Folk Heroes
Sunday, April 10, 2005

What happened to Wash after the crew rescued Mal in ‘War Stories’, and River reveals another strange ability.


Serenity's cargo hold never looked quite this good before…well, no, it looked even better a couple hours ago, except I couldn't properly appreciate the beauty then, but it looks pretty shiny right now, what with the Captain back on board, everyone's safe and the Doc said Mal will be alright, at least after his ear gets put back on and I could just kiss that rusty old boat and it's all shiny and maybe I can sit down now, before my head spins any faster, except that Zoe is saying something about getting the ship away from here, now, at least I think that's what she's saying, my lip-reading's pretty rusty and it's starting to occur to me she probably wants *me* to get Serenity away from here and that would probably be a real good idea if I didn't feel so wiped out right now. Not my best day, really. Might be my worst day, I'll have to think on that one, but not now, I really can't think right now and Zoe is getting a little jumpy, she looks worried and I don't want her worried, Mal’s more than enough for everyone to worry about so I better try to figure out where my legs are and make 'em move in the right direction. Which is…man, I wish my head would stay still…that way. I think. But I must be going the right direction because Zoe looks a little less worried and the others don't even seem to notice so I think I'm getting away with it. I've had some serious hangovers before, hell, I was known for hangovers in pilot school, but I've never felt like this. Whoever put the weights in my shoes, very funny, you can get 'em out now. And speaking of drinking, some water would be good right now if I didn't think my gut would explode. My gut's never hurt like this before, I guess that gorram guard hit me harder than I thought. Who am I kidding? Never been gut-punched before, for all I know that tza-ziao duh choo-sheng was a lightweight. At least I didn't toss my lunch. I think Mal might have been a bit impressed with that. For a second. If he even saw…damn, how can he take ten of those punches and still dish out his own? For that matter, how does Zoe take a hit and give worse than she got? It's taking me all I've got to stay upright, and I don't think I can even do that too much longer. Damn good thing I'm finally up to the bridge, maybe catch my breath for a sec without the others noticing I almost didn't make it up the steps. I'm not sure if my gut's going to explode out or up, but gorram, it hurts. I probably should've said something to the Doc, but he's got Mal to patch up, and what am I gonna say, "hey Doc, forget his ear, I've got a tummyache?" Yeah, that'd be first class. He probably wouldn't believe me anyway, and boy the rest of 'em would never let me forget it. So, suck it up Hoban, and fly this boat, as far away from that damn moon as we can get. Thank you, Serenity old girl, for listening to me and giddy-upping, 'cause if you didn't I wouldn't even know which switch to hit, there's at least three of all of them and all the lights are flickering and I do believe I'm going to be sick. Better late than at the time, I guess. The pain is starting to rip me up, gorram Mal and him being able to suck it up and be all noble, I can't, I can't deal with this, I've at least got to not be sick on the controls but trying to move hurts so bad and I can barely get myself over the arm of the chair before I barf out both lungs and probably a few other things. Well, not my lungs…everything's blurry but what I just dumped on the floor looks more like what Kaylee puts on engine parts and kinda smells like it, too, except not as good. And worse, there are two blurry legs in front of me and I'm pretty sure I barfed on someone's feet. Way to go, Wash. Whose feet, good question. Trying to get upright, it's worse than going down, this hurts even worse than what they did to me before, and my head's whipping around faster than the engines, although I do get a bit of look, and I got sick on the preacher. Swell, is that a major sin or a minor one? Doesn't matter, 'cause the lights are going out anyway. The preacher looks worried. Don't worry Shepherd, it's just a tummyache. Really.

