Help my friend realise how stupid he is.

UPDATED: Sunday, October 1, 2006 23:29
VIEWED: 7183
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Tuesday, September 26, 2006 3:36 AM


A friend of mine (I won't say his name) came to school the other day and started bragging about this new DVD burner he got.
Now I personally converted him to Browncoat-ism (?) and he knows that the BDM didn't do as well as we hoped, I have complained about this to him many times.
Long story short he asked me if he borrow Serenity from me so he could burn it.
I was very tempted to punch him (and from the look on his face, he thought I would). I calmly refused, telling him where he could get the actual DVD for less than $10 (sale).

The next day we were talking and movies came up and he said "don't worry about lending me Serenity, I got it off someone else."
Now I don't like to think that I'm a violent person, but I just wanted to hurt him and whoever lent it to him beyond repair.
Instead I very calmly stood up, slung my bag onto my shoulders, then looked him square in the eyes and said "you're going to the special hell."

Later he asked me what he'd done wrong, so help him realise what a gorramit idiot he is, post your feelings.


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 3:49 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

A true fan would want a sequel. A sequel means giving Universal money. If he is a true fan, he will find $10 to give to our Big Damn Hero of a studio. If he's not a true fan... Well, then he's crazy. Addlepated, even. - show Universal your gratitude!

Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. - Gautama Siddharta


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 3:56 AM


Is he going to be reading this thread? And I know what you mean, the same thing happened to me, since I know of one guy who downloaded a bit-torrent of it. He wasnt a fan and I didnt like him much so I didnt bother.
In terms of your "friend" he is not just going to the special hell is an idiot. If he is really interested in the BDM and the tv series then I would imagine he would want more. Obviously he doesnt want more. The only way more stuff from the 'verse will be greenlit is if it it makes money. If dickheads(sorry about that...flame me if you want lol) like him don't want to spend a measily 10 bucks (and yes every purchase makes a difference), then he is expressing his interest to not see any more of the 'verse. And wants to rob all of the fans including you from seeing any sequels. You can tell him he just doesnt care how you feel. Its that simple. You can tell him he just killed the franchise. OH and tell him he killed Santa too.



Tuesday, September 26, 2006 4:33 AM


The person who recruited me has stolen (downloaded) copies. I've pointed out the cool extras that only come with the DVDs of both BDS and BDM. And I will not let her copy mine. It is my goal to make her buy them. I will not rest. We only get BDmore if it's a paying proposition for the BDstudios.


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 4:34 AM



Originally posted by kurya:
You can tell him he just killed the franchise. OH and tell him he killed Santa too.

Yeah, and the Easter Bunny too!

Since I became a fan of this series and movie I feel more than ever that no one should "rip" and "burn" things. It's wrong. It's stealing.
Particularly in this case it makes it that much harder to get Universal to know that there are enough paying customers out here to warrant a sequel or a return to the series on SciFi.

I love Firefly/Serenity. I want more.
Folks that do this and make my job harder tend to become my enemies pretty quickly.

Tell your friend to think of something he loves, really loves. Then tell him to think about everyone ripping that off so that there was no more..EVER. That is what he's done.

My daughter converted a friend when she made him realize that the movie and show were to her what skateboarding and snowboarding were to him. A joy and a love. He now takes the series with him when he travels for competitions.

Go to and check it out!


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 4:39 AM


He does goes on this site and I plan to show him this thread.


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 4:47 AM


Oh and also, if he complains he can't afford to buy the movie, tell him that is bs, since he could obviously afford to buy a DVD burner(not exactly cheap). You either want more of the show/movie or not. Obviously he doesn't.

Sorry about calling hima dickhead, that was trollish of me, when people are selfish like that and inconsiderate of others...well it gets me riled up. This is not Star Wars or some other big movie franchise, it needs every dollar to make it worthwhile to continue.


