Happy Birthday River!
Thursday, February 23, 2006

Umm, I've been listening to Backstreet Boys, please don't hurt me! Also I can almost hear preemptive voices in my head telling me about structure, well it was rushed and just a bit of fun


Present Day- The Madness is beginning "I'm jus sayin it's a shame is all." Kaylee pouted at the Captain, her big eyes set on maximum charm. Mal looked at the itty bitty mechanic and sighed. "Aright gorram it girl, but on one condition- you gotta convince the others, and that includes Jayne." Kaylee stood on tip-toe to throw her arms around her Captain's neck, certain that the others would be a snap.

Two Weeks Prior to the Madness Kaylee and Inara were having some rare quiet time in the kitchen, sipping their tea in peace. It was so peaceful that Inara glanced at Kaylee- the air wasn't peppered with her usual chatter. "Kaylee, honey is anything wrong?" The companion looked at the young mechanic thoughtfully. Shaking out of her thoughts Kaylee smiled. "Simon said it was River's 18th next week and I was just thinking about when I was a teenager." Inara didn't say anything just smiled a little wider and turned to the mechanic wondering where her thoughts were headed. "Well I was thinking about how my girlfriends and I would look stay up late watching the cortex, listening to the Back-Alley Boys and watching movies with all our favorite stars." Inara laughed softly, not so much at Kaylee, but more the thought of how similar her own teenage years had been. Zoe had walked into the kitchen to make Wash and herself some coffee and said "I think every girl in the verse had a crush on Joey." Smiling at the mechanic and the companion to let her know it was herself included. "Not me," said Kaylee her grin widening at the thought of Zoe as a young woman "I loved Sean." Inara felt a small blush to her cheeks and said softly "You're both wrong, Brian was the most swai." All three women erupted in laughter, so much so that Mal poked his head around to see what the fuss was about. When confronted with the three women, laughing he quickly decided to bid a hasty retreat.

Kaylee bit her lip, descending from mirth into deep thought much more quickly than either women would have thought possible. "Kaylee, honey what are you thinking.?" Inara asked. The young mechanic grinned and said "Well I'm thinkin two things, one how obvious our choices are. Zoe- you fall for the wisecracking clown, I fall for the swai one, and Inara you fall for the leader of the group." She paused letting that sink in, taking special note of the blush creeping over Inara's face. "Second thing, I want to give River that for her birthday" and with that rather cryptic comment she went off to comb the cortex.

One Week Prior to the Madness "I like him." River said pointing to the tallest one, standing near the back. Tattoos, camouflage pants, the only one in the group that wasn't clean-shaven. Kaylee frowned, not what she expected but she could make it work. She couldn't believe River would like Connor. "You sure?" She asked they were curled up together on the floor of the second shuttle watching some old Back Alley Boy clips that Kaylee had found. They were munching on some popcorn and Kaylee was happily surprised that River had warmed to the music, they even tried to copy some of the dance moves. "I'm sure." She said spinning Kaylee around. "Well if you're certain mei-mei." Kaylee said smiling, getting up to go do some more thinking.

Return to the Present Day- The Madness is growing "Gorramit Kaylee-girl, I told you a thousand times, No!" Jayne almost threw a wrench at the girl. "But Jayne, everyone's in on it- Wash, Simon, even the captain." She fixed him with her widest, sunniest smile and biggest doe eyes, as she made her bottom lip wobble just a fraction. "Now Kaylee," Jayne's voice softened when he was that she had that about to cry look to her, "I'm just not one for birthdays, and I don't like that moon-brain girl." Her eyes widened and the next thing she said shocked him. "But Jayne, you do like her, and out of everyone she picked you. You can't let her down Jayne." He stood there in shock as he agreed with lil Kaylee, agreed to her little birthday surprise. Even as she walked away, humming happily, he couldn't believe how she'd done it.

The week before River's birthday was a flurry of planning, it was hard to find reasons to separate River from the crew- but that's where the Sheperd came in, also River knew that she had a special surprise coming and the last thing she wanted to do was spoil it, after all it was Kaylee was going to all the trouble.

River's Birthday- The Madness is unleashed River was awoken on the morning of her eighteenth birthday by the sound of singing. Simon and Kaylee were singing her happy birthday. She didn't see the point of this- it was just a day, just another superfluous measure of time out in the black. Yet she felt happy knowing that this fuss was for her, to make her feel special. There were presents at breakfast- a dress from Zoe and Wash, an ornate hair clip from Inara, two books from Kaylee- faery tales from Earth that was, an easel and canvasses from her brother, Simon always had been keen to develop her talents, some paints from Sheperd Book, a necklace from Mal- that Inara had helped him choose and a jewelry box that Jayne had fashioned himself. They were all just objects, and yet holding them in her small hands she felt awash with love and safety. These people were her family and they loved her. Crying and smiling and dizzy with love and warmth and happiness she hugged each of them, unable to find the words- yet hoping that they all knew how special they were.