Most of the crew were concerned with the Captain when they returned to Serenity, but Book was more concerned about Wash. Captain Reynolds had survived a war, he'd been over the edge of the volcano before and Book doubted Niska had held the Captain any farther over the edge than he'd been previously. But Wash had likely never set foot in the vicinity of a volcano, and furthermore he didn't look at all well. The young man was going to need what Book could offer. Perhaps some real ministering to be done. Book waited until Wash had reached the bridge before he started up the stairs in the same direction. No point embarrassing Wash any more than he already was, his ego was likely as bruised as his body, and under such circumstance a private talk would be best. As he approached the bridge, Serenity's engines roared to life and the ship turned and headed into void. Good riddance to Niska's moon, would that what happened there could be left behind so easily. As he entered the bridge, it became apparent that Wash was genuinely not right. Indeed, it appeared he was going to fall out of his chair, and Book quickly moved to catch him, but instead the pilot emptied his innards directly on Book's boots. And most of what was on his boots was blood. Book changed his mind; Wash needed Simon's ministering more than his own. Wash was trying to right himself without success, but he did see who was in front of him and tried to smile, a poor choice considering the amount of blood smeared down his face and chest. "Don' wurr, Sheburd," Wash mumbled, "jus' a tummyache." And then Wash passed out. Book caught Wash before he struck the floor and eased the young man back into the chair. He thought briefly of carrying Wash to the infirmary but thought better of it. He thought of calling for Zoe but thought better of that as well, they had enough problems without a frantic first mate. Reluctantly, he went with his third choice. "Jayne!" Book put his all in his holler and hoped he was heard. Fortunately he was. Within seconds the familiar unsubtle clomping was heard on the stairs. "This better be important," Jayne muttered as he entered the bridge - then stopped in surprise on seeing the unconscious Wash and the puddle of blood on the floor. "Damn, Shepherd, how hard you hit 'im?" Jayne asked, impressed. Book took a deep breath to remind himself that the man was dim as bad storage room lighting. "I would imagine this is Niska's work, Jayne, and I don't think we have time to discuss it." Of course it took Jayne a moment to realize what Book was saying. "Right, Shepherd, OK," he grunted, and picked up Wash with surprising ease and more surprising care. He turned and moved quickly off the bridge, so quickly Book had to trot to keep up. Still, Jayne arrived at the infirmary first, and to Book's regret, Zoe was there, helping Simon patch up the Captain. No time to lose then. Zoe was already staring at her husband. "What…happened!" she demanded. Jayne opened his mouth to speak, but Book gave him a look and Jayne closed his mouth again. Thanks be to God, the man had a sense of self-preservation. Possibly his only sense. "I think the events of the day caught up to him," Book told Zoe, hoping he sounded reassuring. Zoe's face hardened and she pointed at the blood covering her husband. "And that?" "I can't be certain," Book measured his words, "but he may have struck something on the control panel when he passed out." The doctor, meanwhile, had been trying to finish his work with the Captain, take a look at Wash and listen to the conversation at the same time, without a great deal of reassurance on any point. "Um, not to be insensitive," Simon glanced nervously at Zoe, "but…who's flying the ship?" Wonderful timing Simon had. He would have to thank the lad later. "No one, and I don't think Wash had set a course when he…fell. Someone should check the controls, make sure we're not going anywhere we'd rather not." Book looked pointedly at Zoe, the only conscious person on the ship who was capable of flying it. Zoe bit her lip and stroked Wash's hand. "Doctor, you'll see to him?" "Of course." Zoe took another look at Wash, then quickly turned and headed up to the bridge. Book let go a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. "Boy, is she gonna be pissed at you guys later," Jayne noted. Book ignored him. "Doctor…" "He didn't just pass out, did he?" "No. I'm afraid not. He - vomited first." "Blood?" "Yes. And he said he had a…tummyache." Simon braced himself on the stretcher for a moment, then started removing Wash's shirt. "I thought he might have been hurt, does he have to be a hero?" "The Captain was." "Of course." Simon ran his hand lightly over Wash's midsection. The pilot's abdomen was bruised and swollen and Simon seemed reluctant to put any pressure on it. "He's bleeding internally. I could probably find the source, maybe stop it." Clearly Simon was leaving out something vital. "But?" Book prodded. Simon sighed. "He's lost a lot of blood, he'll lose more if I operate, and we don't have any more to give him." "Take…mine." Surprise, the Captain was awake. Barely, and drugged to high degree, but awake. Simon shook his head. "You don't have enough for yourself." "He - don't let Wash die." "I won't. Well, I'll try." The Captain tried to sit up and Simon put him back in bed. The Captain was having none of it. "He can't die, we're gorram folk heroes, we don't die!" Simon grabbed a syringe and gave the Captain another shot, and the Captain's protests became quieter. Simon replaced the Captain in his bed and turned his attention back to Wash. "I'll do what I can to stop the bleeding, but without more blood, he's not going to make it," he said in frustration. But what the Captain had said had sparked an idea in Book's mind, an idea, a plan that just-might-work. "Doctor, you do your best. I'll get the blood." "You will?" Simon was confused. "How?" "Trust me." Book hurried back to the bridge and nearly collided with Zoe. "Ship's on course, it's fine, I have to see Wash." Book blocked her path. "We need to change course." "What?" "Go back. To the planet, back to the other side. And hurry." Zoe narrowed her eyes. "Why?" "Just believe me. It's for Wash, and it's very important." Zoe hesitated. "Wash is hurt bad." She was as sharp as Jayne was dull. "Yes." "We need to go back." Zoe returned to the control panel. "Let me know when we arrive." Book left Zoe outside the bridge and headed downstairs. He needed help from one more person. He hesitated a moment before knocking on her door, but only a moment. "Come in," Inara called, and was quite startled when the hatch opened to reveal the Shepherd. "Do you have a moment?" he asked. "Certainly, Shepherd, although I…" He cut her off. "Wash was more badly hurt than we thought. He needs blood. I have an idea as to how we could get some." "And this idea involves me? How?" "We'll need your shuttle. And your powers of persuasion…"

