
UPDATED: Sunday, January 1, 2017 17:10
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Monday, December 26, 2016 12:31 PM


Other than being an un-ironic smug Cunt about things, what is the ROI?

At times, I admit, I can be a very polarizing charachter here, and in my Real Life....

I'm of the belief that Everything is 50/50 and Everything is Eventual...

If your feeble mind can imagine it, it will be one (or The Simpsons already did it....)

I just don't get Atheism.

I don't go to church, if anybody here doesn't already know me lol...

But I kind of live in a 50/50/50/50/50/50/50 world about whatever...

All I'm saying is that my Grams told me quite a bit about her back story. Her parents weren't religious and didn't make her go to church. She "found" it on her own in her thirties. None of her kids, and as far as I know grand-kids, ever drank teh Kool-Aid...

I very much believe in a Creator. I just dont' agree with any established religion made by Culturalized Monkeys.

If I ever get around to witing the short story I've been planning for 20 years, I bet not only would you laugh, but it would be some SJW banner and "a Broadway Tale from the Heartland"

"Spoiler Alert"

It's just me and God.

(Oh shit.... that shit was real)...

The most important interview ever done

That's as much as I want to "spoil"

Things are, I wish I had a great "ghost writer" or two....

In my mind, I think I have just about the most Goddamned Best story behind the scenes, but because I can't translate that into "Catcher in the Rye", it will probably never be "DONE"..


Monday, December 26, 2016 12:38 PM



Not only is there an explanation for Dinosaur Bones (and a co-ellessence of Faith adn Evolution)...

But I get God to admit how that Prank worked in half a minute....

You have a Dick4 on your head, BTW....

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, December 26, 2016 12:51 PM


Fucking Bullshit that my Theoretical Sister would have to make a choice in that Patriaciarl World we all live in...

"Walk the Dinosaur" was the buffer for crazy....

You could pretty much go out of your mind right about now and nobody would bat an eye.....


Thanks for being a Teacher when I had no other teachers..

I'm not a "Cultist" and I'm far from being the "one who loves you until the end of time"....

but even the VERY WORST of your SHIT was catchy and not worty of old people from the MSM calling it FAKE

I know "Fake"

It's the people I actually phsically know who talk about "Fake"

(There is about 20 other songs I could quote now that would be perfect for Victoria Secret Shows)....

I'm just going to show Freedom again.

Fuck anyone who disapproves.

Be as fucking Bad as You Wanna Be....

GM's death is only sad to those who still have no fucking balls.

"All we have to do now... is take these LIES and make them TRUE.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, December 27, 2016 3:05 AM


America loves a winner!

For me, it came down to being lied to, or told stories which weren't possibly true, and then told to believe those stories, or exist eternally in fire. No matter how good a person you were or how nicely you treated others, animals, the planet.. didn't matter. Accept, or be cast into the pit. Not that I grew up in an overly religious family, but that's how I viewed Christianity overall.

I never felt a " presence " , as so many have described it. No voices. No comforting , peaceful hand of guidance. Just ... me. My own thoughts.

Don't get me wrong. On many levels, I can see the appeal. Would LOVE for there to be something else like a God™ like figure. But I just don't see it. Or feel it. Or any reason to believe that God, Allah, or Zeus is any better than Crom or Ra. Take your pick.

But then I kept running into that natural world stuff... you know, reality ?

2 books I really enjoyed reading -

Why People Believe Weird Things - Michael Shermer

The Demon Haunted World - Carl Sagan

A great mix of science and history, and how man looks at the world in which we live.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, December 27, 2016 8:43 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

It’s Christmas; indulge me.

One of my hobbies is collecting what you might call nonconversion stories — stories about secular moderns who have supernatural-seeming experiences without being propelled into any specific religious faith. In some ways these stories are more intriguing than mystical experiences that confirm or inspire strong religious belief, because they come to us unmediated by any theological apparatus. They are more like raw data, raw material, the stuff that shows how spiritual experiences would continue if every institutional faith disappeared tomorrow.

Here are some public cases. Three decades ago A. J. Ayer, the British logical positivist and scourge of all religion, died and was resuscitated at the age of 77. Afterward, he reported a near-death encounter that included repeated attempts to cross a river and “a red light, exceedingly bright, and also very painful … responsible for the government of the universe.” Ayer retained his atheism, but declared that the experience had “slightly weakened” his conviction that death “will be the end of me.”

