The FINAL EFFECT - Animation
Friday, January 13, 2006 Well, it's pretty much final. I still need to fine tune the wave effect, but I think I've got theory down. Overall, I'm fairly satisfied with how the effect turned out. I have a new respect CG artist and the uncertainty that goes with special effects, I had very little idea how the final effect would turn out until after many hours of rendering. Well... anyway, enjoy! Follow the URLs to see the video (video requires the DIVX codec)



Friday, January 13, 2006 1:39 PM


Whoa, that is just.....whoa!! Absolutely beautiful!

Friday, January 13, 2006 2:01 PM


That's shiny. You've got natural talent, as Kaylee's daddy might say... Really, it was amazing. :-)

Friday, January 13, 2006 5:14 PM


Thanks, everybody! I worked a long time at this and my computer spent many an hour rendering. Oh, btw: if you don't have the DIVX player/codec, it's an easy download at

Friday, January 13, 2006 9:51 PM


Yeah, I can only imagine that Casivona is starting to appreciate the work of Firefly and Serenity just THAT much more. That must have taken a REALLY long time. Great work on it, it's fantastic.

Saturday, January 14, 2006 1:43 PM


that's fan-freggin-tastic

Saturday, January 14, 2006 5:44 PM


Great job, Casivona! Your talent will carry you many places in the future. And a fantastic tribute to our Little Ship That Could. Thanks for keeping her flying!

Monday, January 16, 2006 6:28 PM


It was totally worth the DIVX download to see that. Very cool!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006 8:13 AM


Pretty darn amazing, if'n I do say so myself.

Anyone else thinking fan-film time?


Tuesday, January 17, 2006 6:07 PM


I know you put many hours into this, and its great quality...

But you have a critical problem that i have noticed:

Conventional Jet engines like the ones located on the side of Serenity need air to make them run.

That is why there shouldn't be any propulsion comming from the side engines.

And to have Serenity turn a spray of air should come out of the right side, thus pushing the ship around.

Go to to get details on jet engines.

Again i wasn't trying to take away from your work, Hell I want to know what program you used to make it.

Could you PM me or something to inform me please



Tuesday, January 17, 2006 7:08 PM


Thanks again, everyone! And thank you Browncoat for the observations. I don't want this to come across as me being arrogant but this video was more of a technology test so I realized the inconsistencies, and I figured out how to do thruster burst after I had rendered it (suppose I should've stated that), but it did bug me that I didn't have the thrusters. However, it takes sooo long to render I just haven't gotten around to it yet. I figure I've worn this scene out, so I think I'll animate another. Again, not to be arrogant, but according to the technology explanation in the Serenity RPG book: the reaction thruster pods have the capacity to burn in an airless environment... just a little FYI :D

Tuesday, January 17, 2006 11:45 PM


Seriously awe worthy.
It supports the thought that it's only a matter of time before fans of a show go off and do their own thing despite what a network might do.

Zoic could use you I bet :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2006 2:20 AM


"Zoic could use you...", wow! thanks! what a compliment! and I would absolutely love to work for Zoic! talk about my dream job!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006 3:01 PM


I can just imagine the circumstances regarding this U-turn:

MAL: Wash! This is NOT Persephonie!

WASH: Wo de mah! Sorry, must've got turned around when me and Zoe were on top of the consol...doing...something...playing with my dinosaurs!

JAYNE: (under his breath) Rutt'n lucky lizards.


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Serenity - Scavenge

; --- (copy and paste the link into your browser to see the video) Here's a little video I did a long time ago that I had misplaced until now. The music is from the "Buffy - The Vampire Slayer" Soundtrack. I did this back before I knew how to build good models so the Serenity model is by Sean Kennedy and the Peacekeeper Vigilante (stand-in Reaver ship) is by Rhys Salcombe. All of this was rendered in Lightwave. Yes... the video may seem to end with a bit of a "cliff-hanger"... I never did get around to piecing together the bits of the chase scene that I had... :-) --- "

Serenity - Just Married
This is a little piece I created for my older brother and new sister-in-law who were married several months ago. They honeymooned in Hawaii, hence the beach. They are both Firefly/Serenity fans. I rendered the objects in Lightwave I and used Photoshop for compositing on the photo. Serenity model was built by Sean Kennedy.

Through the Storm - Wallpaper
Here's an alternate, wallpaper friendly version of my latest piece. Hope you enjoy it. I might even make an animation of this at some point... hmm.... :)

Through the Storm
Horray for my new computer! I just got done rebuilding it; duel core, new video card, new RAM. Lightwave is a lot faster now! Hopefully, I can crank out my fanfic sooner, but in the meantime, here's a picture I had to get out of my head. As always, the model is by Sean Kennedy. I used Lightwave and a little Photoshop action in this one.

Ocean Class Carrier - 3D lightwave model
It's been a while since I posted a piece of art here, so I thought I'd let you all see what I've been up to (though it's not really art). **It's still a work-in-progress!** This is the Ocean Class Carrier from the movie... you see these guys in big space battle near the end. I've been working off still pictures I've captured from the movie, so I'm not sure how accurate it'll be. Hopefully, I'll have the engine and gunturret complete by next week; Maybe textured the week after. This is one of the models I'll be using in an upcoming fanfic featuring a brand new crew and ship. The series will be called "Badlands" (takes place during the war) and should be out by at least beginning 2007. It's a combo "e-comicbook"/"CG movie"... an interesting blend. Stay tuned at!

"Bid Me Rest"
I've been wanting to do this for a long time and finally gotten the time to actually create this. It's my little tribute to our Wash. Enjoy. I used Photoshop and Lightwave. Serenity model by Sean Kennedy.

The FINAL EFFECT - Animation

Well, it's pretty much final. I still need to fine tune the wave effect, but I think I've got theory down. Overall, I'm fairly satisfied with how the effect turned out. I have a new respect CG artist and the uncertainty that goes with special effects, I had very little idea how the final effect would turn out until after many hours of rendering. Well... anyway, enjoy! Follow the URLs to see the video (video requires the DIVX codec)

New Serenity Animation v2

Not much different than the last animation. I did add an engine burn/exhaust effect that looks pretty damn cool I must say, but not perfect. Anyway, I figured since my computer spent all last night and most of the today rendering, I might as well post it. Enjoy! (requires a DIVX codec to play)

New Serenity Animation
Though I haven't mastered the engine effect quite yet, I think I'm doing pretty good with camera shakes and zooms. Here's an animation of something the Serenity probably wouldn't do to turn around in space, but hey, it looked cool. Anyway, let me know what you think. I'm hoping to get to the point where I can add the engine effect into this animation.
Serenity model by Sean Kennedy.
(video requires the DIVX codec)

The Firefly Effect
It's my first attempt at something like this so it's by no means perfect, but I think I'm on the right track. I rendered this completely in Lightwave ... no Photoshop retouches. I've finally figured out how to emulate the Firefly effect using volumetric lights and fractal textures. Once I get the waves moving right I'll post an animation. It's gonna take some serious fine tuning though.