Book filled Inara in on his plan while she piloted the shuttle to the planet. She had to admit, it was worth the try. She only hoped there would be enough people on the planet both willing and able to help. There was a general store in the main town, and Inara entered the store as casually as possible, window-shopped for a moment until she saw the shopkeeper, and gave him a wide smile. The man nearly melted. "G-good day to you. Is there - what can I do for you?” Inara smiled wider. "I was hoping you might have some candles. Jasmine, or rosinthe, if you have them?" The shopkeeper was relieved. "We don't often get such things here, but we did get some rosinthe candles just today, some incense too if I recall right." Inara turned her smile inward for a moment. The candles and incense had been part of the cargo Serenity had delivered the day before. "A dozen of the candles, and a box of incense would be lovely." "Not as lovely as you, my lady," the shopkeeper beamed, and quickly began retrieving the requested items. Time to make the move. "It's been a long while since I've been near this planet," Inara noted. "What news is there, if I may be so bold in asking?" "Strangely enough, there is much talk in the town today," he replied. "I might say nothing of interest has happened here in months, but today, there is much to say." "Really? How so?" "Well…" he hesitated a moment, but looking back at Inara, the shopkeeper could not refuse. "You may have seen a moon station on your approach?" Inara nodded. "It belongs to Adelai Niska. An evil man. He…he's done horrible things to us. But I'm told some months ago, the captain of cargo ship crossed Niska, and lived. And today, they say the same captain escaped Niska again. Killed many of his men as well, and Niska hasn't been heard from. We - we're hoping he's truly gone." Inara had listened to the man's words with intent and interest, and was pleased to see the man was blushing a bit with her attention. "That's wonderful news for this world, if such a horrible man has gone," she said, "but what of the cargo ship?" "I do not know," the shopkeeper admitted, "but if half of what I heard of today is true, we will be telling tales of Malcolm Reynolds and Serenity for years to come." Inara leaned closer to the shopkeeper. "What if I were to say I travel on Serenity?" The man's eyes widened in surprise and excitement. "Do you truly?" "Yes, I do. And I hope that you, and your townsfolk, might be able to help Captain Reynolds." Inara smiled again, knowing he would not say no.

