My Malcolm Reynolds *Vegan* Browncoat from Abbyshot
Friday, January 15, 2016

So my coat came in a few days ago and I thought i'd post it up to the Blue Sun Room. So I was a little afraid this coat would be too cosplayey if you know what I mean. Basically I was afraid this would be cheaply made and I would only be able to use it at cons. I was absolutely shocked at how well made and cool this coat really is. The material even though it's cotton feels and looks exactly like suede (I actually compared it to a suede jacket I own). I actually wear it out quite often and it flows beautifully when a breeze hits it. Amazing purchase and I highly recommend it.



Friday, January 15, 2016 3:05 AM


I also want to add that they got the length of the coat perfect. A lot of "cosplay" coats for Mal that I've seen don't get the length right. They are either too long or too short. This one ends right above where the boot should end so right below the knees just like in the show. It's also fully licensed by Fox and it's made to last. This isn't a cosplay coat it's actually a wearable coat and it keeps me pretty warm also. The buckles work and operate fully (though I wear the coat open like Mal does) and it looks great in anything from jeans to button down shirts like Mal wears. Great purchase and I recommend getting this of if you don't want to buy the full leather version which retails for about $399-430 with tax and shipping. This coat is $130 with tax and shipping so it's about $145 and it's truly well made. Abbyshot even tweeted me assuring me that this coat would outlive me.

Saturday, January 16, 2016 11:09 AM


I believe that coat is a "Duster", I wonder why Joss didn't have Mal wear some kind of hat with that? A big cowboy hat with a duster looks cool.

Saturday, January 16, 2016 3:45 PM


@WHOZIT Well Firefly is actually inspired by a book called The Killer Angels which is about the civil war and the Battle Of Gettysburg. With Firefly Joss wanted to give Mal a sort of Civil War look to his outfit and that's why he has the stripes up the sides of the pants and the riding boots. Mal and Zoe are pretty much wearing the same military issued outfit for the Independents in fact Zoe even mentions their "colors" in the show. He wanted to base this story off what if these people lost a war and were now forced to live in a world where the people who beat them won. Basically it was what if you had to live in a world where the schoolyard bully who beat you up all the time was the president. So Mal is actually wearing his Independent's issue garb. The only thing i'm not sure if the duster is the one he wore during the war or not (they are two different colors during the battle of serenity valley it's khaki but during the show it's brown). A hat would've taken away from the almost military look that Mal has. I personally think it would've ruined it.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016 6:25 PM


Looks GREAT! Glad you got it and thanks for the recommendation!

Monday, January 25, 2016 2:20 PM


I like it because it's vegan.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016 1:04 AM


I too have owned a Browncoat of my own for many years. Back I believe it was in 2008-2009 an online retailer based out of Atlanta called Museum Replicas Limited sold the officially licensed authentic replica of the Mal Reynolds Firefly/Serenity browncoat. Universal Pictures had the coat made and on the site it retailed for $395. It's not vegan (it's all suede and leather with the antique brass conchos and the like) but it is my favorite coat. I love how in cold weather it always keeps me warm enough where I'm not freezing but in hot weather the coat keeps me cool enough because of the tails in the back when the wind blows through them.

I even designed all my formal wear around the coat (that I dub Browncoat Formal). You just need to not just pick the right shirt and pant types but also use Mal's examples of the colors he wore with the coat in the 'verse to ID which colors look best with the Browncoat. My family and friends love the coat, except for my late grandmother on my dad's side, she couldn't stand it. She said, "It's just a costume piece." She was entitled to her opinion don't get me wrong but I saw that commentary as wanting to make the formal look be as effective as possible. Those are just my thoughts on my own Browncoat. Out!

