Saturday, April 22, 2006

I decided last night that i hadn't colored anything on the computer for like a year, and that I wanted to. I've always loved this part in "Objects in Space" so I gave it a shot and it turned out pretty good I think. It was drawn by hand first, than scanned and colored on some crappy paint program I have. That background, it kinda chunky, but i liked it that way, so I kept it.



Saturday, April 22, 2006 4:18 PM


I think that her face coulkd use a little bit more definition, especially around the chin ands nose but other than that, vary shiny

And I like the background. It looks great.

Saturday, April 22, 2006 7:39 PM


I'd like to see the original hand drawing of this too - I agree with the bits Kayna mentioned, but other than that, good work!

Saturday, April 22, 2006 8:01 PM


I think it best I say/type nothing.
But I would like to see the hand drawn one.

Sunday, April 23, 2006 1:34 AM


Shiny, I think you did a good job capturing her expression there. The background works pretty well chunky, gives it an out of focus look. Btw, which paint program are you using?


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Summer Glau- Serenity Promo
Went to my sister's town to a really neat art shop and got a white highlighting pencil that does miracles.
Not as fun as coloring on the computer, but definitely a better result.
Done with graphite pencils and a white conté thingy? (I have no idea what it is, but I love it)

Enthralled Rough Copy
The rough sketch to the computer colored version

Drew a sketch during my spare, and I colored it on the computer when I came home.
Like it better than the first, though her hair covering her shoulder makes her neck look long.

Eavesdropping Rough Sketch
Here's the rough copy to the computer colored picture you guys wanted to see.
As you can see it's real rough. I just do the basic outline if I'm not coloring it in with crayons or pencil or something.
I also apologize because it's pretty light. My scanner's crappy at making it dark, it looks all sratchy and chunky, so this was the best I could do.
On the computer version, I think I changed around her nose a teeny bit, and for sure toyed with her mouth and her eyebrows.
I'm been toying with the idea of stippling it, though that may take awhile.
I have one more River picture that I've draw, but it's in the stages of being shaded with pencils (I had to pick the one with the paisley dress...) But i don't know when it's going to be done.

I decided last night that i hadn't colored anything on the computer for like a year, and that I wanted to.
I've always loved this part in "Objects in Space" so I gave it a shot and it turned out pretty good I think.
It was drawn by hand first, than scanned and colored on some crappy paint program I have.
That background, it kinda chunky, but i liked it that way, so I kept it.