Simon wondered to himself what the Shepherd might have had in mind, but only for a moment. Wash was going to need all the concentration Simon had left, and even then…he may have told the Shepherd he could stop the bleeding, but now that he had Wash opened up and saw just how much blood was not where it should be, Simon wasn't as certain. He had already removed the pilot's ruptured spleen and patched up a half dozen lacerations, but the bleeding hadn't stopped and Simon couldn't imagine Wash had much more left to lose. If that weren’t bad enough, he was also trying to keep an eye on the Captain and not think about what was done to retrieve the Captain in the first place. Simon hoped the Shepherd would hurry, whatever he was up to. "He hurts." Simon hadn't even realized River was in the infirmary before she spoke, in that matter-of-fact-but-oh-so-creepy way she had perfected, and she startled him. Recovering his wits quickly, he paused in his work to answer her. "No, he doesn't. Later, when he wakes up, but not now." River glided around the infirmary, stopping for a moment to touch Wash's face before dancing away again. "He's awake now." Now was not the time for games, and River knew better. Simon bit back some irritation and tried to speak as patiently as he could. "He's not awake, River, he's asleep. I gave him drugs." "Not enough. He's awake." What the…and even as he thought it, Simon thought Wash's hand might have twitched a bit, and he was breathing faster. Simon closed his eyes and reviewed what he had done so far. How much anesthetic had he given the pilot? What kind was it? Oh, what if he hadn't…oh no. River was right. More than likely, he hadn’t administered enough anesthetic. Any remaining doubts he may have had about whether River was right were quickly dashed when Wash suddenly opened his eyes, then started screaming. 'Don't panic', Simon repeated to himself, 'don't panic, find the right drugs and be quick, don't panic…' He searched through his supplies as fast he could without becoming frantic, but it was hard not to panic when your patient is screaming. He was still searching when suddenly Wash was silent. Simon was afraid to find out why, but he forced himself to turn around and look. River was standing over Wash and holding her hand over the pilot's face. Wash was clearly still in agony, but also utterly still and calm, and staring at River's hand, almost like River's hand was a magnet. "River, what are you…" "I'm waiting for you," River announced impatiently. "Ma shong." OK. No point arguing with her. "Right," Simon found the drug he was looking for, and quickly prepared a syringe and injected it into the terrified pilot. Within moments the drug worked its magic; Wash's breathing steadied and his eyes looked less aware. But he was still in thrall to River. "Should he forget?" River asked casually, "or remember?" Simon swallowed hard. Could she really mean what he thought she did? Could she even do that? Did he really want to know if she could? "Umm…forget. He should forget." "All right." River waved her hand slowly over Wash's face and his eyes closed. "He won't remember." "That's…good," Simon searched for words while internally he tried not to scream at the monsters who had turned his sister into…what, exactly? "River…do you think you could…um, maybe visit Kaylee or…" "Get out the way. I can do that. You're working." "That's right, River, I'm working." "All right." River left the infirmary as quietly as she'd entered it, leaving Simon to ponder what had just happened. Oh, and he'd better try to find the rest of Wash's injuries. Some normal doctoring would settle his mind. He hoped. An hour later, Simon was reasonably sure he had found all the sources of bleeding and repaired all the damage done to Wash's body. Nevertheless, the pilot was fading, quickly, the blood loss taking its toll, and Simon began to believe the whole incident with River might well become less significant very shortly. It was then that the boarding alert sounded, announcing the return of Inara's shuttle. Simon hadn't even realized Inara had left. Before he could wonder where she had gone, the Shepherd entered the infirmary, trailed by Inara and Jayne. Jayne was carrying a large container, which he put on the floor with a loud, ungentle thunk. "You don't need me no more, right?" Jayne asked Book hopefully. Book shook his head. “Good, I don’t want be around when you open that,” Jayne muttered, and clomped out of the infirmary. "What's in there, preacher?" Simon asked, hoping for a particular answer. He received it. "Blood, about sixteen units, same type as Wash. And the Captain," Book announced with relief. "I hope it's in time?" "So do I, Shepherd, so do I," Simon answered, quickly grabbing several of the bags from the container and setting up a transfusion unit. "Although…how?" "What the Captain said, about being a folk hero? It occurred to me Niska probably made no friends on that planet, and the settlers might be favorably disposed to, oh, say, someone who got the better of him? For instance, the Captain," Book explained. "So Inara and I went to the town, and she worked her magic." Simon looked to Inara. "When I told them who we were…what ship we traveled on…the townsfolk were only too glad to help. We found many with the right blood for Wash and the Captain, and they were more than willing to give it. Anything for the man who drove away Niska." "Well…I'd never have thought of it," Simon admitted. "I don't know what else to say." "Nothing," said Book, clapping Simon on the shoulder. "We do for our own."