As a young man in the 1960s, the filmmaker Paul Verhoeven, of “RoboCop” and “Showgirls” fame, wandered into a Pentecostal church and suddenly felt “the Holy Ghost descending … as if a laser beam was cutting through my head and my heart was on fire.” He was in the midst of dealing with his then-girlfriend’s unexpected pregnancy; after they procured an abortion, he had a terrifying, avenging-angel vision during a screening of “King Kong.” The combined experience actively propelled him away from anything metaphysical; the raw carnality of his most famous films, he suggested later, was an attempt to keep the numinous and destabilizing at bay.

Barbara Ehrenreich, the left-wing essayist and atheist, had shocking, unlooked-for experiences of spiritual rapture as a teenager, which she wrote about in 2014’s don’t-call-it-religious memoir, “Living With a Wild God.” The “wild” part is key: Ehrenreich rejects the God of monotheism because the Being she encountered seemed stranger, less benign and more amoral than the God she thinks that most religions worship.

Lisa Chase, the wife of the late New York journalistic icon Peter Kaplan, wrote an essay for Elle Magazine last year about her experiences communicating, on her own and through a medium, with her husband after his 2013 death. There is no organized religion in her story whatsoever. But if you read the essay carefully, it’s clear that her quest was shaped by the fact that more than a few highly educated liberal Manhattan professionals have also had experiences like hers.

William Friedkin, the director of “The Exorcist,” had never seen an exorcism when he made his famous film. A professed agnostic, he decided recently to “complete the circle” and spent some time shadowing the Vatican exorcist Father Gabriele Amorth, just before Amorth’s passing at the age of 91. Friedkin recounted his experience in Vanity Fair this fall; it did not make him a Catholic believer, but it did seem to scare the Hades out of him.

Sometimes at Christmas I’ll write a column that gently tweaks the sterner sort of atheist, whose theories seem ill-matched with the empirics of the universe and the stuff of human life. (I suspect many of them know it; hence the zeal for ever-zanier God-substitutes. Yesterday, the multiverse; today, the universe-as-simulation; tomorrow, some terrifying omnicompetent A.I.)

But the implausibility of hard materialism doesn’t mean the cosmos obviously confirms a Judeo-Christian paradigm. And the supernatural experiences of the irreligious — cosmic beatitude, ghostly enigmas, unclassifiable encounters and straight-up demons — don’t point toward any single theology or world-picture.

I can make the Friedkin and Verhoeven experiences fit with Christian doctrine; Ehrenreich’s aren’t perhaps as distant as she imagines. But Ayer’s weird red light and the ghost of Peter Kaplan? If I were coming to these kind of stories with no preconceptions, I might reach for polytheism or pantheism to explain the variety and diversity of what reaches through the veil.

And not necessarily comforting forms of polytheism or pantheism. As a strictly intellectual matter, I am very confident that God exists. In dark times, though — and this has been a dark year in many ways — I wonder if the Absolute relates to us in the way that my church teaches, if he will really wipe away every tear and make all things that we love new.

This is the wager that Christmas offers us, year in and year out. It isn’t Pascal’s famous bet on God’s very existence; rather, it’s a bet on God’s love for us, a wager that all the varieties of religious experience, wonderful and terrifying and inscrutable, should be interpreted in the light of one specific history-altering experience: a divine incarnation, a baby crying beneath a pulsing star.

The odds on that wager feel different year to year. They change with joy and suffering, tranquility and crisis, sickness and health.

But I haven’t found better ones. Merry Christmas.


Sunday, January 1, 2017 4:32 PM


I actually have a possibly-somewhat related story to tell you....

Just a few weeks ago, I was talking with one of my Bros and dreams came up, and I asked him if he ever had a "Night Terror". I didn't know at the time I was actually referring to what is clinically known as "Sleep Paralysis".

I hadn't had one in about 10 years, but it is absolutely terrifying. The first time I had one, I was about 17 years old, before the internet was a thing (it technically existed, but you had to play Roulette with AOL for hours to see if you lucked into logging in for hours).

You wake up, in your room. (This is not a dream). Basically, your brain is awake, and you can move your eyes, but the neurons in your brain that allow for movement are still not firing. (it's a self defence mechanism that happens to all of us a majority of the time to keep us from sleepwalking or otherwise acting upon our dreams).

The thing is, it's ABSOLUTELY TERRIFYING. I've never personally known a greater fear in my life. And that's before I realized that there was a "smoke monster" in the corner of my room with glowing eyes and vague "demon horns" on his head just staring at me. You can't move. You can't scream. You're just stuck there.

After I was talking to my brother about it, I looked it up online and found out it was called Sleep Paralysis, and not Night Terrors. The really scary part though is that "hallucinations" are pretty regular for those experiencing this phenomena, and many people speak of a "shadow man" or "the man with a hat". Some even say they see "Greys", and many instances of believed alien abductions are attributed to this phenomena. (as well as spiritual things like God talking to somebody).

