SERENITY - Life Revelation
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

So much has changed, it's time for some answers. Lots of angst, action, mystery and like i said....answers will be revealed!!!



Two men stand facing each other in a cold metallic room. It looks as though it’s the inside of a scienctific facility or factory. On of the men is MAL and the other is someone we have never seen before. His name is SHEPARD WENTON DALE and we can tell he is a Shepard because he is in uniform. MAL and WENTON stand almost face-to-face and there is definite tension here.

WENTON: I’m sorry the information isn’t exactly inside the realm of what you were hoping to learn.

MAL remains silent and a loud bang like someone hit a metal wall with a sledgehammer is heard. Both men DON”T move.

WENTON: And I’m also sorry for my deception, but I meant no harm.

MAL: No harm done by you.

WENTON: I believe there was no harm done by any party in particular, merely misunderstandings and a lack of information?

MAL: A lack of proof.

WENTON: (serious) Mal. Look into her eyes, the endless galaxies you will see ARE your proof.

Another bang is heard and JAYNE and INARA come running around a corner in the background of the boys ‘stareathon’. INARA is wearing a dress that looks as though it was made from rags and off cuts of her other companion gowns. It looks glamorous in a useful way considering she appears to be running for her life. They both look terrified and JAYNE is making sure INARA is keeping up with him; she doesn’t even seem to care that he is touching her.

MAL: Only one verse.

WENTON: And you both exist in it.

INARA: (screaming out) MAL!

JAYNE and INARA catch up to WENTON and MAL. INARA and MAL have a very defined moment where they simply look deep into each others eyes as JAYNE tries to usher them all the hell out of wherever they are.

JAYNE: Doc’s really snapped a brain function this time, we gotta get gone or get…

MAL: Where are the others?

INARA: We don’t know.

There is a beat and another bang is heard, this time along with some sparks and gasses being released from vents in the ceiling.

WENTON: I know a way out, it’s this…

The room blowing up cuts off WENTON abruptly, and the light from the explosion fills the screen.



The light fades as KAYLEE closes the door at the end of the kitchen towards the engine room. She is wearing blackened goggles and as she turns to the rest of the crew who are sitting around the table, they all have the same goggles on.

KAYLEE removes her goggles, and the rest follow.

KAYLEE: Burns test got about an hour left. (to MAL) If we weren’t travelling I coulda diverted the energy out to space while we held position.

MAL: Gotta get to Persephone for our passenger. Our ‘well’ paying passenger whose fault it is, and not mine, that were keeping to the timetable.

She takes a seat at the table and it’s clear there is a crapload of uneasy and awkward amongst almost everyone in the air.

SIMON looks up for a moment to meet KAYLEE’S eyes as she sits. She does her best to try and avoid his.

MAL is staring intently at INARA who is sitting stubborn with her arms crossed and almost tears starting in her eyes. Every now and then she focuses on MAL who looks away coldly.

ZOE oddly looks content.

JAYNE looks extremely bored.

DERRIA is sleeping with her head at the most awkward angle on the table next to RIVER who just looks like she might be sick.

KAYLEE CONT: And we wouldn’t have to be all cooped up. (to herself) Stuck with each other.

SIMON adjusts DERRIA a little so she looks a little more normal and KAYLEE gives him daggers.

RIVER: I think I’m going to be sick.

JAYNE: Yeah sick from how Gorram boring this room is.

RIVER pushes her chair back to throw up on the floor. Everyone else moves away instinctively, even SIMON.



Serenity’s engine hull is shining incredibly bright as it flies closer towards a planet. As it gets closer the light brightness fades.


SIMON is checking out RIVER, trying to help her to feel better. ZOE and MAL are standing over the vomit looking deep in thought.

ZOE: Sir, it’s vomit.

MAL sighs as though he is trying to think what to do, when JAYNE approaches with a huge saucepan lid. He places it over the vomit so it hides it completely and then steps back to look at it deep in thought with ZOE and MAL.

MAL: Well, that solves that.

MAL slaps JAYNE on the back to say ‘job well done’ and the pair walk toward the engine room door end as KAYLEE enters the kitchen again.

ZOE rolls her eyes as INARA walks over with some cleaning products. She keeps hold of the bucket and hands a cloth to ZOE.

MAL: (to KAYLEE) All healthy?

KAYLEE: Yup no radiation and the coiling’s burning at minimum quantities. She aint gonna blow without giving us fair warning this time. Also helps that I got to change her Bleet wiring for, I think, the first time ever.

MAL: Lets take her down then.

KAYLEE leaves the room.


Serenity breaks through Persephone’s planetary atmosphere and comes in for landing.


