Virtual Firefly episode 1x21 (act two)
Sunday, February 12, 2006

“Chains” (act two): This is the sixth episode of the Virtual Firefly project. Check out our web site at!



Serenity glides through space.


Jayne, Derek, and Isaac stand outside the infirmary, looking in at Simon examining Joshua. Micah is also in the infirmary. As Isaac looks around, studying the interior of the ship, Derek indicates the weapon on Jayne’s hip.

DEREK That a Tienamin twenty millimeter Model Forty-Seven?

JAYNE That’s right. You get all that from the handle?

DEREK It’s the shape of the grip, and the whale-bone inlay. It’s beautiful.

Jayne pats the gun proudly.

JAYNE She sure is.


JAYNE Name’s Ana. Just picked her up at the Carousel.


Simon finishes up examining Joshua.

SIMON Your body-fat content is a little low, but nothing a few good meals in a row won’t fix.

MICAH Thank you, Doctor Tam.

SIMON There’s a small shower near the guest rooms. Some of the crew have donated their allotment to you all. Help yourself.

MICAH Thank you for all you’ve done for my family. God bless you.

Micah and Joshua exit the infirmary, almost bumping into Jayne.

MICAH God bless you.

JAYNE Uh… Thanks.

Simon looks toward the door, preparing for the next examination. He indicates the next patient should come in. Derek looks to Isaac, and Isaac nods. Derek walks in.

SIMON Take off your shirt and take a seat.

Derek takes off his shirt. There are long scars across his back. Jayne reacts to the sight. Across his upper right shoulder is a tattoo, with a serial number and “bar code” scanning pattern. Derek sits, and he and Simon talk as the doctor checks him over with various medical instruments (drawing blood, checking blood pressure and such).

DEREK I s’pose you’re worried about the tattoo.

SIMON Should I be? It doesn’t look to be infected.

DEREK You know what I mean, doc. Did some time on Sheol. Made a mess a things for myself there. So much so’s they sold me to Independence. Acted up there s’well.

Derek indicates Isaac, who is in the doorway, studying Jayne, while Jayne simply glares at him.

DEREK (cont’d) Be dead right now if it weren’t for him. That man’s connected to somethin’ Almighty. Saw right inside of me. Showed me the way. Showed me it’s not too late for a man to change, if he lets God do the changin’.

SIMON (checking Derek’s scalp) Well, you’re in for a bit more change, I’m afraid. You’ve got a case of the scalp mites. It’s not too bad, but you’re going to have to lose the hair.

DEREK Not a problem. Been done before.

SIMON Let me check your friend first. If he’s got them too, I’ll shave both of you together.

At Simon’s prompting, Derek gets up from the chair, and walks toward the door as Isaac steps cautiously into the room. As Derek nears Jayne, Jayne backs away.

JAYNE Stay right there, bughead. I like my hairstyle just fine, thank you.

Isaac sits in the chair. His eyes dart around the room. He is tense, agitated, perhaps even frightened. Simon begins to examine his scalp.


River arrives, walking up next to Jayne, and looking in at Isaac. Derek checks her out in quick glances.


SIMON Is something wrong, Isaac?

ISAAC Don’t like doctor’s rooms. Never have. Light’s too cold and harsh.

SIMON It is, but it’s perfect for spotting imperfections. Like bugs…


Derek looks River up and down. Jayne notices.

JAYNE (quietly) You don’t want that. She’s all kinds of crazy. Gut you soon as grapple.

DEREK Wasn’t lookin’. Wasn’t wantin’.

JAYNE Right.

DEREK Tryin’ not to, anyways…

Jayne grins, Derek does not, while


Simon uncovers a STRANGE CIRCULAR SCAR near Isaac’s temple. Simon touches it with his forefinger.

ISAAC (flinching away) No! Don’t touch it!

SIMON Does it hurt?

ISAAC (calming) No. It’s just sensitive.

Simon continues to examine Isaac’s scalp, moving directly to the other temple, where there’s an identical scar.

SIMON Where did you get them?

River speaks from the doorway.

RIVER Fingers. Fingers of fire touched him. Burned his old self away. Like a lump of bronze inside his head.

Isaac looks at River. He smiles.

ISAAC That’s… That’s right, child. (to Simon) It’s where the hands of God touched me. Purified my mind. Made me see.

Derek nods and smiles. Simon only stares at River, who stares at Isaac.


Mal’s at the wave monitor, talking to MILDRED, late thirties, matronly, no-nonsense, from the mining colony on Haven.

MILDRED (on the monitor) They got skills, they’ll have work. Can’t guarantee much coin, but they’ll have a roof over their heads, three squares, and the freedom to stay or leave as they choose.

