Turns out... Tears of Jupiter was pretty Epicly Romantic.....

UPDATED: Sunday, August 2, 2015 00:22
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Saturday, August 1, 2015 10:53 PM


... or...

if wishes were horseshoes....

As much karaoke as I used to sing excellently, I always dropped the proverbial deuce on Train....

I don't know a single other song by them other than Drops of Jupiter, but I come with it instead of at it these days....

By the time I get back into shape and start singing Karaoke in bars again, this is going to be one of the "Oldies" that don't have any meaning to the girls listening unless I make it POP!

You never know how pathetic and irrelevant you are until you start to age after a lifetime of being irrelevant without hitching yourself to somebody, just like 99.9% of us who never get married are destined to do.

It might be a longshot, but trying to be that .01% could be fun....

When I get back there, this will be one of my go-to moves...

A 20 year old Karaoke God couldn't have been bothered with this song back in 2000 whatever....

Can't really sing it until you live it.


Saturday, August 1, 2015 11:08 PM


No way....

Soul Sister was by Train too?

I must have heard that song about 1,000 times at my old job.

Even if I didn't want to, I know all the words to that one already. BEAT INTO MY BRAIN.... Built in Encore if Jupiter goes well. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, August 1, 2015 11:41 PM


I still don't know how you can be more romantic than a mix of Final Fantasy and Led Zepplin..... The Honeydrippers....


This is the guy who sang Stairway to Heaven and Black Dog, among other songs that sounded NOTHING LIKE THIS....

He also pioneered changing genre's so late in life that failed that it's pretty easy to predict when current stars are about to fade out.

This dude and his band buddies bought Alister Crowley's house and worshiped Satan before though dude.....

Google it.

Probably easier to believe if your read the story about how he held a 14 year old fan hostage for almost a decade after he woke up the next morning and realized what a mistake he made (or more likely his shady agent did).

To his credit, she had nothing but good things to say about him years later when they "found" her. :) (Kinda like Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt)

Still though. This is an amazing and underrated love song. It's not any less great than "Your Song" by Elton John, which is also epic.

In fact... It makes me wonder what tied up boy in the basement for 15 years EJ might have made Your Song about. I'm not saying that he did. I'm just saying that he might very well have and we don't know about it yet.

Robert or his agents never were smart enough to get the whole Led Zepplin craze into Disney movies like Elton..... Hell... even Phil from Genesis rode that tidal wave in the 90's.

Phil did a few interviews to prove what a hetrosexual ear-cutting English bastard he was to show that he wasn't gay like rumors I'd heard when I was a kid.

I believe him. He made a TON of awesome songs. One of them Eminem basicaly made a LOVE song about. He did vocals for GTA video games. He sired one of the most indy beauties out there today.... His beautiful daughter with the Huge eyebrows... not a unibrow, mind you... she's still very beautiful and sexy. He made her. If he really was gay, Double Salut!

Phill Collins' best song in my eyes...

(I'll show you the 1985 Live Aid version.... I don't know what the kids like today. Is that more or less "gay" than the real version or a straight up karaoke version?)

Lilly......that's her name. Lilly collins. look up is daughter.

She's proof enough that he's not gay to me.

Or at least that whatever bodyguard who knocked up his fake wife wasn't black, anyways.

The world is what you allow it to be. Your truth is what is truth. So is everybody elses.

If you don't like it, go fuck yourself right until you adapt to what the rest of us are dealing with, thank you/fuck you very much.

On that note......

I wish things were still Groovy, and I didn't have to potentially kill least one person every day who isn't Groovy...

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, August 2, 2015 12:01 AM


AND he smoked cigarettes the whole video.

AND he smoked at least that long throuought his career.

I'm sure he doesn't now if he still want's to sing without a trache. He's like 70 years old now.

Just saying. Smoking was, and forever will be, cooler than you non-smoking dildos.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, August 2, 2015 12:22 AM


So now that we're on the topic of Phil Collins, what was his most powerful and epic song ever?

As much as I loved those songs I posted before, and as much as the world might love Genesis' "I Can't Dance" or "Sudio".........

I think it's left up to only two contenders....

Eminem and Mike Tyson's favorite, "In the Air",

And the ultimate Love-Lost song "Take a Look at Me Now"....

There's no doubt that In the Air is one of the greatest songs ever made. The Synth Drums used in his live performances are the stuff of legends. Wikipedia search "In the Air" to learn about the revolution that Phil held in his hands for that song and video and why it was as epic as it was.

Why a 280lb, black, face-tattooed, ear-biting, killing machine would sing it one octave higher than Phil did in The Hangover, 20 years later, before knocking Zach Galafanakis out cold.

Why did Tupac sample it in "Starin' Through my Rear View"?

Because Phil Collins is one Cold Mother Fucker, that's why......

Listen to the non-chorus lyrics of In the Air. I didn't know how cold they were until Eminem sang about them......

That being said, I still think his greatest song was about his greatest heart-break. Who was his greatest heartbreak????? I don't know. I would have been like 4 years old back then and they didn't have internet when I was 4. This is the most time I've ever spent talking about Phil Collins in my life.......

His greatest song, in my opinion, and I'm not alone, is "Against All Odds".

I wouldn't be surprised if that was a theme song for an 80's movie before my time, but again I didn't research it that hard.

However, this song did have a huge impact on me as a kid, for my own reasons.

I remember hearing this one time on the radio, although I don't remember why I was in the car or where I was going, and I was paralized by the words and the meaning. I couldn't have been more than 6 years old and this song just spoke to me.

I am a broken man.

No more broken than I was when I knew this was my song at 6 years old.

I blame no-one.

We're all dealt the hand we're dealt.

Forgive me though, if at times I might get unreasonably angry about the way things turned out.

All I want to do is love and be loved.

Do Right, Be Right. :)