Everything seemed to continue as normal throughout the day, everyone had jobs to do and yet even Serenity herself seemed to buzz with a secret, a special secret for it's youngest crew member. River had set her easel up on the flight deck, out of Wash's way, and had started to paint the vista that was the black. It was as she could smell Books cooking- not just protein but real food that she realised that today- the excitement was because of her. Because of the special secret. Dinner went off without a hitch, Book had obviously stashed a few ingredients away for a time like this. Everyone laughing and joking, Mal made a birthday toast to River after Inara had plucked a bottle of real wine seemingly out of nowhere. After the cake, as River realised that people needed to start readying for her surprise she asked to be excused as she wished to freshen up and try on her new dress. Simon shooed her away and as soon as she left the room people rushed into action.

River exited her bedroom quietly, wondering where everyone would be. They weren't in the kitchen-area anymore, she would have heard them. She wore her new dress from Zoe and Wash- it was a dark, almost emerald green and it clung in all the right places, it didn't dip too low at the neck but it was soft and feminine making her seem more adult, one thing was for certain Zoe had wonderful taste. Her hair was swept up, softly and away from her face and pinned back in the clip Inara had bought for her. The necklace from Mal hung in the hollow of her throat and with a soft smile River realised where they were, following the sound of music, faint laughter and the sound of Jayne's cursing. She was surprised when a soft blindfold fell across her face. "It's just me River, don't fret now, Kaylee didn't want you to ruin your suprise." Sheperd Book smiled down at the girl, amazed at how one day could turn her from small child into young woman. He led her into the cargo bay. "Gorramit Mal- get off my foot!" Jayne yelled loudly as Wash turned and asked the crew loudly "Does this make me look fat?" River giggled, she could hear shoving as Mal and Jayne decided who had to stand where and Kaylee wondered what she'd been thinking when she tried to organise this.

Book led River into the middle of the cargo bay and turned her to face toward Serenity's interior. She felt hot, white light blast her as Inara took off the blindfold, being careful not to damage River's hair. River looked up and squinting for a second she realised what she was seeing.

Mal stood front and centre on the cat-walk, obviously posing as Sean in dark blue pants, with one of Simon's crisp white shirts and a blue blazer, unbuttoned. Giving him a cool, almost stylised look. He almost looked comfortable. Simon stood directly to Mal's right, looking as innocent as Brian ever did in a white sweater and dark grey pants, and he too looked sure of himself, pleased to be doing this for his sister, losing the rod that sometimes seemed to replace his spine. Wash stood on the other side of Mal. Between the Captain and Book, he seemed so tiny dressed in an over sized hooded-sweater and black pants that seemed shiny and they made a whooshing noise if he moved, which he did every few seconds, because Jayne kept shoving him forward. The girls stifled their giggling long enough to take in the sigh of Book dressed in a plain black shirt and black pants. River's eyes travelled to the back of the group, searching out Jayne when music started, piped through Serenity's speakers.

The males of Serenity all looked at each other, as they cleared their throats hesitantly, but looking down at River's beaming face they started to sing, in unison

You are my fire The one desire Believe when I say I want it that way

Mal stepped to the front, smiling down at the girl's he looked straight at Inara and started to sing, in a clear tenor,

But we are two worlds apart Can't reach to your heart When you say That I want it that way

At the chorus Serenity's male crew, definitely less graceful than their female counter parts did a very basic grape-vine with a spin, finishing with a flourish as they started the chorus, everyone noticed River's shining smile. Her eyes lighting up brighter than before as she watched her brother, and her friends attempt the simple steps just for her enjoyment.

[Chorus:] Tell me why Ain't nothin' but a heartache Tell me why Ain't nothin' but a mistake Tell me why I never wanna hear you say I want it that way

Simon stepped forward, looking at Kaylee with big, uncertain blue eyes and sang

"Am I your fire Your one desire Yes I know it's too late But I want it that way"

At the chorus the men stepped back into a single row, now starting to finally get into the swing of things, Mal and Wash even improvising a little with some basic hand movements [Chorus]

Now I can see that we're falling apart From the way that it used to be, yeah No matter the distance I want you to know That deep down inside of me...

Jayne stepped forward this time, looking a little nervous, he'd been slightly restrained during the whole thing, not wanting to ruin this for River- he could see in her eyes how much she was enjoying this. He started to sing, and everyone became hushed as he looked straight at River, no one had guessed that Jayne could sing, especially not the deep melodies he sang now.

You are my fire The one desire You are You are, you are, you are

Don't wanna hear you say Ain't nothin' but a heartache Ain't nothin' but a mistake (Don't wanna hear you say) I never wanna hear you say I want it that way

The guys finally got into the full swing of things right near the end, belting out the last coda, having a lot more fun. Wash was down on his knees, looking straight at Zoe as he mock-serenaded her. Serenity's female crew erupting into premature applause, almost doubling over in laughter.