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 5:42 AM


I tend to agree with the above posters. Once you know you really enjoy it, you should not be burning it.

Of course, I feel there should be some caveats. I got turned on to Firefly from downloaded copies of the TV showings (not DVD rips) a friend gave me. Since that time, I have bought multiple copies of Serenity and of course the Firefly set. As well, I have my own small army of converted Browncoats.


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 5:50 AM


I understand how downloading or burning can lead to becoming a fan, but if someone claims he is already a fan of the show and movie, then the person should either be willing to buy the dvds or not burn them at all.

Although I am not the gatekeeper of fandom, far from it at all, so he can do whatever he wants. But the thing is, any possible future for the 'verse will be through Universal, and for them to greenlight anything like a sequel, they have to see if its worth it in terms of profits, and buying the Serenity DVD is key. Firefly dvds are not as important. But buying the dvds(firefly&Serenity) I would imagine give the creators, crew, and cast royalties, which they deserve for working ona great product.



Tuesday, September 26, 2006 6:42 AM


i say, punch him

or, y'know, some of the less violent things suggested

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature
Fear is the Mind Killer


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 3:56 PM


FollowMal wrote:

Originally posted by kurya:
You can tell him he just killed the franchise. OH and tell him he killed Santa too.

Yeah, and the Easter Bunny too!

To which list I add >>>>The Tooth Fairy<<<<, which this pirate might need if some of our more Jayne-like (or River-like) members get hold of him.

Want more? Pony up & don't be a crook.

When folk stop being compensated for producing intellectual property there'll be far less of it because they'll be out doing something else for a living.

9/30 Happy AnniVersary, BDM!


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 5:00 PM


Not Santa. Not the Easter Bunny.

Scotty must buy DVD's.

I cap'n, as soon as the antimatter is replenished in the warp drive.

Scotty no time for that. Must buy DVD's now. Our orbit is decaying.

Can'a do it cap'n. The antimatter is drained.

Scotty need warp drive now or Santa Clause and Easter Bunny die.

I cap'n. I'll get out and push.

That's it Scotty!

Before I can help your stupid friend, must find my own brains first.
Think they leaked out over Londinium.
Give him time. Some people have to learn the hard way. $10.00 doesn't sound like much? Maybe he can donate to the Any amount is welcome.


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 5:22 PM


Tell your freind this, and if he doesn't get it he really is a gorramn idiot, it is a very simple concept: MONEY TALKS

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 5:25 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.


Originally posted by Miramel:
i say, punch him

or, y'know, some of the less violent things suggested

"What the world needs now is love, sweet love - it's the only thing that there's just too little of. What the world needs now is love, sweet love. No, not just for some, but for everyone."

Trouble-Maker in the House!


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 9:11 PM


I have friends who do this and they're earning a heap £40000-£50000 a year... I don't think it comes down to insufficient funds all the time, some people feel a sense of rebellion about things like this, as though in some way they are against the system. Weird thing is they'd rather buy a pack of smokes than purchase a DVD, maintaining they don't wish to fund a big/massive corporation like a film studio..?

However what can you do? In truth back in the days of tapes people would record stuff of the radio and pass it around schools or the work place. When the video recorder became a household item, how many films did you see that people had recorded off the tv? It happens. Saddly because we all love Firefly it feels somehow wrong.

What would be a redeeming quality is if now after he watches it and sees how wonderful it is he feels compelled to purchase the real deal.



Tuesday, September 26, 2006 10:43 PM


OMG...the Easter Bunny isn't real. And Santa isn't real either.


Tell me its not true. Its not true. Next thing your gonna tell me is the tooth fairy isn't...



Sorry I'm in a funk type of mood. Anyways, I think you should pull out Vera and pump ur friend with all the lead you can find. Then we'll post a sign on him that reads:

"To all the illegally burn, rip, and copy Firefly and or Serenity will be shot without prejudice."