It wasn't until the next day that Wash woke up - the right way, this time, and Simon was doubly relieved, both for the good sign of recovery and for Zoe's relief. Once Book had assured her Serenity was done for the day and she could see her husband, well, she hadn't left the infirmary. Except for those few minutes helping the Captain back to his bunk, that is, but otherwise she had been glued to Wash's bedside and peppering Simon with questions about Wash's condition and recovery. Inwardly, Simon reminded himself never to marry a military woman. "Simon?" Zoe didn't take her eyes off Wash, even to ask. "Hmm?" "I think he's waking up." Simon thought he could hear relief buried under her words. And she was right; Wash was starting to come around. Simon leaned over Wash, ready to check the woozy pilot's vitals, when Wash opened his eyes. "You're not my wife," he mumbled. "Unless I'm in prison." Pure Wash. He'd be fine. "You're not in prison, just my infirmary," Simon grinned. "Same difference." "You always talk to people who save your life like that?" Zoe asked. "Matter of fact, yeah," Wash tried to sit up but thought better of it. "Was I really…that bad?" "You nearly bled to death," Simon told him. "Next time you're hurt, tell me." "But…" "No buts, Wash. From now on. If someone even looks at you funny, you're seeing the doctor." Zoe had her don't-argue face on. "But Zo'…" "Or else." Wash paused. "Or else we never have sex again?" "No, we won't. Because *I'll* kill you." Somehow Simon wasn't so sure that Zoe might not really do that. "OK, lamby-toes. Hear that Doc? You get to see me naked. Often." "I'm thrilled." Simon didn't actually expect Zoe to let Wash leave the ship after this. "I'm not kidding, Wash. Do you have any idea how much you scared me?" "I'm guessing a lot." "A lot." "I'm sorry, Zo'. Jus' trying to be half of what the Captain is for you," Wash apologized. Zoe sighed. "You can do that without getting killed, you know. I didn't marry you for your risk-taking." Wash rolled his eyes. "Knew that." He looked exhausted. "Zoe," Simon interrupted, "I think Wash could use some more sleep now." He looked her directly in the eyes and she took the hint. She kissed Wash on the forehead. "I'll be back later, hero." "Ooh, hero. Hear that? She called me hero." "Because we're gorram folk heroes," added Mal. Simon hadn't realized Mal had been standing in the doorway, apparently for a while now. "Yes, sir," agreed Zoe. "Big damn folk heroes." "Heard you woke up, Wash, hopin' we could have a word?" Mal looked to Simon and he couldn't really refuse. "Just a few minutes, he's tired," Simon agreed. "Alone," Mal specified. "Yes, sir," Zoe answered, and shooed Simon out the door ahead of her.

