The Electoral College

UPDATED: Monday, December 26, 2016 16:15
VIEWED: 5610
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Monday, December 26, 2016 11:40 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

"If you aren't aware, Texans don't have much concern for the well-being of Yankees or Californians, even Yankee factory workers in Indiana "- SECOND


Monday, December 26, 2016 2:35 PM


rezident owtsidr

You posted that alredy in the other topic, sig.

It iz missleading bekuz it duznt take several factorz into account.

1. Popular vote meanz American sitizenz. If everybody but 10 sixty yir old Catholic Republican guyz per state moved to California, it woud be pretty darned obvious that we cant hav 490 guyz outvoting the other 300 million Americanz.

2. Look into how the state and local gummits can rig the vote thanks to the electoral collej. The party picks the electorz!

3. Jerrymandering, wich meanz the party in power gets to draw the district map.

4. Voting restrictionz. In the past, the southern Demz tried all sorts uv wayz to keep blacks frum voting. Now its the GoPs.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Monday, December 26, 2016 3:57 PM


I've still got an 822 credit score and access to nearly immediate 120K credit JO. As you know, my house is paid for. I could use that credit to make my house pristine and then just claim bankrupcy and the laws today say that I couldn't lose my house even if I was a dick about my money. Could have done it in 2003. Still can do it in 2017.

Not only do I not want to ruin my awesome credit score, but I don't want to burden you and your friends with my financial debt via taxes.

And about the idea that Trump will be ousted and Pence will be our President, you can't actually want that to happen. Pence is super against Abortion and just very regular about "Christian" philosophy in general. At least half of the things that Dems falsely accuse Trump of, Mike Pence actually IS.

I love Pence personally for coming after Mitch. Property taxes and water/trash bills are still just a fraction of what my family pays 15 miles west in Illinois. We still run a yearly budget surplus.

All I'm telling you is that you would NOT want Pence to take over, assuming he would have any real power if it happened.

I never said that Hillary would be as incompetent as GWB. I just said that She would be EXACTLY like him in the things she got done and the promises she didn't get done. Once again I'm blown away about your ignorace about things. Do you really believe that GWB was a stupid man? I do believe that Nepotism runs rampant when it comes to Politics, but he wasn't just the "Idiot Kid" for 8 years. He did what the Puppet Masters wanted him to do for 8 years and was excellent at "playing dumb" for us rubes. I've got about 100 bad words to call GWB, but DUMB isn't one of them. He's dumb like a Fox....

You even admit that Hillary would have extended Obama by 8 more years and that would essentially have been an extention of the Reagan Administratioin. YOU SAID THAT.

I don't disagree. EVERY president in my life after Reagan was terrible. Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama, and we blocked another 8 years of Clinton.

I don't drink the Kool-Aid and believe that Regan was Jesus Christ. I know shit was hard when he was president. But there is no denying that my youth was full of a life where the US Dollar was worth a TON of money compared to other countries many years after Reagan. I've never been 200 miles from where I'm sitting now, but I hear that foreign vactations for rich people were cheap as f*k because the US dollar was worth so much.

Actually, the US dollar isn't doing too bad right now compared to other countries, TBH. The USD and the Euro are practically even right now, but recently there was a time where the Euro was worth 2 1/2 times more than the US Dollar. When my brother volunteered for service, he lived several years in Germany like a king since the Euro was only worth about 38 cents to the USD a few years after 9/11.

This isn't the thread to get into the Electoral College. I'll just repeat that if California was granted the ability to be a separate Nation that Democrats would never come close to winning again (Electoral or Popular vote). I do agree that the Electoral College should be "modernized", but it should never be thrown out.

You have no evidence at all that Trump will tank the economy. You can't even use the "He's a Republican" card. He is not a Republican. I love sex. Sometiems I love it so much that it's not with a 100% female. Sometimes I enjoy wearing a thong and the feel of panty hos.

I'm not saying that Trump enjoys that too, but I'm just saying that he doesn't give a shit about that. Maybe he's a super BDSM guy between the sheets and he's "ZED" from Pulp Fiction and his wife is actually pulling the strings for Putin? In that situation, we still have Congress, right?