Tell me why Ain't nothin' but a heartache Tell me why Ain't nothin but a mistake Tell me why I never wanna hear you say (Don't wanna hear you say it) I want it that way I want it that way

When it was all over, River gave them all hugs, once again not able to say much more than thank you, but her priceless smile meaning more to the crew than anything else. When she got to Jayne however she shuffled her feet, looking up at him and blushing. Jayne smiled at her, hugging her softly. "Happy birthday girl." He said gruffly. The crew looked almost stunned, especially at the beaming smile on River's face. "Honey, did Jayne just-" Wash was cut short by his wife's 'Husband, I can kill you with my pinky' stare. As they stood in the cargo bay saying their good nights Mal asked River who her favorite had been. She just smiled and said "I liked the teddy bear that growled." And leaving Mal to ponder her odd statement River skipped off to her bunk.


Friday, February 24, 2006 12:27 AM


heheh thank you, this was funny the only thing that botherd me was how you miss spelled Inara's name at first.... you can miss spell anything and i wont care much but you gotta have the crew names right. ok well al in all this has funny i almost never read anything that is not mainly mal inara but this was good. Just cause the idea of the guys dressed like a boy band has crossed my mind and i though it was a good idea. funny stuff really.

Friday, February 24, 2006 2:14 AM


I have to admit I wouldn't know a Backstreet Boy if I fell over one, but I enjoyed this story and the song.

What a nice birthday present!

"She fixed him with her widest, sunniest smile and biggest doe eyes, as she made her bottom lip wobble just a fraction. " I like this description of Kaylee's wiles.

Friday, February 24, 2006 7:08 AM


Not that I could ever see this happening but that's what make it's fun! Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Friday, February 24, 2006 9:35 AM


HEHEHEHE!! I don't think I've laughed this hard all day. I could just picture's a little far-fetched, but cute and sweet all the same!!! Great job!

Friday, February 24, 2006 9:38 AM


Ok folks, I know it's far-fetched, but seriously I couldn't help it- blame it on the evils of pop-music!


Friday, February 24, 2006 9:43 AM


One last thing- I forgot to turn off the auto-spell check when I wrote this, but I fixed the spelling, I'm sorry that I didn't check it, usually I'm more careful

Monday, April 3, 2006 8:05 AM


sQuEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeE!!!!!!!!!!! i love it!!! just picturing them now puts a smile on my face!!! ooh, that gives me an idea...



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Happy Birthday River!
Umm, I've been listening to Backstreet Boys, please don't hurt me!
Also I can almost hear preemptive voices in my head telling me about structure, well it was rushed and just a bit of fun

Sunday's Child
Ok so I love that children's rhyme about the days of the week- the seventh line is: And the child born on the Sabbath day is bonny and blithe and full of gay- Just read and Feedback like a chocolate-chip brownie is always appreciated.

Saturday's Child
Ok so I love that children's rhyme about the days of the week- the sixth line is: Saturday's child works hard for a living- this is about Mal shown through three different view points. Just read and Feedback like a chocolate-chip brownie is always appreciated. It's got 2 parts set before BDM and one after!! To be honest I'm not so proud of this- comments are appareciated on how to fix it.

I know it's a little broken up but I can't help it, I just can't get this so I'm happy with it.

Friday's child
Ok so I love that children's rhyme about the days of the week- the fifth line is: Friday's child is loving and giving- this is about Simon and his sacrifices- not just for River but what he does for the crew as well.
Just read and Feedback like a chocolate-chip brownie is always appreciated. Once again it's set post BDM- so if you haven't watched go and watch so that you can read my fic!!

To be honest I'm not so proud of this- comments are appareciated on how to fix it
and Kudos to whoever guessed my order, there's nothing like giving away the element of suprise.

Thursday's Child
Ok so I love that children's rhyme about the days of the week- the fourth line is: Thursday's child has far to go. It's Jayne thinking, well thoughts- just read and Feedback like a chocolate-chip brownie is always appreciated.
Once again it's set post BDM- so if you haven't watched go and watch so that you can read my fic!!

Wednesday's child
Ok so I love that children's rhyme about the days of the week- the third line is: Wednesday's Child is full of Woe. It's River thinking of Zoe.

This is set post BDM- **major spoiler** if you haven't seen it well then WHY NOT??
Feedback always appreciated, please, please be nice- I really like this one.

Tuesday's Child
Ok so I love that children's rhyme about the days of the week- the second line is: Tuesday's child full of Grace. There are lots of ways I could have gone with this- it's set post BDM.

It's just to show us how far River has come and how much Simon appreciates his sister

Monday's child
Ok so I love that children's rhyme about the days of the week- the first line is: Monday's child fair of face.
There are lots of ways I could have gone with this but it's basically Mal talking about Inara, now I'm not sure about this part, it was the hardest one to write- so any feedback is hugely appreciated, I just don't think I write Mal particularly well.

Dreams and Strangers
Umm don't know what it's about yet really, if I give away the one thing I do know well then you'll guess eveything.

A Jayne Fic Part 7.1- A Captain Shouldn't Always Trust his Instincts
This is just a beginning, it all sounds tedious but I'm revealing something *big* I promise.