"Six men came to kill me one time. The best of 'em carried this. Its a Killhan Full-Bore Auto Lock, customized trigger, double-cartridge thorough-gage. It is my very favorite gun."


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 8:12 AM


Your friend stole money out of Joss and the gangs' pockets. He is helping to validate the BDM's non-sequel (God Forbid) because a big summer blockbuster can stand losing "XXX"-million$ in revenue, but the 'Verse needs every cent of attention or funding it can get.
I understand that our culture's declining morals helps people rationalize this sort of thing, but a question I no longer have to ask myself is "if a person will lie or cheat over something small, how the H-E-double hockeysticks can I really trust them with anything important?

Tell you what, I'll go buy another copy of the movie and give it to someone as penance for your slack-jawed associate(like I wouldn't have anyway). Maybe someday he'll have someone steal his homework at school or project idea at a job, and he'll realize how dumb a thing it is to do to someone.

Plan A: Use peer pressure and rapport to convince them they're wrong.

Plan B: Turn them in to someone with a rank/badge or authority. They deserve it.

Plan C: Like someone else said- light them up with a smack to the braincase.

"...let's not ruin an otherwise pleasant day with unnecessary bloodshed..."


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 8:46 AM



Originally posted by kurya:
Oh and also, if he complains he can't afford to buy the movie, tell him that is bs, since he could obviously afford to buy a DVD burner(not exactly cheap).

You can easily find a DVD burner for $30, they're really not expensive.


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 9:10 AM


true...prices have come down... but it also depends on which DVD burner you get. Blackbeanie mentioned that her friend "bragged" about having DVD burner, so I would imagine it wasnt the cheapest of the lot.

Anyways my point is and was that if they can afford a DVD burner(which isnt a 5 buck thing, yes it can be 30 bucks), they can also afford to put down 10 bucks to buy the damn DVD. And as everyone agreed, will help encourage more of the verse.

Oh and nbesides kiling Santa, easter bunny and tooth fairy, he will be responsible for the death of 100's of cute little puppies and kittens.


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 5:40 PM


Tooth Fairy says "Pay for DVD's or all your teeth will fall out.

And Burn your Burner.



Wednesday, September 27, 2006 7:36 PM


I like to burn my own CDs to mix my music, but I have purchased the original CDs first or used a legal download site. Money is the only way we as fans can really support what we care about.

I hope that doesn't sound too cynical.

One summer.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.
Starting June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 10:51 PM


Entirely pointy.

While I agree in theory and sentiment with most of the posters, I thought I should say--retract claws.
I want more Firefly, too. And, I know money talks. But, a poor guy that buys a Serenity bootleg for five bucks, and is moved by its content, can become (like any one else), a faithful Browncoat. While that might not be money, it's not nothing.

I'm just saying.


Thursday, September 28, 2006 3:42 AM


Well I agree for people who can't afford it, well I can understand it, totally do.

However if someone can afford a dvd burner and buy blank dvds(yeah they are cheap but still costs money), they plan to burn lots of movies and tv shows, and not because they "love" those movies. If they claim they are a fan(and want more) and can afford to pay for the movie they should be willing to pay for a dvd on sale.

But as you said fine Ill retract the claws a bit...*puts away flame thrower*


Sunday, October 1, 2006 3:55 AM


Wait Wait Wait! Hold on just a second!

Your telling me, as one Australian to another, that you found Serenity on sale for $10?

Firstly, Please Buddha in Nirvana tell me you picked up a copy!

Secondly, where are you and if you live near me: Why was I not informed?

Hell, for that price I'd pick myself up a copy and a few for my (tighass) friends.

As for the whole burning firend thing..I have a few myself, and I flat out refuse to lend them any DVD I own (and there are hundreds). Just tell him that true Browncoats support the cause of spreading the signal. Piracy is a Signal's worst enemy.


Sunday, October 1, 2006 5:31 AM



I all honesty, I think that your friend is profoundly stupid i.e. If he couldn't see from your first reaction that you thought burning the disk was wrong, then...