MAL You sure about this? Slaves can be troublesome folk. Criminals and such.

MILDRED (on the monitor) Haven’s a place where people come to change, Mal. Get a fresh start. Some folk just need a second chance. Lord knows I did. (beat) ‘Sides, they probably know how to use the mining equipment you’re sellin’ better’n anyone.

MAL Tell Bernabe he married a helluva human being, Mildred, and ruffle the little ones’ hair for me.

MILDRED (on the monitor) I’ll see you tomorrow.

Mal switches off the monitor. Simon is in the doorway.

MAL How’d the examinin’ go?

SIMON As expected. They’re all malnourished. One had a mild case of scalp mites.

MAL Get a chance to hone your barberin’ skills?

SIMON Only if you want a shaved head. (beat) I think one of our guests has done time in an asylum.

MAL The preacher-man? (off Simon’s nod) Figures.

SIMON He has scars. They look similar to ones left behind after focused microwave-lobotomies.

Simon pauses. He is uncomfortable.

MAL What ain’t you tellin’ me, doctor?

SIMON The scars are similar to River’s.

MAL You sayin’ we got another reader on board?

SIMON We don’t know River’s a reader.

Mal let’s it go. He stands.

MAL What you say’s true, might be best we keep them apart. No tellin’ what might happen those two get to talkin’. Where’s she now?

SIMON Getting her things together.


River, happy and excited, runs down the catwalk from Inara’s shuttle. She passes Jayne and Derek (now bald), who are lifting weights together on the bench press, Derek spotting. Jayne burns out, unable to lift the weight, but Derek is distracted, watching River. Joshua and Kaylee play a game on the catwalk above. We follow River through the cargo bay to the quarters


Where Wash and Zoe chat with Micah. River continues on toward the guest quarters. In the hallway stands Isaac, his hair wet, a towel draped over his shoulder.

ISAAC It is kind of you making room for me and my friends. Do you need some help?

RIVER I’m going to a sleep-over. Her bed smells like rose petals! (whispering) Can’t let Jayne and Derek see the pillow fights.

ISAAC (whispering back) Your secret’s safe with me.

River moves past him into her room. Isaac follows. Zoe notices, and keeps an eye on them.


River packs away her things as if moving for a week.

ISAAC What is your name, little one?

RIVER River.

ISAAC Of course. A name of transformation. Of travel. Of renewal and life. Do you know my Lord received his inheritance from God in a river?

RIVER The dove fell down.

ISAAC That’s right. Tell me, River, have you received the blessings of your inheritance?

RIVER Only swans.

ISAAC You have been transformed, haven’t you?

RIVER Ugly duckling.

ISAAC There is a place for you with me, River. I can help you understand who you are.

She stops packing and turns to look at him. They stare at each other for a beat, then Simon comes in, looking very uncomfortable at the scene.

SIMON River?

RIVER I’m ready!

SIMON Go put the rest of you things in the shuttle, and meet me in the galley.

River exits the room with her things. Isaac looks at Simon.

SIMON (cont’d) Shepherd Book has prepared a meal for us.


With the crew and the slaves, it’s more crowded than usual at the table. Jayne and Derek seem to be getting along, laughing and joking. Isaac and River make eye contact on occasion, and she often stares at him when he’s not looking.

MAL (to Isaac) Just got done talkin’ to a friend of mine. Runs a mine on Haven, where we’re headed. Says they’ll take you all in. Set you up with honest work.

KAYLEE That’s great!

None of the freed slaves answer. They all look to Isaac.

KAYLEE (cont’d) Well, isn’t it?

MAL Don’t all thank me at once.

ISAAC We do thank you for the gesture, but I’m afraid our journey has just begun.

MAL Not on my boat, it hasn’t. Haven’s your next stop.

ISAAC That is not God’s will.

MAL Here we go again…

ISAAC You will deliver us into the hands of God. The promised land awaits us. He has told me this.

MAL I ain’t runnin’ no bus service to paradise. ‘Sides, I don’t seem to remember a planet or moon with such a name.

DEREK Isaac wasn’t given a name. He was given numbers. Five-two-zero-one—

MAL That’s enough! Now everyone just be quiet!

The table is silent for a beat. Two beats.

MAL (cont’d) You hear that? That’s right. Nothin’ but the sound of the engines. Creak of the steel. Your own breath. Nothin’ else. God don’t talk.

ISAAC How do you know when you don’t listen?

MAL You don’t know nothin’ about me, preacher-man.

ISAAC God has chosen you, Captain.

MAL Well, I don’t choose him. Not no more. And I sure ain’t gonna choose to plug in a set of dreamed-up coordinates and see where they lead. (gets up from the table) Haven’s your next stop. Best you all get some shut-eye.


