OOPS silly me...

UPDATED: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 07:40
VIEWED: 1825
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Monday, October 28, 2002 2:24 PM


Forgot to introduce myself! What was i thinking???

Anywho. I'm *classified*, from *classified*, and Firefly rocks my socks. Specially the penguin ones.
Yeah...Going to the Air Force in April, gonna fix the pretty planes. Mechanically inclined gals rock.
I like the mountains, thus, MountainGal.
I do much beady stuff, i find it fun and think beady stuff is purty.
Ah...What else...

Oh yes, i'm the resident Christian. I don't preach tho, i don't like to have lotsa people looking at me at once.

Your turn. Chat amongst yourselves. Don't be shy now.


You can't take the sky from me.


Tuesday, December 10, 2002 6:32 AM


Hello! I've been looking for a place to put my first post, and this seemed appropriate. I'm new to this board (but not to online communities), and also new to the US, where I just moved from the UK, to marry a lovely man ...who I met online. So far, Firefly is proving to be one of the perks of moving here, since I have no idea when the poor UK will get it. I'm sending tapes to my family because they're Buffy fans (like me), and I think they'll appreciate the show.

Don't actually have a job yet, because the INS likes to preach to you about how much it wants you not to be a burden on the state when you emigrate here, then make you fill in 3000 forms to actually be allowed to work.

Also, yes, mechanically inclined girls do rock. As a female architecture graduate, I know what it's like to be surrounded by boys and their toys.


Tuesday, December 10, 2002 7:40 AM


I've been on the boards for a few weeks, wandering around and throwing spanners into discussions with my own ideas. What the heck, I'll contribute here as well... :-)

I'm relatively new to Firefly, having heard of it via commercials but never actually taken the time to watch until the show popped up in discussion on a mailing list. Then it sounded intriguing (before that, I'd watched a few eps of Buffy and the like but been underwhelmed by the setting and effects)... so I fired up my P2P program of dubious legality and went looking for eps. Several hours later, I was hooked.

It's a fun pastime to pass the time with, particularly given that real life could be better. (I'm one of those out-of-work California computer programmers who's having a tough time competing with the other 80,000-plus who are also out of work in the immediate area, so I'm working retail this holiday season.) Firefly allows me the benefit of dreams -- tapping into that pioneer impulse coupled with my own strong anti-authoritarian streak -- that I find very comforting in these times.

As for my name... well, let's just say I chose it back when I was younger, and more ignorant of the nuances of Japanese. It actually translates to "black hair", which is definitely a misnomer in my case.... :-)

History doesn't always repeat itself. Sometimes it merely shouts "Weren't you listening the first time?!?" and lets fly with a club.






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