In honour of Valentine's Day

UPDATED: Sunday, February 17, 2008 12:15
VIEWED: 1350
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Thursday, February 14, 2008 3:39 PM


I waned to put this on Other Sci-Fi Series, but since I haven't actually published anything in this universe yet, it hardly counts as a "series." Someday, though.

In honour of the day, a glimpse into one small facet of my original sci-fi universe.


Among all the infinite wonders of the Universe, there exists a race unlike any other. They have many names, and are known as many things; Demons, Gods, Angels, Spirits, Avatars, Great Old Ones, Lords of Creation, and Bringers of Chaos. In these more scientific and less poetic times, some call them the Emergent.

It is said that they exist (as far as such things can be said to exist) outside "our" universe. As we occupy (or at least, are aware of), only four dimensions of spacetime, the Emergent exist in 12, and are aware of hundreds more. They can move through time and space as easily as we can trace a fingertip along a sheet of paper, stepping "in" and "out" of temporal, corporeal existence at will. They can shift their mass between realms, becoming as large and dense as a planet, as small as a microbe, or as multitudinous as a viral contagion. They can be stars, starships, plants, plagues, dark matter, antimatter, plasma, solids, liquids, gas, or any creature real or imagined. They can also adopt the form of humans or aliens, or create entirely original bodies. They are immortal, ageless, and perceive time on a quantum (not linear) level.

And they can fall in love.

One day, far along the spacetime trajectory that we call the future, one of them will fall deeply, madly in love with a human boy. With a causality that linear beings can only begin to comprehend, she will (or has) reach (or reached) back to the beginning of his life, the beginning of his family's life, the colonization of his homeworld, the diaspora of his race from the dying Earth, their greatest falls and greatest triumphs. To the beginning of her 30-millennia life-span, she protected him and his family.

She ignited a star for him.

It was she who stirred the dust, building a planet grain-by-grain, consecrating it in the dreams of those who would come. She was the cataclysm that shattered the world and birthed a moon, to be a stepping stone. She was the flurry of meteorites, depositing trace chemicals on her newborn Earth. She was the lightning that catalyzed the potion.

She was the K-T event, setting the stage, seeding the world with fossil fuels to power mankind's childhood. She became mutation and plague and fury and cataclysm. She made us what we are.

She taught us to stand. She choked us, changing our throats, and giving us a voice pitched for laughter. She stole fire from her people and brought it to us. She taught us to write. She taught us magic, divination, alchemy, and science. She was the first Shaman, the first Storyteller, the first healer. She was Gaia, the Philosopher's Stone, and the Oracular mists.

She did not teach us to dream. We learned that, and our dreams are our own.

She savaged us, reaping our population, so that we would know Death. She became Fear, so that we would know the face of our enemy. She gave us nightmares, so that we might become Heroes in conquering them. She toughened us, so that a hostile universe could not kill us.

This, then, is our destiny. The beauty and horror, the triumphs, failures, and tragedies. Every dream, nightmare, hope, and fear. Everyone who dies a hero, everyone who dies in vain. Every relationship that lasts, every relationship that is doomed. Every friendship, every enmity. Every newborn, every wise old man or woman. Everything we learn, or are capable of understanding. Everything that humanity has accomplished or ever will, exists for one single purpose, and stems from one single cause, and has one single justification:


In a few hundred years, there will be a child born. No God, no messiah, no avatar. Nothing special about him at all. He will laugh, he will dream, he will face fear, lose friends, and know pain. He'll meet an alien girl, who seems a little strange, like she already knows him. He will fall in love, and love, as always, will change everything.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Sunday, February 17, 2008 12:15 PM


Now I am learning about scary.

I'd be willing to read more.

The premise is intriguing and I like your writing style. It just kind of draws me in.

Nice to know my dreams are my own. Keep writing!

"We need to keep our heads so we can ... keep our heads."






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