Thursday, January 28, 2016 2:28 AM


@RareAir23 it's probably the same company. I know of Museum Replicas and truth is despite what everyone thinks they don't actually make their stuff. They're just a storefront that sells it and a middleman. I own the Assassin's Creed Altair back dagger (the knife that is attached to his back in the first game)and it's not made by Museum Replicas at all in fact you can buy that same blade by the same company who makes it off of other sword and medieval replica sites. Same with Museum Replica's costume pieces for Assassin's Creed like the Altair outfit or Ezio outfit. It's probably just the Abbyshot coat being sold by Museum Replicas because the Abbyshot full leather one retails about 394-400. I personally would love to get my hands on the actual replica made by the costume designer from the show. He sells them handmade from his shop in Studio City, California but they retail at 900 dollars a piece. They are however designed and made by the same exact costume designer who made Mal's actual coat in the show. I personally am really happy with what I have though because I never thought in a million years i'd own Mal's Browncoat. I used to use a ripped up old brown suit coat for my cosplay (it was long so it came just above the knees) and I always wanted Mal's actual coat. I don't care if it's vegan or not it's extremely well made and i'm just so happy and lucky to have Mal's coat. If you ever need another one though and don't want to spend the money for the full leather then get this one i'm serious you will not be disappointed. I really thought it would only be a costume piece and it's not it's so much more and so well made.

Friday, January 29, 2016 10:05 PM


Got a link to th seller?

Saturday, January 30, 2016 4:24 AM


I got two links for you man!!!! You can do it through Amazon and have Abbyshot ship it through Amazon to you if that's easier or you can buy it directly from Both links are below the Amazon one and the Abbyshot one. I ordered mine using Amazon as a middleman and it got in like 3 days before the estimated arrival.

Thursday, February 4, 2016 5:55 PM


Looks great, I love my Abbyshot Browncoat


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My Malcolm Reynold's Holster
So this is my Malcolm Reynold's Holster from Firefly and Serenity (though I think in Serenity it is slightly more beaten up than the Firefly version). It is NOT the artisan replica since you can't get those anymore, this is actually handmade by a leather worker who hand makes holsters and Ren Faire armor. I won't list the seller here because I don't want to get him in trouble for licencing although it is not listed as a Mal holster but a "space cowboy, steampunk, pirate holster". He won't probably get in trouble if I put him here but i won't risk it. I do want him to get extra business though so I will say he is a seller on Etsy and as far as I know he is the only seller making Mal holsters. The holsters are custom made to order and are made to your specifications and they fit my TV version of Mal's gun perfectly since I only ever cosplay Firefly Mal not Serenity Mal although i'm working on it! Just gotta find those cool plastic suspenders lol.

My Malcolm Reynolds *Vegan* Browncoat from Abbyshot
So my coat came in a few days ago and I thought i'd post it up to the Blue Sun Room. So I was a little afraid this coat would be too cosplayey if you know what I mean. Basically I was afraid this would be cheaply made and I would only be able to use it at cons. I was absolutely shocked at how well made and cool this coat really is. The material even though it's cotton feels and looks exactly like suede (I actually compared it to a suede jacket I own). I actually wear it out quite often and it flows beautifully when a breeze hits it. Amazing purchase and I highly recommend it.

Malcolm Reynold's Moses Brother's Self Defense Engine Frontier Model B (Mal's Pistol) cosplay build.
This is my Frontier Model B that I use for my cosplay. It took awhile to a acquire and it took forever to get it painted. Seriously took me all night long to get it painted because I had first had to sand it down to get paint to stick. Then I had to cover it with a base coat of Flat Black plastic spray paint and then cover it with another coat of copper and then weather it down with flat black. The details are acrylic and they aren't quite perfect (the silver line down the butt of the gun is a bit uneven). It is made out of resin and it's quite sturdy except for the front loaders which are separate from the gun and had to be individually painted and then super glued on. She needs a touch up though in a few areas because some paint has come off from me drawing the gun from the holster at conventions.
I'm thinking about modifying the loaders and elongating them to look more like Mal's modified Moses from the comic Those Left Behind.