In some instances, the "Shadow Demon" actually crawls up on your bed on top of you and sits on your chest and just stares right into your eyes, and some people even feel parts of it flowing into their ears and mouth and nose. (That never happened to me, my Shadow Man just stood silently in the corner of the room staring at me without moving except for all the smoke circiling him).

Something scarier?

One night I was watching Youtube videos about it before I went to sleep, like a lot of them... That very night, for the first time in at least 10 years, I experienced the phenomena again. This time there was no Shadow Man for me, and even though in my mind I kind of knew what was happening, it's still terrifying. Not even because you're paralyzed. It's just a terrifying state to be in, I believe. I think it's something that we're not supposed to be a part of, as humans. It's like we're "flirting" with some alternate dimension or something else beyond our realm of understanding. Just "being" there illicits EXTREME terror, regardless of hallucinations or not.

Even worse, if you wake up for a second and fall right back to sleep, you're back DEEP inside of it and it feels like you have to fight for your life to get back out. In my experience, the only way to keep from falling back in is to get up and do something for a while and go back to bed with a fresh start and fall asleep again.

Scientists will tell you that it's "Natural" and they use it to discount many claims of religious experiences and alien abductions. The "intelligent 2016" part of my brain agrees, but for me to experience it the very night I was deeply examining it? The sheer TERROR of the experience, even though I was aware in my mind what was happening and I didn't hallucinate?

It's not as if I can WILL it to happen. I haven't been able to get it out of my mind since that night, but it hasn't happened again.

I wasn't drunk. It's been a few years since I smoked weed, and many more since other drugs.

From what I hear, at least the scientists say that it can't hurt or kill you, and there is no known deaths caused by Sleep Paralysis. That being said, if nobody here has ever experienced it, I actually hope one or more of you do.

I'm 37 and generally don't feel too many emotions anymore, High or Low. As scary as it is, I kinda want to feel it again. It's so absolutely intense, it's almost like a Drug.

I don't know if there is any "Greater Meaning" to it, or if the scientists and doctors are right and it's just some abnormal thing that happens that they can't attribute to any triggers.

I just found it amazing that when looking it up online that so many other countless people over the years have experienced the same thing and have also hallucinated about some "Shadow Man".

I kept that shit to myself when I was 17, and the few times I experienced it later. I thought it was the "Crazy" in me trying to break out. I had no idea that this kind of stuff has been documented as happening to people for at least a few hundred years.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, January 1, 2017 4:52 PM


A video on Sleep Paralysis i find extremely accurate from my experience:

I do sleep on my back, always, which is the most likely trigger for it (I've heard that from many sources other than this video).

I never heard "a large bang in my head" when it happened, although that is something I've heard on other sites about it.

I've also been able to "fight for my life" and WILL myself out of it, when most accounts and studies will tell you that you have to just endure it or slowly "wake" yourself by moving your extremities first. Make no mistake, it is nothing short of a "fight for your life" at that point. "Waking" from this terrifying state is summoning a power deep within me that I'm sure I could use to conquer the world if I was able to summon it at will in waking life. I would associate the effort to what it must be like for some dainty mom lifting a car off of her child with Herculean strength in the heat of the moment, only to never again be able to possess such strength.

As I've said, I never experienced the "being" crawling up on my bed, so I never expierenced the shortness of breath or the ethereal sexual assault.

Many people never do. Many people see some figure in their room just staring motionless at them like me.

Why does "The Entity" behave differently for all of us who have had this happen?

How does one explain how this could happen to so many people for so many decades/centuries pre-Internet without ever hearing about it being a thing?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, January 1, 2017 5:10 PM


As awesome as She was, did Joan of Arc just suffer from Sleep Paralysis?

"God asked you to do something?"

"You mean, God asked "I need you Joan?"

"No. That was a sword, in a field."

"You didn't see what was child. You saw what you wanted to see."

I'm still 50/50 on pretty much everything. Even if 8% or so of us ever experience Sleep Paralysis, it does or doesn't mean anything.

The only thing that pisses me off as much as a loud mouth Christian that can't help themselves but trying to convert everyone because they "Know" the truth is a loud mouth Athiest trying to discount god at every turn because they "Know" the truth.

Not a single one of us is going to know the answer until after we die, assuming we even have any consciousness by then.

I kind of jokingly believe that if Humanity ever reaches the point where we can use science to answer that ultimate question, one of two things will happen. God will call the game, or the Big Bang will happen again.

Ultimately, Proving or Disproving the Existance of God is the Ultimate Question, isn't it?

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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