The Animated Adventures of Firefly Teaser by Stephen Byrne
Monday, August 15, 2016

This Firefly animated series trailer is not real — but we want it to be. Cult-favorite space western Firefly has seen plenty of fan campaigns over the years in support of its resurrection, but a new teaser makes us pine for the Serenity and her crew all over again. Stephen Byrne, a comic book artist and animator whose Star Wars fanart went viral earlier this year, has been creating animated adventures starring fandom’s favorites for a couple years now. Firefly has long been an interest. After fans started finding (and freaking out over) the teaser, Byrne noted that while “it’s as real as your heart wants it to be,” it’s not an official Firefly project. Well, it’s definitely real in our hearts.



Monday, August 15, 2016 3:27 PM


The Animated Adventures Of Firefly: Production Diary

The Animated Adventures Of Buffy

The Animated Adventures Of Doctor Who

Tuesday, August 16, 2016 4:04 AM



Tuesday, August 16, 2016 10:10 AM


The Firefly teaser is beyond awesome! Thanks for finding this!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016 8:40 AM


Just saw on FB. Sounds like Adam and Nathan ( done w/ CASTLE, finally) approve, but so much more needs to happen for it to go forward. I know MST3K got HUGE fan support for its revival, so I can only imagine that wouldn't be an issue if this were to be green lit. I'm not entirely thrilled w/ the animated route, but if its been animated or nothing, I'm all on board.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016 8:40 AM


Just saw on FB. Sounds like Adam and Nathan ( done w/ CASTLE, finally) approve, but so much more needs to happen for it to go forward. I know MST3K got HUGE fan support for its revival, so I can only imagine that wouldn't be an issue if this were to be green lit. I'm not entirely thrilled w/ the animated route, but if its been animated or nothing, I'm all on board.

Sunday, August 28, 2016 1:55 PM



Wednesday, September 7, 2016 12:29 PM


awsome shinyness!

Sunday, June 11, 2017 5:39 PM


Just seen this and loving the teaser. Hope it takes off big-time.
Ali D :~)
"I'm thinkin' we'll rise again!"


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The Animated Adventures of Firefly Teaser by Stephen Byrne
This Firefly animated series trailer is not real — but we want it to be.

Cult-favorite space western Firefly has seen plenty of fan campaigns over the years in support of its resurrection, but a new teaser makes us pine for the Serenity and her crew all over again.

Stephen Byrne, a comic book artist and animator whose Star Wars fanart went viral earlier this year, has been creating animated adventures starring fandom’s favorites for a couple years now. Firefly has long been an interest.

After fans started finding (and freaking out over) the teaser, Byrne noted that while “it’s as real as your heart wants it to be,” it’s not an official Firefly project.

Well, it’s definitely real in our hearts.

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