OK, a scolding from Zoe I can take. Not sure I want one from the Captain right now. I know I'm an idiot, thanks. Confirmation unnecessary. Mal doesn't look so shiny either, all bandaged up and his ear buried under whatever Simon put on there. He sits down next to me and doesn't speak. Great, a talking to where I do all the talking. "Don't need to tell me, Cap'n, you were right, I was wrong, I promise to stay on the ship and I won't complain about the gorram war stories…" Mal looks surprised. "I wasn't planning on talking to that, not right away, but I 'spose if you already learned, I don't need to teach." Damn straight, I don't need the teaching. "So why are you here? Don't think I want to do an injury comparison either." "About that…" "Sorry Zoe picked me." Jien tah duh guay, I'm not sorry. But not gonna say that. "Don't be. She made the right decision." Mal studies the floor. "But I was thinking maybe I made a wrong one." "I don't follow." "Well, Doc says this is 'cause you took a helluva punch to the gut. 'cepting I don't remember any of Niska's men hitting you there. But I remember I did." I forgot all about that, the Captain tackling me on the planet when the shooting started. Come to think of it, he did clobber me pretty hard, but I know at least one of Niska's guys gut-punched me. "Nope, one of their guys got me, too," I tell him. Mal's face gets a bit darker. He's scary when he gets like that. "Don't you be telling me something just to make me feel better." "I’m not! I mean, maybe it was yours and his did this to me, but I know for a fact at least one of them got me. I thought you saw." Damn, so not puking was a waste. He softens up a bit. "Well, I'm sorry I hit you at all." "S'OK. Really." Captain just nods a bit. More talking than he's comfortable with, I'll bet. He stands up. "I'll tell the Doc you're sleeping." It's a statement, not a question. "You'll be right," I tell him, and he leaves, and I close my eyes. And the Doc's right, I really do need to sleep. Well, more that I want to sleep, so damn tired. So this is what it feels like to take one for the team. I think I could do just fine not taking any more of 'em. So gorram tired…but I get a feeling I'm still being watched, so I look. Doc's sitting there like he's got something to say. Wish he would. Damn it. "Now what, Doc?" I muttered it to myself but somehow I think I must've said it out loud, 'cause the Doc is startled. "Ummm…well…just wanted to check up on you before you sleep." Who does he think he's kidding? "Right. And…" "I…I was just wondering, how much you remember from yesterday." Doc couldn't have been more jumpy if he sat on one of my dinos. He better not have. "Mmm…I fought with my wife, pissed off my captain, got kidnapped, got tortured, led a commando raid (did I really just say that? Hell, did I really just do it?), I puked on a preacher and I'm told I almost died. And Zoe's pissed. A truly full day." "And that's everything?" Doc looked kinda relieved and kinda confused. I'm used to the second one anyway. "That's…that's good, Wash. I wanted to make sure you, you weren't…" "What, brain-damaged? I've been that way since I can remember. Nothing new 'bout that." Doc doesn't seem sure if I'm kidding about that. Ha. "Right." Doc smiles at me. "Just checking." "Jes' checkin'," I repeat, and now, finally, I can sleep and it won’t take me long to get there, that’s sure. Hope I don't have the weird dream again though. Freaky strange. In this dream, I can see, but I don't feel anything and sounds are all messed up and people are speaking but I don't understand them. The Doc is in my dream, he's all covered in blood and running around all frantic-like and his sister's there, except she's in my head and stirring up my brains, messing around in there and I can't do anything but let her. Come to think of it, maybe I oughta mention this to the Doc. Maybe it’s the drugs. Maybe…


Sunday, April 10, 2005 9:05 PM


i liked it. i guess the fact is that we didn't see much of wash after the attack on niska's skyplex. it makes perfect sense that he would be more injured than we suspected.
anyway it was very good. i especially liked how river controlled wash's emotions.

no power in the verse

Monday, April 11, 2005 7:19 AM


Excellent! So nice to see a post-"War Stories" Wash. You had all the characters spot-on and Zoe's reactions made me chuckle. As for River being able to calm Wash, I really could see her having that kind of talent. Very neat and totally shiny! Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Tuesday, April 12, 2005 3:40 AM


I agree, Wash is a battle-newbie; so he's not built for the varsity beatings. The humor is pure Wash, and the "creepifying River" ability is a nice touch.

Thanks for filling in "War Stories - the Getaway"

Keep Flyin',


Tuesday, April 12, 2005 5:43 AM


Thanks for the encouraging words :) This is my first venture into the Firefly-verse, and I always worry about my characterizations, esp. in fandom debuts. Art is easier :D

Sunday, April 30, 2006 8:08 AM


Nice work. It was interesting reading about Wash in the 1st person.

What does "tza-ziao duh choo-sheng" mean?


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Folk Heroes
What happened to Wash after the crew rescued Mal in ‘War Stories’, and River reveals another strange ability.