
UPDATED: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 11:53
VIEWED: 2287
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Monday, August 30, 2010 10:16 PM


Okay I've always been militantly anti cosmetic enhancement of any kind to make myself look "better" Now i find out that I may have to start wearing full war paint (i.e make up) to qualify as being well groomed when i go through the interview proces for speech Path jobs. I'm clean, dress nicely and comb my hair...I was hoping that would be enough. But those in the know have said due to the extreme competition and the fact most of the applicants will be female the little details may become important, at least during the interview process...gags ville
I occasionally wear mascara because i like the dramatic effect (also coz it sticks my eyelashes together and means they are less likely to fall into my eyes...which I hate) I really hate covering up my face with's like I'm hiding something about myself. It's taken me years to wear my face in. It's gotten less pretty over time but I'm 41 and my sags and lines are a map of my journey. Mind you sometimes my eyelids are so saggy due to lack of sleep I can barely see through them.


Monday, August 30, 2010 11:57 PM


This sucks.

Impractical: It's kind of absurd that women should be required to paint their faces to be deemed "well-groomed". Neatly trimmed hair and beards, all of that serves a purpose of neatness and projecting an air of health, but to actually cover the face in a layer of makeup serves no such purpose, but instead harms the actual skin and is only supposed to create an illusion.

On the other hand, many cultures around the world have absolutely bizarre and unnatural requirements for grooming. Burns, tattoos, scarring, shaving, painting, piercing and the stretching of necks, etc. Some knock out front teeth.

This bizarrely aggressive attitude of altering our bodies seems to be an inately human trait. (But then, so are other bad things.) But it's also unevenly applied towards women, which, in my mind, makes it worth opposing by not conforming. But then, I'm terribly vanilla about the human body: the more it's left alone, the better I like it. Except for men's facial hair. Which makes me a hypocrite.

Practical: Just what amount of makeup are we talking? Can you get away with just mascara? Or using a shade of makeup that closely matches your skin and just dabbing it onto a scant few spots that might need it? That's how I do it, anyway, and I've never run into any trouble. If your skin is healthy and more or less even-toned, this should do the trick.

Some women literally paint on a layer over their entire faces and blend it into their neck, some can even make it look "natural", but surely this should not be attempted if you're not used to it, right? How awful if badly applied makeup should distract from your qualifications! Your friends cannot want to send you to your doom.

Makeup can't de-sag your eyelids, anyway. Just make sure to sleep well the night before!


Tuesday, August 31, 2010 1:29 AM


It's a tough call but if you want to get something out of the interviews then I would say you have to bow to the system and apply some make-up. It's wrong and you shouldn't have to but can you risk it?

I completely agree that it should not be required or needed. A girl/woman looks far more attractive without make-up (or just a little) to me than someone who is covered in the stuff.
I had a similar conversation with my hairdresser about a year ago. As soon as she gets up and washes she puts on a basic layer just to be around the house etc. If she leaves the house she adds more and then if she goes out for anything more than that she covers herself in the crap. She insists it makes her look prettier. It doesn't but hearing her talk you get the idea that she wants to look like the flawless magazine photos which we all know are faked and airbrushed.

It's sad but it's the way society is. I would say to go for the bare minimum needed and that you feel comfortable with.

"The greatest invention ever is not the wheel. It's the second wheel." - Rich Hall


Tuesday, August 31, 2010 3:12 AM


I'm just going to suck it up and do what I have to get the job (ya'd think I could get it just with my qualifications sheesh!) then once I'm established in my new workplace and have endeared myself to people with my skills, work ethic and personality, I'm gonna go barefaced. Ha! My shiny confidence will eventually inspire all the other women to do the same (well maybe). I do know how to put the stuff on I just don't want to. I'll see how i go with the minimums: tinted moisturiser, concealer (that word just makes me feel hidey)eyes and clear balm. Nothing will make me go the lipstick route!
womens lib my a_unty! It's women that are setting these purile standards!


Tuesday, August 31, 2010 3:25 AM



Originally posted by boris:
It's women that are setting these purile standards!

Sad but true.

I actually don't have anything against makeup per se. It's in many ways a form of playing and a completely voluntary form of decoration, so I don't feel comfortable putting it down.

It's the expectation of it that I find reprehensible to a degree.

That said, to contradict myself yet again, I once witnessed a young woman of maybe 16 put on makeup on a flight to Houston. One hour before landing, when all passengers were forced to sit strapped in, she started painting. It took, indeed, an hour and the amount of substances she put on her face made me wonder how she got all of that on board with her through security. It was amazing and scary. Especially because this young woman was 16 with perfect skin and a rosy glow to her cheeks, all hidden and recreated artificially. I figured it to be an American thing, but that may just be prejudice? I really struggle with not finding that disturbing and I feel bad about judging her. Surely no one but herself pressured her to do it and it was only her own enjoyment of painting that drove her to it. BUT STILL!


Tuesday, August 31, 2010 4:07 AM


I think ties are ridiculous. Why am I hanging a thin strip of fabric from my neck? It serves no rational purpose. However, if that's what I have to do to get a job then I'll do it.

Shaving is just another time sink every morning. I could grow it out, but then I'd just have to groom it instead. Either way it's a pain.

It's pretty simple really. You are free to make whichever choice you want. You just have to accept the consequences. If you want the job enough to wear makeup then that's the answer.


Tuesday, August 31, 2010 10:34 AM



Originally posted by Zeek:
I think ties are ridiculous. Why am I hanging a thin strip of fabric from my neck? It serves no rational purpose. However, if that's what I have to do to get a job then I'll do it.

Shaving is just another time sink every morning. I could grow it out, but then I'd just have to groom it instead. Either way it's a pain.

It's pretty simple really. You are free to make whichever choice you want. You just have to accept the consequences. If you want the job enough to wear makeup then that's the answer.

I could not agree more about ties. There's this whole thing over here that folks seem to think that it makes them a better person, more intelligent or respectable if they wear a suit. I'm sure it occurs in other countries as well. And it's complete bull. The same thing applies with jewelery, it's a show of your status. If you can afford nice ties (i.e. suits) or nice jewelery then you are wealthier than those that can't, therefore you are better than them. It may have had some merit in years gone regarding wealth but these days it's ridiculous to that people see a suited person as better than a non-suited person. But it does happen, especially in the job interview process which I am also involved in at the moment.
I grew a beard so that I didn't have to shave everyday, thankfully it doesn't need much upkeep.

Your last point is very true about how far you are willing to bend to please other folk and get what you want. Each to their own as long as you don't sell yourself out.

"The greatest invention ever is not the wheel. It's the second wheel." - Rich Hall


Tuesday, August 31, 2010 11:17 AM


A tie is just a decorative noose.

This is part of the reason I became a writer.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Tuesday, August 31, 2010 11:53 AM


Hmph. There's one notable profession I can think of where women are always wearing makeup in order to inquire about work. I can guess at where the tradition for women in other professions comes from.

The whole thing is insulting and very close to sexual harassment. Yes, cast it off.

But I pity you guys and your ties and your shaving too. It doesn't quite have the offensive undertones that women and makeup does, but for you guys it's physically uncomfortable.






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