Personally, I don't see a problem (wait I'm going somewhere with this) with burning/downloading/etc as a first course to "try before you buy". I've found many a thing through downloading that I would have otherwise remained ignorant of and I'm happy I did it. I'm also certain that the companies that I'm buying these things from have a sort of bitter/sweet happiness as well (well the probably would if they knew it).

But, that brings me to the whole point. If you love it, you MUST SUPPORT IT. This means buying t-shirts/etc, DVD's, etc. Otherwise, we won't get more of what we want.

Now specifically regarding this guy. I don't care how poor he is. If I could afford a $10 item when I was in highschool, then so can he. There is NO excuse.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Sunday, October 1, 2006 8:33 PM


I can't say I'd punch him, cause I don't know him...but if I knew him, I'd punch him.

A true Browncoat would have to have a gun held to their head or a threat of death by Reavers to make them rip off a copy of Serenity. That is just not cool.

There is no honor among thiefs of Serenity...only a few thiefs in Serenity.

"In the spaceship, the silver space ship, the lion takes control."
Always up for talkin' to my fellow Browncoats!


Sunday, October 1, 2006 9:05 PM


I'm not one for burning movies. I have a collection of over 500 titles and not one of them is an illegal copy (okay that's not true, I just remembered that I got a copy of the Aristocrats). That being said, though Idon't condone your friends choice in acquiring movies, I don't condemn it either.

The chance of a Serenity sequel all but died when the BDM made a paltry $25,514,517 domestic gross. That's gross people, that is before they factor in the $39,000,000 it took to make it. So total, domestically, the movie lost nearly $14mil. Factor in it's foreign gross of $13,337,435, it only lost $150,000, give or take. That's what Universal is going to look at, the bottom line. They don't care about DVD sales, if a movie is going to fail at the box office, they aren't going to invest in it. (God I hope I'm wrong and they make it anyway, regardless of the potential losses)

So, a few illegal copies of a movie being made really isn't hurting anything. The fact that what he's doing is illegal and if you're going to take the moral high ground, condemn the whole action. Just getting mad at him because he's duping a movie you like doesn't make much sense.

If you're going to be mad at anyone. Be made at all the 'luke warm' Browncoats that decided to stay home and catch the movie when it came out on DVD. If half of them got off their butts and went, there would have been a theatrical gross that demanded attention. I personally went and saw it three times, with three groups of people and I'd love to go again.


I'll be in my bunk.


Sunday, October 1, 2006 9:12 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Actually, babywiththepower, Universal has been quoted as saying that if DVD sales put the movie in the black, they would be happy to make a sequel. They liked the project and seem to be open-minded enough that, as long as they can make a profit (or at very least break even) eventually, a box-office smash hit is not necessarily their goal.
Don't ever let me hear you say hope for a sequel is dead again.
People not contributing to that hope, who are stealing money from Universal, from Joss, from all the Big Damn Heroes... Those people deserve a punch square in the nose. - show Universal your gratitude!

We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow in sunlight. - Gautama Siddharta


Sunday, October 1, 2006 9:33 PM


In all fairness, I said 'all but died', there is a BIG difference. I'll agree, to a point, that I don't like copying of the movie (for selfish reasons of course). But my attitude is drastically different with Firefly. FOX, in my opinion, can go to hell. And it's not taking a damn thing from our BDHs because royalties on DVD sales for the actors is about $.01 per disc. FOX is the only one benefitting from Firefly sales. At least with the movie you have Universal involved (which gives a ray of hope in an otherwise bleak sky).


I'll be in my bunk.


