Core of the Matter - Intro
Monday, February 27, 2006

Odd passengers set Mal's hackles up. The money was just too good. (Post-OiS Pre-BDM) All this is borrowed from a genius whose name rhymes with Just Weedin'. I hope one day to be like him, except for the chubby, male and bald part. He rocks. Like a boat. If by some chance he wants to take this, it's all his and the honor entirely mine. Dedicated to FollowMal who wanted something to read. Since she's got all the shiny Cap'n pics, I couldn't refuse. This is my very first virginal attempt at fanfic, so please submit all comments to Or just e-mail me at my address listed under my profile. Edited: 3/9/06 Beta: Curtis (THANK YOU!)


“You’re sure they’re going to pay in cash, not try and push Alliance credits on us?” The tread of boots echoed in the nearly empty cargo bay as Zoe walked up to the airlock and glanced over at the Captain. She shifted her weight, sizing up the three people standing just a short step off of their ship.

He didn’t turn to look at her, just kept a close eye on the three figures down at the bottom of the ramp. Those three could almost be related, all crisp lines and not a hair out of place. Definite Core fashion, uptight and serious.

“They do, they’re getting off.” Cold, quiet, Mal’s inflection made the short sentence the only insight she needed to know his opinion.

Zoe had been watching the small group herself as they said their goodbyes, but she cut her eyes over to the back of the Captain’s head at his comment. She knew their financial straights. It spoke enough of their situation that he had been convinced to come to a Core World to make this trip.

The past few months had been tight for the crew, and even she could tell Mal’s belt needed to be tightened by a notch. It made them all more than a little too eager for this transport job. The Captain had commented twice that it was just another pair of citizens, just another fare like all the rest. But that simple fact that he had repeated himself was all the impression that Zoe needed. Even her nagging conscience kept interrupting her train of thought; this simple ferry trip was paying much too well.

The trio in front of them split up, two walking toward the ship, one heading back towards the port annex.

“Captain Reynolds?” the man greeted him as they stepped onto the ramp. Must’ve been his suit buttoned up too tight that made him stand so straight.

Mal nodded and introduced Zoe, “My first mate.”

“I am John Sebastian and this is Ms. Elena Lien.” His traveling companion offered a confident but slightly cold smile, but did not step forward to offer her hand. “We believe you’ve received your deposit.”

And a hefty one it was too, almost as much as their usual fee just for transporting civilians to and fro. Usually they had cargo besides, but this one was just too tempting. The money too good. And these folk promised to stock the kitchen before they boarded on top of the fee. Real food and not processed protein packs, more than enough for the whole crew and their new additions.

Truth be told, it had been the offer of food on top of the fee that had decided the Captain. Wasn’t much chance of getting Core quality food out on the rim and they had promised to stock the pantry to near overflowing.

Mal led them into the ship. They all kept Serenity as clean as possible, which in their usual line of work was pretty rare. Most smugglers could care less whether or not the deck plates were clean. It was a far cry from polished, but definitely clean.

The new passengers got settled into their bunks pretty quickly, shutting the doors to their separate rooms fairly finally once he got them there. So he headed up to the bridge, Zoe as always one step behind him.

Stepping into the bridge, he put a firm hand on Wash’s shoulder.

“Get me off of this prissy planet. Faster we’re gone, richer we’ll be.”

“Sure thing, Cap.” And for once, there was no comeback. Things were going slicker than a snake oil salesman.

And that, Zoe knew, made Mal all sorts of unsettled.


Monday, February 27, 2006 8:52 PM


Thank you Kaele! I give a 10 thus far and I can't wait to read more!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006 5:36 PM


I'm hooked, Kaele. More, please!

Wednesday, March 1, 2006 1:41 AM


Interesting start, I'll be following it to see how it pans out.

Thursday, March 2, 2006 3:49 AM


Now that I've read it completely out of order...

To quote the illustrious Bugs Bunny..

"I like it... I LIKE it!!"

Thursday, March 9, 2006 10:27 AM


I refuse to rate my own stuff.

Please re-read this as it was edited. Thanks so much to LEEH and Curtis.

All hail Curtis, my new Beta. :)

Thursday, March 9, 2006 12:00 PM


Curse this need to login! BanzaiBill says "O-tay!".

Thursday, March 9, 2006 5:37 PM


D'oh. I knew I forgot to do something. Sorry :-)

Wonderful start. I've got you bookmarked so I can read what comes next, as nothing, but nothing, goes without a hitch for our BDH.

Friday, March 10, 2006 9:25 AM


A good start, just need longer chapters *dong ma*? - Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me


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Core of the Matter, Part 4
This one's a short one. Been hitting a wall lately. It's all in my head, it's just stuck there. Wanted to get something out just to keep the flow. When it's all done, I promise a re-write and edit. PROMISE.

I ain't a professional writer. This is how I see it in my head. Welcome to my world. Sure you wanna stay?

Core of the Matter, Part 3

Core of the Matter, Part 2

Core of the Matter, Part 1
All this is borrowed from a genius whose name rhymes with Just Weedin'. I hope one day to be like him, except for the chubby, male and bald part. He rocks. Like a boat. If by some chance he wants to take this, it's all his and the honor entirely mine.

Edited: 3/9/06
Beta: Curtis

Core of the Matter - Intro
Odd passengers set Mal's hackles up. The money was just too good. (Post-OiS Pre-BDM)

All this is borrowed from a genius whose name rhymes with Just Weedin'. I hope one day to be like him, except for the chubby, male and bald part. He rocks. Like a boat. If by some chance he wants to take this, it's all his and the honor entirely mine.

Dedicated to FollowMal who wanted something to read. Since she's got all the shiny Cap'n pics, I couldn't refuse.

This is my very first virginal attempt at fanfic, so please submit all comments to Or just e-mail me at my address listed under my profile.

Edited: 3/9/06
Beta: Curtis (THANK YOU!)