I'm glad you looked up Trump's history. He "tricks people" according to you. Ever since post Reagan, our government has worked hard to bankrupt our country giving money away for free. It's one thing to spend tax dollars on existing American Citizens, but we give it away for free to illegal citizens and their children.

And for the rest of it, all I can say is look at how much money the Clinton Foundation was bequethied by Middle Eastern "Gods" who are against almost every SJW cause EVER.

George Michael died at 53 (of AIDS, according to Wish).

If he grew up with Islam Law, he would have died of "Rocks to the head" two decades ago.

Even Fox News said that Clinton Won. That's because a Saudi Arabian Prince bought a majority stake in Fox. O'Rielly even was essentially Democrat. The only two people on Fox News allowed to be Republican were Hannity and that beautiful Judge whos' name escapes me now... (She is not a male and not White)

I'm not discounting Nuclear War. It's always a possibiltiy. Hillary was asking for it though. She said "fuck you" regularly to Putin and still does with the "Russians did it" dialogue.

I almost welcome that.

It's a shame we aren't next door neighbors. I think that in a post apocalyptic world you would make a very vital addition to our "team".

That's just the thing....

I am a "Mutt", and it's always been a joke. I have at least 8 Western European history in me. But when I see how they are becoming enslaved to Muslim immigrants that come and rape their young girls regularly, for the first time, I say What the Fuck?

Some say that 2016 was terrible.

To them I say it wasn't, even though I didn't make a single taxable dime....

1. Brexit opened the doors to a free Europe.

2. The Fucking Chicago Cubs Won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3. Trump was the US version of Brexit.

I don't want to fight with you JO

We were friends back in the day when politics werent involved, and I hope we can be again. I'm open to suggestion with somebody as smart as you and want to have you on "our team".

I HATED GWB before I ever met you and wish on my House Rehab thread outsie of the RWED when we were besties.

I'm not a blind idiot Rethug towing the line for Trump.

If he does a bunch of bad shit next year, I will be right with you calling him out on it.

What I want you to admit is that we stopped the Dynasty.

I grew up with the Chicago Bulls, so I know a bit about Dynasty's....

I hope to "The Spaghetti Monster" that Trump does right for all of us, in America.

Seriously dude. I'm like one of 4 people who learned your "Hooked on Phonics" shit. My brain damaged brother would love that shit, but it will likely never catch on unless the US and Russian and Chinese Goernment fell at the exact same time.

The US is the only one open to allowing you to do it. If putin was calling our shots for real, you would secretly have men in black making you "be cool"

One of the reasons I love you JO, and I hate that we fight now....

When I was 2q4 and first read 1984 and was paranoid, you would have been my best friend. I will never agree with "if you're doing nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about", but my point is that Obama didn't fix any of that GWB Patriot Act Horror. He expanded on it....

So all we can do is wait.

Or go waste your time protesting nothing if it makes you feel what 30 Rock raised you to do.... (BTW... on more than on occasion, even Liz Lemon admitted to voting for the "White Male" instead of Obama)

Seriously, Nate Silver....

Even Liz Lemon on 2 occassions voted against "Change and Hope"

And you're all surprised that you didn't brainwash 24 year old white women well enough that they'd vote mindlessly Democrat for a Vagina?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, December 26, 2016 4:04 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I agree with all that. Since districts are redrawn every census - which is once every ten years - whichever party is in power at that time has a huge advantage.

I posted the Clinton Archipelago just to show how uneven Hillary's support is. What do Los Angelinos or NYCers know about farming, or ranching, or drilling, or manufacturing?

There has to be some way to have everyone's interests fairly represented.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

"If you aren't aware, Texans don't have much concern for the well-being of Yankees or Californians, even Yankee factory workers in Indiana "- SECOND


Monday, December 26, 2016 4:08 PM


sorry, but after hearing that a TRUE PATRIOT died, I had to post this here...

I'm not good ad mic drops..... :(



Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, December 26, 2016 4:15 PM


"I don't belong you..

You don't belong to me..."

I hope these truths continue to be self evident and we live in American Paradise forever forward

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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