second. (Although it was just assumed that Second would hijack the thread and post something about Trump and lie about how much money he has like he does in every post he makes).

It was certainly not virtue signalling.

I'm just trying to wrap my head around how two white girl BLM members get run over by a black dude who drove past a barricade on a street that was blocked off, dodged some other cars, never once slowed down and plowed into those girls and made them fly like he was running over pedestrians in Grand Theft Auto (the video game).

None of that story makes sense, and the Marxist Legacy Media can't be trusted to investigate it or even tell the truth if they decided to cover it (which most of them likely won't because none of this fits their narrative at all).

Look at Second trying to say it was an accident and there is no story there.

Did that look like an accident to you? Did it look like he didn't have plenty of time to stop before he hit those girls going 50 miles per hour?

Why were a bunch of people gathered together on a street to "protest" when the streets were blocked off and there was nobody there to witness the protest. WTF were they even doing before the car was a part of the picture?

There's a story here.

And nobody is telling it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:23 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
None of you cowards have any comments on this one either, huh?


Do Right, Be Right. :)

Are you playing us now?

Is this you virtue signalling?

The cowards I was referring to were mostly Nilbog and Ted. Maybe a little Cap'n Crunch and even Second. (Although it was just assumed that Second would hijack the thread and post something about Trump and lie about how much money he has like he does in every post he makes).

It was certainly not virtue signalling.

I'm just trying to wrap my head around how two white girl BLM members get run over by a black dude who drove past a barricade on a street that was blocked off, dodged some other cars, never once slowed down and plowed into those girls and made them fly like he was running over pedestrians in Grand Theft Auto (the video game).

None of that story makes sense, and the Marxist Legacy Media can't be trusted to investigate it or even tell the truth if they decided to cover it (which most of them likely won't because none of this fits their narrative at all).

Look at Second trying to say it was an accident and there is no story there.

Did that look like an accident to you? Did it look like he didn't have plenty of time to stop before he hit those girls going 50 miles per hour?

Why were a bunch of people gathered together on a street to "protest" when the streets were blocked off and there was nobody there to witness the protest. WTF were they even doing before the car was a part of the picture?

There's a story here.

And nobody is telling it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

It is not a street. The babbling moron on the last video clearly says it is I-5. It is 5-7 lanes wide in each direction at this point. What is the Interstate Highway near you? I-80? Do you think the 6-lane wide portion of your largest Interstate Highway is the best possible place to have your picnic?


Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:55 PM


I'm wondering if there is a reading comprehension failure on your part here.

The fact is that it was barricaded and shut down. No cars were supposed to be on the road. I don't agree with that, and I feel I need to state this because you're being a moron right now and obviously not getting my point at all.

But there was zero imminent danger because the Lefty idiots won't let their police do their jobs and keep streets from being barricaded off and/or the police are assisting in barricading them off.

If they were blocking off I-80, there would be thousands upon thousands of cars backed up and not moving. They'd never have an opportunity to "play in the street" on I-80 in the first place, because half of the people that drive by are going 85 miles an hour. Even at night, there is a lot of traffic on I-80.

Read my post again, because apparently you had a read failure.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, July 8, 2020 4:37 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
If they were blocking off I-80, there would be thousands upon thousands of cars backed up and not moving. They'd never have an opportunity to "play in the street" on I-80 in the first place, because half of the people that drive by are going 85 miles an hour. Even at night, there is a lot of traffic on I-80.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Well, at least you posted one thing on point. But you don't seem to understand that this is exactly what they were doing.


Wednesday, July 8, 2020 9:43 PM


Everything I've posted is on point to a fault.

You're just reading it wrong.

Of course they were "playing in the street" there, but that is because the interstate in question was blocked off. There was ZERO traffic while they were there.

The black dude that hardly came out of nowhere had to go around a blockade to even get to where they were at, and then he mowed them down without even slowing down.

My question is, WTF actually happened there?

Unless you have an answer or even a theory, please refrain from posting again because you're starting to irritate me.

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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