Big Damn Hero Down Time
Monday, August 15, 2005

I used the picture PsychicRiver posted to make this. It was improvised, basically.



Monday, August 15, 2005 10:28 AM


Man, Sean looks hot! I am liking the longer hair. Everyone looks great. Alan looks a little bored, though.

Monday, August 15, 2005 1:01 PM


Oh. My. God. I don't think there's a woman alive looks better than Jewel.

Monday, August 15, 2005 1:55 PM


Great work!!

And I agree with CMS!

Monday, August 15, 2005 4:12 PM


I could die happy now! Great shot of the ladies! They look scorchingly beautiful! Jewel and Summer in particular look DROP DEAD GEORGEOUS! Amazing legs on Morena

Monday, August 15, 2005 4:25 PM


I could die happy now! Great shot of the ladies! They look scorchingly beautiful! Jewel and Summer in particular look DROP DEAD GEORGEOUS! Amazing legs on Morena. I would also like to mention Gina, looks stunning as well, but of course she's married(gorramit!). Jewel has snapped back from "Kaylee" a little. Alan looks like he just got out of bed, as he did in the first shot of "The Message".

Tuesday, August 16, 2005 9:40 AM


Having had the pleasure of seeing Sean up close and personal at the Boston showing....all I can say is "perfect." He had his hair a little longer in a shag. He looked like an angel. And yes, I can say for a fact he is even more beautiful than Morena.


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Watched Trash, saw Mal, couldn't resist. Enjoy.

I was looking through the various "Summat-Or-Other-isms" wallpapers people have made, and I suddenly went, "Whoa, hey, what about Joss? He's damn funny." So I decided to do it my own self. Thus I give you Jossisms. Enjoy.

Deadly Pinkie (New and Improved)
I was digging through wallpapers when I came across one with Wash and Saffron. Since I didn't like the way it looked, I decided to make it over again. So here it is. Enjoy.

Big Damn Hero Down Time
I used the picture PsychicRiver posted to make this. It was improvised, basically.

Bwah - Revised - See Through Text
And finally, shiny see through text on my revised Bwah WP. Enjoy. :)

Bwah - Revised - White Text
My revised Bwah WP, this version with text. Enjoy. :)

Bwah - Revised - No Text
So I did this wallpaper a while back, and I got some good feedback (thanks to all those who fed back, because I'm too lazy to look right now), so I decided to redo this wallpaper. I got some new pictures for some of the cast (pics that were better or clearer or whatnot), and I rearranged them and made it shinier. This particular version has no text, though I'm posting two others that have text. Enjoy. :)

Firefly Keychain Animals
So I was at Wal-Mart the other day, and I saw this Roseart keychain animal kit, right? Well, I was like, "Shiny," since I'm into making crafts like that. So I bought it and was looking at the back and saw that you could make a dragonfly with it. I was like, "Well, that just will not do." So instead of making the butt purple, I made it - you guessed it - yellow, because fireflies are so much better than dragonflies. And then I named my new keychain - you guessed it - Serenity. :D

I also saw that you could make a goose, so I was like, "Hey, according to Wash, some people juggle those." So I made the goose and named him - you guessed it - Wash. :D


Joss - Character Series - Revised
I saw a good Joss quote and decided to revise my Joss wallpaper. I might make more, maybe even lighten up the mood of the whole series like this, but whatever. It depends on how lazy I'm feeling. :D

Joss - Character Series
Last in my Character Series. Joss may not be a character on screen, but he certainly is a character. And gorrammit, the creator of the best show in the 'verse deserves a wallpaper, too!