Will House Dems EVER Impeach Trump?

UPDATED: Friday, December 27, 2019 17:16
VIEWED: 1041
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Saturday, December 21, 2019 3:30 PM


Sounds like no. They almost did, but then withheld Notification to The Senate, which I think I've seen in Constitutional documents as "Transmittal"

If Quid Pro Quo Nancy has refused to perform the tasks of the process, then it seems Impeachments 2019 never happened.

I have heard Constitutional scholars explain that she has now rendered these Articles Null and Void. And then she Recessed The House for the year. I am unclear if these same Fake Impeachment Articles can be recycled, brought back up for another attempt, voted on again, this time with serious Congresspeople in attendance.

Maybe she was just so embarrassed that this Fake Impeachment was a Bi-Partisan event, with both Democrats and Republicans voting against Impeachment in the House, and both Democrats and Republicans in The Senate already clearly stating they will vote to Acquit.


Sunday, December 22, 2019 4:54 PM


Apparently Libtards are confused.

Have votes been taken on Impeachmant? yes, dozens it seems.

Have votes been recorded? yes.

Have the results been tranmitted to the Senate? NO.

Has any indication of which Articles Nancy might Notify been provided? No.

Indication that she was thinking of Notifying regards to Article I? No.

Indication that she was thinking of Notifying regards to Article II? No.

Indication that she was thinking of Notifying regards to both Articles I & II? No.

Indication that she was thinking of Notifying regards to another as yet unspecified Article III? No.

Indication that she was thinking of Notifying regards to all 3 Articles? No.

Indication that she was thinking of Notifying regards to any of the 3 Article? No.

Without Notification of what Nancy imagined, there has been no Impeachment, further stamping it as FAKE through and through.


Monday, December 23, 2019 5:22 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

In the articles of impeachment there is a clause that requires Pelosi to "inform" the Senate (IIR the word correctly), however, it doesn't say WHEN.

SO I guess the impeachment is ... suspended? In any case, it's incomplete. But it definitely has not been canceled!

What Pelosi is doing confuses me. That "existential threat" to the nation that required an immediate, urgent impeachment is suddenly not such a threat? I know that partisan dumocrats have already selectively shit-canned the Existential! Threat! To The Republic! And Democracy! talking points that the M$M was trumpeting not two weeks ago, but to anyone with two neurons to rub together it makes all that blather seem not only insincere but nefarious.

"Some say" that she's waiting for more evidence to make a stronger case against Trump, but doesn't that seem like an admission that the current evidence is weak? Maybe even nonexistent?

"Some say" that she was forced into the impeachment vote and she had to give in (even tho she knew it was a mistake) and that this is just her taking back control in the only way left to her.

"Some say" she's actually colluding with the Senate to protect corrupt members of her own party from being exposed in a Sente trial.

We know for sure that it's not because she can ever gain control of a Senate process, so that's just an excuse not to go forward.

I wonder if all of this manuevering is somehow tied to the Durham investigation? Or to the upcoming Dumocrat primaries. I haven't given this a lot of thought but none of the speculations make sense so far.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

I'd nuke a BILLION PEOPLE if it would save the other 7 billion from living under Putin. Hell, I might go all the way to the last 100 people on Earth to keep this planet from being under fascist rule.- WISHIMAY


Monday, December 23, 2019 12:56 PM


It's all bullshit. She's a joke. As long as she's got a few million Legacy Media programmed sycophants to be her Twitter army, she's got 10 more months to play her little games.

Anybody pretending that the Legacy Media isn't wholly in support of Democrat agendas really needs to look at the polling on trust in the news media.

One side is hearing what it wants to hear every single day.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, December 27, 2019 5:16 PM


Rumor has it The Constitution provides Impeachment as a remedy of urgent nature, where the Nation is in immediate peril if Impeachment is not enacted without delay.
The House and The Senate may not delay or place other business prioritized ahead of the Impeachment proceedings.

Quid Pro Quo Nancy's actions seem to belie this pretext of urgency.