Sunday, October 1, 2006 9:42 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Sorry to contradict you again, but FOX broadcasting does not own nor get money for Firefly. 20th Century Fox, the production company, are the ones benifiting from the Firefly DVDs. Joss has stated that, when the show was cancelled, he asked FOX broadcasting for the right to shop it elsewhere, and they gave up their stake in the property right there. At least that is what I have heard from several sources. 20th Centrury Fox still has the production rights, however. They always treated Joss well and he has no problem with them. Somewhere there was a thread about not confusing the two companies; I'll see if I can dig it up as well, but I don't know if I can find it. - show Universal your gratitude!

We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow in sunlight. - Gautama Siddharta


Sunday, October 1, 2006 9:57 PM


Though I think many of your hearts are in the right place, I simply cannot understand the anger some feel twoards burning the media. This is akin to the Government trying to collect back taxes on me for buying my cigarettes from Russia online because Russia had the best offer for smokes when Cook County, Illinois decided that $7.00 per pack was a fair price. I don't care how righteous anybody here thinks they are or how much against smoking they were.... If they could get the same thing for $1.85 per pack, they would do it too (and that included delivery). Times are tough and when gas prices and rent are high, rasing the cost of necessities like food, well, some people cannot afford to drop money on every show they love.

As for Serenity being in the red, that's just what they grossed in the theatre. Nobody had ever heard of Donnie Darko before and it had a very short run in the theatre. Then it got to DVD, became a cult classic, and made a small fortune. Somebody gave me a burned copy of it and I was amazed by it. It is, in my opinion, the very best movie ever made. When I saw it on sale at Best Buy for $10.00 I picked it up. Did I have to? No.... I already owned it. I did it because I liked the movie and I show support for things that I truly enjoy when I have the means to do so.

If it wasn't for "pirating", we would all still be paying $22.99 for a CD with 3 good songs on it (remember those days) and most likely $30.00-$40.00 for a DVD (a movie, not a TV series). I can guaranty you that when they finally manage to put an end to "piracy" that prices will rise again. Prices will not fall like they would have you believe when they say things like, "piracy raises the costs for everyone who pays for the goods." On the contrary, "pirates" have lowered the costs for all.

People are willing to pay fair prices for goods that are not crap. The software, music and movie "pirating" is simply lowering demand for crap, thereby making the BIG Industries reconsider ripping off the fans as much every chance they get. They're only doing what any business is doing: trying to get it while they can.... because if the housing bubble bursts and the world economies collapse as some economists predict, ain't nobody in the 'verse going to buy Firefly on DVD before putting food in their mouth or a shelter over their head.

I have burned Firefly for several of my friends and one of them purchased the series. He hates watching burned DVDs without the extras so he only owns paid for stuff. This is one of the nice perks of having a union job is that you can afford all of the little things while paying for a mortgage and a nice car and insurance and still managing to save. Again, we can't all make these small purchases without being one of the millions of careless Americans who have needless credit card debt for doing stupid things like buying DVDs that they can't really afford on top of their rent/mortgage, car payment, food and electric bills. They may not be rabid fans of the show like some of us are and they may have higher priorities on their mind than paying for the show when they can just download it. That is up to you to convice them, or not. Even if they give the copy to somebody else, that's one more viewer (and potential buyer) of the greatest show ever made.

***If I had never given the copy to my friend, he quite possibly would have never seen it or bought it.***

Don't be a hater, and above all, don't be a voice for the Alliance. I don't think Mal would even watch TV, but if he did, I guaranty you that he would own a burned copy of Firefly himself.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Sunday, October 1, 2006 10:06 PM


No need to appologize, if I'm wrong, I'd like to know it. I know FBC and 20thCF are different, but they are both still FOX . It's like saying that AOL, Time, and Warner are different companies. Sure, they all do their own things, but they are stil AOL Time Warner.

The following companies are all part of the entity known as 'FOX':



I'll be in my bunk.


Sunday, October 1, 2006 11:29 PM


To Borntofly:
Sorry, the sale's over now.
But, yes I did pick up a copy.

Just to clear things up, he had seen the movie before all this.






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