Whispers in the Air: Part 3
Friday, January 2, 2004

Witness bonds between Book and Traves being made, and bonds between Book and the crew be broken.


Like instinct, the crew of Serenity run to their designated specialties. Kaylee sprints up to the engine room. Wash gets up to the Bridge, to answer any calls. Mal, with Zoe and Jayne, get some guns and wait in the cargo bay. Simon and Book raise the unconscious River onto the operating table, having Traves move. Without any orders, Book leads Traves to a side room to get some clothes. "Uh... Mal." Wash says over the intercom. "It's an Alliance ship." "Cap'n." Kaylee groans over the intercom. "That sudden stop blew out our propulsion lines. The tubes are shot. I can't fix them in this condition with what we got." "One problem at a time. Please!" said Mal. "Wash, what did they say?" "Nothing." "We can handle'em." Jayne states, holding his rifle up. "We kicked Ally butt before." "They could be armed, sir." Zoe points out. "Mal." Wash interjects, in the middle of Mal's train of thought. "They wish to speak to the Captain of the ship." "Yeah." Mal says with a forced grin. "A stow away, an unconscious crew member, no movement, and Alliance on my ass. What else could go wrong!?" He grudges as he goes up to the bridge with Zoe and Jayne bringing up the rear. ... The yellow panel door opens and out walks Traves. Book is surprised to see what he did in that two minute period. Traves stands tall in the clothes Book gave him form Simon's room. Book stared for a moment, with his mouth hanging to see Traves' hair. His hair no longer is touching his shoulders, but is now nicely cut to make him seem a bit more presentable, even with the bruised face. "Shepherd." Traves whispers, as if it were Book's name. "We met before?" he asks. Book doesn't answer him. He just looks at him with a grave face. "Because if so, I'm no longer that man." Traves reassures. "It's like you hear whispers in your head. They're the bad memories trying to get to you. I may have lost my memories some how, but it feels like I did something wrong to you." Book just looks at him with the same grave face, that a preacher uses when confronted with sin. Traves continues on, with a simple gesture of putting his hand on Book's shoulder. "Memories are like the whispers we hear in the air of our minds. We can't escape them. The whispers will always call. And people like us, will run. Till the day comes, where we must speak back to the whispers." During Traves' speech, Book actual understood the deeper meaning of the words. Book put both of his hands on Traves' shoulders, ready to accept them as the truth of the matter. But once Traves finished, Mal came in, signaling Book that he needs to speak to him about something. Book sits Traves on a chair then walks over to Mal. "Yes, Mal." Book asks solemnly, with a glance up to see Jayne and Zoe. "You're Alliance?" Mal asks coldly. Book just swallows his gut, and stares Mal in the eyes. "You got a firend. A liutenant General Broder." Mal says, stricking a nerve within Book. "He wishes to speak to you." "Alright." "In person." Mal adds. Book nodds. "He should be here, now." A second later, the air lock doors open, and in storms four Alliance soldiers, each one armed. But Mal got that covered, with Jayne and Zoe having the advantage of being on higher ground. Book approaches the soldiers, as Liutenant General Broder enters Serenity. Broder easily stands a foot taller than Book, and his military suit makes him seem taller. Broder's dark skin, and shaved head is a jolt to Mal and the rest, because the spoke to some white guy on the phone, but Book isn't surprised. "Sheperd Book, is it?" Broder asks with his deep, big black voice. "Last time I saw you, you're a sergeant." Book chuckles. "Let's just get straight to buisness, shall we." Broder suggests, with a smirk. "Now, Book, you will go onto my ship, so you can help finish the Neo-Terra Project, you ran out on." "Do you really expect me, to go so easily." Book snarls. "Yes, I do" said Broder with a bigger smirk. He signals his troops back onto his ship. "Captain Reynolds." He says loudly. "Reavers are headed to our position at a rapid speed. My men can take them, but can you." He informs, while looking at Jayne and Zoe. "Either Shepherd comes with me, or you'll be the next course for these Reavers." "You're sick." Book scowls. "But, I can't let them be hurt." he states. "I will go with you, as long as you give Serenity a good push back to New Melbourne." "Aright." Broder easily agrees. Without any words, Book is led onto the Alliance ship, with Broder on his side. Mal, shuts the air lock doors, with a confused heart. Mal turns around and recognizes the grim and disappointed look on his crew's faces. But they all know there was nothing, they could do to stop it. "Book did what he did, for us. I didn't tell him!" Mal shouts. "Let's just hope we land before the Reavers arrive." ... Come back next time for the conclusion to "Whispers in the Air."


Monday, January 5, 2004 3:54 PM


Man, I gotta read the next part!


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Dreams of Space: Act 1, Scene 1 and 2
The continuation for those of you who followed "Whispers in the Air"

Whispers in the Air: Part 4
After Book leaves with the Alliance, Serenity is faced with some Reavers

Whispers in the Air: Part 3
Witness bonds between Book and Traves being made, and bonds between Book and the crew be broken.

Whispers in the Air: Part 2
River and the stow away conduct an out of body experience.

Whispers in the Air: Part 2

Whispers in the Air: Part I
After leaving New Melbourne minus one member, A stow away is found, and Book is confronted by his past.