Dead in the Water Script--Part 2
Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Second part of my script. Serenity's passenger reveals a little more about himself, and meets more of the crew. In script form.


Slowly FADE IN TO:


JACE is lying on the bed of the infirmary, with SIMON seeing to him, and KAYLEE off to one side.

KAYLEE: I just don’t see why Jayne had to hit him so hard.

SIMON: Simple. Jayne feels inadequate in some areas of his life so he feels he has to overcompensate in others. [off KAYLEE’s look] Like intelligence. Areas like intelligence.

JACE: [waking up] What happened?

KAYLEE: You got hit on the head, but don’t worry, Doc fixed you up just fine. I’m Kaylee. What’s your name?

JACE: Jace. [looking around] Where am I?

SIMON: You’re on a ship. Serenity.

JACE: Ship?! Cao wo de ma. [standing] Tell me we haven’t launched yet.

KAYLEE: We’ve been in the air two hours now.

SIMON: You might want to take it easy. I gave you something to dull the pain, but it might make you a little woozy. [JACE walks out anyway, not swaying in the least] Or not.


JACE is examining the ship, obviously recognizing it. KAYLEE and SIMON come out of the infirmary. SIMON goes off to tell MAL he’s up. KAYLEE goes over to JACE to make sure he’s ok.

JACE: A Firefly? We’re on a Firefly?!

KAYLEE: Yep. Best ship in the whole ‘verse right here. Have you ever flown on a Firefly before?

JACE: Just once.



The rest of the crew sit around as MAL explains the situation to them.

MAL: Kid’s had a rough time of it. First time in space, and he gets caught up on all that mess. I figure we give him a little time to get used to us, then politely ask where the boat we’re looking for is.

BOOK: I’m sure hitting him on the head will help to put him right at ease with us.

MAL: Well, I regret that, but time is an issue here.

WASH: Why exactly is time an issue? I mean, the way you said it, the ship ain’t really going anywhere.

MAL: Well, they were trying to pass themselves off as legitimate businessmen, so I think they were heading through regular traffic lanes. Which means, if we don’t hurry, we might not be the first one to the wreck.

JAYNE: I got a question. Why don’t I just take him in a room, and git the answers outta him?

MAL: No. This is a simple, semi-legal job. I don’t wanna spoil it with a nasty thing like interrogation.

JAYNE: [not quite under his breath] Since, when is kidnapping legal?

MAL: [angry] You wanna say that louder, Jayne?

JAYNE: No, captain.

SIMON comes running around a corner. Everyone turns to him.

SIMON: He’s up.

Cut to:

INT: Engine Room

KAYLEE is giving JACE the nickel tour, though he doesn’t seem that interested, giving all the air of a man who’s seen it all before, though in a worse time.]

KAYLEE: And this here’s the Engine Room, obviously. [noticing JACE isn’t really paying attention] Somethin’ wrong?

JACE: Well, it’s just...

Before he can finish, or really start for that matter, JACE is set upon by a confused, and occasionally insane, RIVER.

RIVER: [wrapping her arms around JACE] Simon!

JACE backs away, with both fear and a seeming recognition, while RIVER still clings on. Finally, he ends up against the wall, with nowhere left to run. Thankfully, MAL and SIMON enter, and with KAYLEE’s help, manage to separate the two. RIVER steps back, with a sad look on her face, and JACE still looking frightened.

MAL: Now, who wants to explain just what’s happening here?

KAYLEE: Well, near as I can figure, River saw our passenger here, and somehow mistook him for Simon.

RIVER: He is Simon. Or I’m not River. Can’t be both. One card. Only two choices. Bluff, or fold.

MAL: I don’t suppose you can suss out what it is she’s sayin’.

SIMON: No. [turning to JACE, who’s still in slight shock] I’m really sorry about this.

JACE: [not looking at him, or relaxing in the slightest] Don’t worry about it, doctor. [realizing that how he’s acting, and relaxes a little] Seen stranger things back home. A young colt followin’ a fellow around thinkin’ he’s it’s mother.

MAL: [realizing an opportunity to turn the conversation in a non-River direction] Home!? Now, where about’s that, if you don’t mind me askin’?

As JACE and MAL speak, KAYLEE and SIMON manage RIVER out the door and into the infirmary.

JACE: A small planet, outta most everybody’s way. Doubt you’d have heard of it. Shadow?

MAL: Really!? Thought I recognized your accent. I’m from there my own self. What’d ya say we go up to the dinning room and talk-

JACE: [turning to MAL] Let’s cut the go se, captain.

MAL: All right.

JACE: You want me to tell ya where that ship is, an’ seems you won’t let me leave this one till I do. So, why don’t we get just this over with?

MAL: Fine by me.

MAL moves aside to allow JACE by to walk to:

INT: Bridge

WASH is sitting in the pilot seat as JACE and MAL enter.

MAL: Wash. Seems our passenger is as eager to get off our boat as we are to get our cargo. Jace, this here’s Wash. Just show him where we need to go, and he’ll get us there. Now, I need to be off. Make sure Simon, that’s our medic, and his sister River, who I believe you met, are all squared away.

JACE: ‘Course. [turns to WASH as MAL leaves] So, let’s find a ship, shall we?

WASH: Sure. So, Mal says you were in your first fire fight-

JACE: I’d rather not talk about that, if it’s all the same. [punches something into one of the consoles] There, that ought to be right.

WASH: Wow. You sure? That’s pretty accurate. I mean, if it was your first time in space, I wouldn’t think you’d be able to get that clear of a position.

JACE: Might’ve been my first time physically in space, but my mother once said I’d been livin’ there for years. I was always studying ships when they came into dock. Even knew one or two captains on good enough terms that they taught me a thing or two. Not many things much more important than finding your way.

WASH: Yeah. Well, we should be there in a couple hours. If you’re hungry, the kitchen’s-

JACE: Thanks, I should be able to find it just fine.


Tuesday, February 22, 2005 1:09 PM


Very good and very much waiting for more but I have a feeling there's a whole lot more to Jace than we are seeing. Very interested in River's recognition of him. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Tuesday, February 22, 2005 3:32 PM


Alright I'm definitely intrigued. Why does River think Jace is Simon? I MUST KNOW!

More soon please!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005 11:36 PM


curiouser and curiouser...
river's deduction was interesting, and i am definitely a bit wary of jace. can't wait to see where you go with this.

no power in the verse


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Dead in the Water Script--Part 2
Second part of my script. Serenity's passenger reveals a little more about himself, and meets more of the crew. In script form.

Dead in the Water Script--Part 1
Takes place after Objects in Space, where the crew lines up another job with Badger, and get a little more than they bargained for when they have to take a passenger as part of it. Written in script form.