A Jayne fic- Part Two Girl finds out she's been kidnapped
Thursday, December 22, 2005

You know what I can't describe it, I have no idea where it's going, or even if it's going, if this one gets bad reviews I'll give it away because I don't have a plot


A Jayne Fic Part 2: Girl finds out she's been kidnapped "Someone's awake." River giggled and for once Jayne was grateful for River's smarts. He dropped what he was eating and almost ran out of the room. Inara raised an eyebrow at Kaylee and they both sat quietly waiting to see how this new adventure would play out. "Do ya think she'll be angry? We did sorta kidnap her?" Mal and Simon left the table, hoping that Jayne hadn't frightened the girl. ***************** Abbey's eyes flew open, expecting to feel sore, taste blood and dirt and have Andy glaring down at her, his boot in her ribs. After all that was the last thing she remembered. When she looked around and saw only white she thought for a heartbeat, that she was dead. Until she saw him

Jayne watched her. She was so pale and looked kinda like a frightened deer "Hi." He was so quiet she almost didn't hear him over the pounding in her head and heart, 'he seems so lost' she thought smiling. "Well hello there Abbey, my name's Simon, this is Captain Reynolds." He paused using that practised doctor manner he'd learnt on Osiris. "It's good to have you back." "Call me Mal, Captain Reynolds is a might formal for a guest on my ship, how're you feeling?" Abbey winced as Simon's hands examined her ribs. Jayne stiffened slightly almost as if he could feel it too. "I'm confused Cap- er Mal," She swallowed "I don't remember much, I definitely don't remember getting here." She watched Simon uneasily, 'Girl don't trust doctors any more'n I do.' Jayne thought to himself. "That's Ok, we found you in the alley-way on Alexis, do you remember meeting us at the bar in Alexis?" Simon added. "Your memory is bound to be hazy, don't force anything. It will all come back slowly." Once again Simon's slightly cold, evasive manner defused the room of all it's warmth. "I remember meeting y'all on Alexis, it was my last night, I bought everyone a round, I was with you, Jayne before I left." "And if it weren't for Jayne, you wouldn't be here, but that's enough for now, you can press the blue button beside you if you need me, we'll let you rest now." Simon smiled, briefly. Jayne followed the others to the door, stopping the doc he asked in a low voice, tinted with what Simon could only guess was concern "Can I-" he gestured towards Abbey. "All right, just ensure she gets some rest. ******************

"So how is she? Is she awful mad?" Kaylee asked almost leaping outta her seat. "She's healing quickly." Simon poured a cup of coffee. "Does she remember much? When we didn't hear any yelling we became curious." Inara sat there as serene as ever, she felt it impolite to pounce as Kaylee had, but even she wished to know how their guest would take the news of her kidnapping. "We haven't told her anything, not yet- her memory's still a might shaky, so's her health- Doc and I thought it best to wait a spell." Mal looked curiously at River, who sat there being awful still and quiet, she was listening for something, or to something. After co-piloting with River for a few months Mal was becoming used to her little "ways" "Albatross?" Mal asked, worried that River was keeping quiet on purpose. "Jayne will be a kitten soon, all bark and no teeth." Mal decided to file that away under things to think on at another time. ********************* "So basically it was your idea to kidnap me?" Abbey lay on her side, watching Jayne become uncomfortable. "Well yeah, but it weren't none like that." He paused. "I didn't want to leave and not know what happened to you." He became flustered and decided just to keep quiet. "I'm not angry Jayne, a little disorientated maybe, but not angry." All of a sudden Jayne's eyes brightened, Abbey felt her stomach turn to butterflies. "I can fix you feelin all turned about. When you're better I'll give ya a tour of the ship. In the meantime I can fill ya in on all the ins and outs of the ship- and I don't just mean Serenity, some of the crew are kinda difficult." Abbey laughed and settled back to hear tales of ship life.


Thursday, December 29, 2005 4:50 PM


I love that it shows Jayne's soft spot and doesn't take away his rough edges.


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Happy Birthday River!
Umm, I've been listening to Backstreet Boys, please don't hurt me!
Also I can almost hear preemptive voices in my head telling me about structure, well it was rushed and just a bit of fun

Sunday's Child
Ok so I love that children's rhyme about the days of the week- the seventh line is: And the child born on the Sabbath day is bonny and blithe and full of gay- Just read and Feedback like a chocolate-chip brownie is always appreciated.

Saturday's Child
Ok so I love that children's rhyme about the days of the week- the sixth line is: Saturday's child works hard for a living- this is about Mal shown through three different view points. Just read and Feedback like a chocolate-chip brownie is always appreciated. It's got 2 parts set before BDM and one after!! To be honest I'm not so proud of this- comments are appareciated on how to fix it.

I know it's a little broken up but I can't help it, I just can't get this so I'm happy with it.

Friday's child
Ok so I love that children's rhyme about the days of the week- the fifth line is: Friday's child is loving and giving- this is about Simon and his sacrifices- not just for River but what he does for the crew as well.
Just read and Feedback like a chocolate-chip brownie is always appreciated. Once again it's set post BDM- so if you haven't watched go and watch so that you can read my fic!!

To be honest I'm not so proud of this- comments are appareciated on how to fix it
and Kudos to whoever guessed my order, there's nothing like giving away the element of suprise.

Thursday's Child
Ok so I love that children's rhyme about the days of the week- the fourth line is: Thursday's child has far to go. It's Jayne thinking, well thoughts- just read and Feedback like a chocolate-chip brownie is always appreciated.
Once again it's set post BDM- so if you haven't watched go and watch so that you can read my fic!!

Wednesday's child
Ok so I love that children's rhyme about the days of the week- the third line is: Wednesday's Child is full of Woe. It's River thinking of Zoe.

This is set post BDM- **major spoiler** if you haven't seen it well then WHY NOT??
Feedback always appreciated, please, please be nice- I really like this one.

Tuesday's Child
Ok so I love that children's rhyme about the days of the week- the second line is: Tuesday's child full of Grace. There are lots of ways I could have gone with this- it's set post BDM.

It's just to show us how far River has come and how much Simon appreciates his sister

Monday's child
Ok so I love that children's rhyme about the days of the week- the first line is: Monday's child fair of face.
There are lots of ways I could have gone with this but it's basically Mal talking about Inara, now I'm not sure about this part, it was the hardest one to write- so any feedback is hugely appreciated, I just don't think I write Mal particularly well.

Dreams and Strangers
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A Jayne Fic Part 7.1- A Captain Shouldn't Always Trust his Instincts
This is just a beginning, it all sounds tedious but I'm revealing something *big* I promise.