My Hero
Sunday, February 19, 2006

Simon feels guilty, but how could he have known that the future River foresaw was not his, but her own? (Ooh, that rhymed.)


"Where are you going?" a small voice demanded.

Simon laughed. "It's okay, mei-mei, I'm just going to school."

"You're leaving me," River accused. "You're leaving me all alone with them and you don't even know!"

"Know what?" he asked, deciding to humor her.

"I can't tell. You're supposed to figure it out for yourself but you're so dreadfully dumb, Simon. You'll never puzzle it out, and I just don't want you to die." River put on her well-practiced innocent mei-mei look as she gained the attention she knew this statement would bring.

"River?" Simon was suspicious. River had this uncanny ability to know what was going to happen sometimes, and he didn't want to go ruling anything out when there she was telling him he was going to die. "What are you talking about?"

River pouted, but didn't say a word.

"River, I haven't got time for games. The shuttle's going to come and leave and if I'm not out there, I can't go to school."

"Good," she said finally. "It's a trap. It's an evil school, and they're going to tie you down and cut up your brain and put needles in your eyes. You shouldn't go."

River had quite the imagination sometimes. "River, just think how many people I can save when I'm a doctor. I can be a real hero."

"My hero," River said sadly, almost wistfully, and Simon was mildly disturbed.

"River," Simon said, smiling bravely. "You don't need a hero."

And sometimes he thinks, if he'd stayed, maybe she wouldn't.


Sunday, February 19, 2006 2:06 PM


Awww, oh my gosh that was brilliant!

Those last few sentences were simply amazing, Fia! You really have a way with words!

Tha one had tears in my eyes!

Sunday, February 19, 2006 4:34 PM


Ow. That cracked my heart.

Monday, February 20, 2006 12:45 AM


Awesome! To have so much in such a short piece is gifted. Succinct and so very full of meaning. Excellent, Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Tuesday, February 21, 2006 8:05 AM


Oh, shiny, a flame! Just what I needed to keep me warm. It's awful chilly out there. Sorry you didn't find my story interesting, Anonymous, but no one made you read it, and I have to say it looks like you're in the minority. : )

Thursday, March 23, 2006 7:45 AM


yah. minority. *nods* definitely.


Saturday, March 25, 2006 11:31 AM


"firefly is not supposed to be a tear jerker"

What show were you watching, because it's obviously not the same as the rest of us.
Firefly, and the rest of Joss's works, have far more emotional impact than the vast majority of crap on tv these days.

fiareynne; Great little piece, thanks for sharing.
And ignore the trolls.


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My Hero
Simon feels guilty, but how could he have known that the future River foresaw was not his, but her own? (Ooh, that rhymed.)

How I Soar Chapter 27
An AU in which Zoe sacrifices her life for Wash... and he must learn to move on.

Talk Plain
Fifth in the Rosemary series; Mal tells Rosie about Jayne and Zoe, courtin'.

Sucker Punch
A friend made a multi-fandom challenge for Anti-Vday fic, and this was my response. Not part of any of my ongoing series or 'verses.

No Pretty Piece of Glass
Set after "A Different Kind of Unification," Rosie cons her Papa out of a story she knows by heart.

Full of Surprises
Set between "Rosemary" and "A Different Kind of Unification," Mal tries for a miracle and Jayne becomes more and more of a mystery.

A Different Kind of Unification
It's a sequel to Rosemary... anyone who's totally put off by Zoe/Jayne, just give it a chance. I was totally against the pairing before, like... today.

This is really just a drabble, a ficlet, if you will. It was written for ff_friday's challenge the one hundred eighth - 100 to 1000 words about weeds.

How I Soar Chapter 26
An AU in which Zoe sacrifices her life for Wash... and he must learn to move on.

How I Soar Chapter 25
An AU in which Zoe sacrifices her life for Wash... and he must learn to move on.