Isaac paces amid the mining machinery. His hands are folded beneath his chin in prayer. Serenity is still and quiet. Zoe watches from the door to the infirmary. Book appears behind her.

BOOK He still going strong?

ZOE Been praying near two hours now.

BOOK Why haven’t you interrupted him? He can pray in his room. I do.

ZOE Probably feels safer here in familiar surroundings than in another cage. I figure it’s best to let him tire himself out. No need to get him worked up again.

Zoe looks back towards the pacing Isaac.

BOOK Why don’t you get some rest? I can take it from here.

ZOE You sure?

Book nods and smiles. Zoe smiles and walks away. Once she’s gone, Book approaches Isaac, who stops praying and smiles.

ISAAC I didn’t thank you for the wonderful meal, Shepherd.

BOOK It was my pleasure, brother.

ISAAC (looking about the room) It’s peaceful here.

BOOK It can be. At times.

Isaac touches the mining machinery.

ISAAC Do you believe in coincidences, Shepherd?

BOOK One man’s coincidence is another man’s evidence.

ISAAC True enough. What kind of man are you?

BOOK Honestly, I don’t know anymore.

ISAAC If that’s the case, I’ll be on the side of evidence for us both…

Book smiles. Isaac looks away from him, staring at the mining equipment.

ISAAC (cont’d) I’ve seen too much for it to be coincidence. The mines… They were hell. Wailing and gnashing of teeth… (looks away) God pulled me from that pit, Shepherd. But this serenity is temporary. His will is not done.

BOOK It never is, Isaac. I know He wants us to keep going. Keep walking with Him. But truly, I feel I’m stumbling more than walking, more every day. Sometimes it’s so dark, I don’t know where my path is leading, but I trust it’s where He wants me to be.

ISAAC You doubt the path you’ve chosen?

BOOK No. These are good folk. All of them.

ISAAC Even a man who hates God?

BOOK Captain doesn’t hate God. He’s just… lost.

ISAAC As are we all. (beat) God has brought me this far, and I know He wants me to go farther. But I don’t see how.

BOOK If it’s His will, He will make a way.

ISAAC God bless you, Shepherd. You’re right…


The shiny new INERTIAL DAMPENER sparks and crackles in a way it was clearly not designed to do. A thin plume of smoke rises.

ISAAC (cont’d, VO) God will make a way.


Monday, February 13, 2006 1:03 AM


Hhhmm, I'm not trusting Isaac here. When people get fanatical about religion and what they think is God whispering in their ear, reason has a habit of being forsaken along with everyone else's reservations and opinions which tend to get ignored. That's when initial gratitude is forgotten and the colours of the spectrum turn black and white. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Monday, February 13, 2006 3:58 AM


Ahh! I wonder what he wants with River...


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Virtual Firefly episode 1x22 (act four)
“Those Left Behind” (act four): This is the Season One finale of the Virtual Firefly project. This particular tale is adapted from the Dark Horse comic book miniseries. Check out our web site at!

Virtual Firefly episode 1x22 (act three)
“Those Left Behind” (act three): This is the Season One finale of the Virtual Firefly project. This particular tale is adapted from the Dark Horse comic book miniseries. Check out our web site at!

Virtual Firefly episode 1x22 (act two)
“Those Left Behind” (act two): This is the Season One finale of the Virtual Firefly project. This particular tale is adapted from the Dark Horse comic book miniseries. Check out our web site at!

Virtual Firefly episode 1x22 (act one)
“Those Left Behind” (act one): This is the Season One finale of the Virtual Firefly project. This particular tale is adapted from the Dark Horse comic book miniseries. Check out our web site at!

Virtual Firefly episode 1x22 (teaser)
“Those Left Behind” (teaser): This is the Season One finale of the Virtual Firefly project. This particular tale is adapted from the Dark Horse comic book miniseries. Check out our web site at!

Virtual Firefly episode 1x21 (act four)
“Chains” (act four): This is the sixth episode of the Virtual Firefly project. Check out our web site at!

Virtual Firefly episode 1x21 (act three)
“Chains” (act three): This is the sixth episode of the Virtual Firefly project. Check out our web site at!

Virtual Firefly episode 1x21 (act two)
“Chains” (act two): This is the sixth episode of the Virtual Firefly project. Check out our web site at!

Virtual Firefly episode 1x21 (act one)
“Chains” (act one): This is the sixth episode of the Virtual Firefly project. Check out our web site at!

Virtual Firefly episode 1x21 (teaser)
“Chains” (teaser): This is the sixth episode of the Virtual Firefly project. Check out our web site at!