JAYNE and MAL are heading towards the hangar doors when SIMON catches them off guard.


MAL and JAYNE turn back.

SIMON: I was wondering how long you might be? It’s just that there is this new drug I was hoping to get for River, also I’m low on pain medication for Derria and I was hoping to look at some pre natal equipment for…

MAL: Stop, stop all the explanating. We’re just picking up the Shepard and then headin straight back. You got shopping best make it snappy.

JAYNE: We’re hailing a Shepard? SIMON: Is that wise? Is it wise allowing voyage to anyone with…our current crew status?

MAL notices INARA walking towards her shuttle on the railing above. She catches his eye but looks away quickly.

MAL: Not particularly. Got our fair share of illegal activities, fugitives, horrors and innocence brewing but the pay off is quite the incentive. And maybe having a little of God’s word on this boat again might not all together be a bad thing.

SIMON raises his eyebrows.

MAL: Might, and a little.

JAYNE and MAL leave Serenity.


Walking down one of the hallways inside the Abbey are MAL, JAYNE and SHEPARD CHARTEL. He is leading the way for them.

MAL’S gun belt has been removed and both he and JAYNE awkwardly have no weapons on either of them.

SHEPARD CHARTEL: It is a kind gift you are giving by allowing Shepard Dale to take journey with you.

MAL: We…do what we can.

JAYNE: (trying for politeness) And the money makes it such an enjoyable and rewarding journey.

SHEPARD CHARTEL: I suppose that does help.

MAL gives JAYNE slight daggers wondering how he could be such a thug sometimes.

SHEPARD CHARTEL: It’s a shame to see Shepard Dale leave us, he only just arrived a few months ago but his presence here has been astounding. His teachings are marvellous. Perhaps while he is on board he could share with your crew Captain?

Jayne sniggers.

MAL: Perhaps we will just stick to the arranged agreement. Don’t want to overstep our hospitality boundaries.

JAYNE: Where was he before here?

SHEPARD CHARTEL: Alliance assignment. He does not speak of it is not our place to ask.

JAYNE: Alliance? (to MAL) Did we know about this?

MAL: (to JAYNE) No.

SHEPARD CHARTEL: I did also find it strange when he requested contact with your specific vessel; I originally assumed he had travelled with you before.

JAYNE: That is all kinds of strange.

MAL: Probably just likes the class of ship.

SHEPARD CHARTEL: Most probably.

The three reach a doorway and through the door chanting can be heard.

SHEPARD CHARTEL: Shepard Dale is in prayer at the moment, he will be with you shortly. I must also leave you for now, to pray. Unless, of course you would care to join?

MAL: Uh..

JAYNE: (Chinese Monkey’s balls no)

MAL wacks JAYNE in the chest.

MAL: Um, you go ahead. We’ll spend the time out here…ah reflecting alone.


The Shepard enters the room and JAYNE hits MAL in the chest when they are alone.

JAYNE: Don’t hit me, we’re in a church!

MAL: But swearing in Chinese is shiny? You just hit me!

JAYNE: Hey, I’m not the one who’s letting an Alliance spy on the ship. How do you think that’s gonna look for me?

MAL: What in Buddah’s name are you talking about?

JAYNE: They’re gonna think I’m tryin to sell’em out again. The Doc and River.

MAL: The Alliance isn’t out to be looking for the Tam’s anymore, that’s all done with. Besides just cause he was on mission from the Alliance could mean anything. He coulda been…tending to the hydro gardens on a Carrier for all we know.

JAYNE: Well what about his asking on us? Specifics?

SHEPARD DALE enters through the door taking JAYNE and MAL a little off guard.

SHEPARD DALE: Good day to you both. (Turns to Jayne hand outstretched) You must be Captain Malcolm…(Jayne bats his hand towards MAL).. Reynolds. My apologies.

MAL takes his hand and shakes it.

MAL: None taken, or a lot taken, depending on how well you know Jayne.

The SHEPARD then turns to shake JAYNES hand.

JAYNE: Shepard.

SHEPARD DALE: Please call me Wenton, outside these walls I am merely one of God’s followers.

MAL: How about we ‘follow’ you for the moment to gather your things so we can be on our way, according to your schedule…

WENTON DALE: Of course. Derrial was most accurate when he spoke of both of you, rest his soul.

WENTON heads off in the direction to get his things.

MAL: Derrial?

WENTON DALE: Shepard Book, he also journeyed with you before?…He spoke highly of your crew Captain, you should be proud.

WENTON walks away leaving MAL and JAYNE to be extremely suspicious now.

JAYNE: He knew Book too? I don’t like this. Lets just ‘follow’ him to his room and end him already before we get humped.

MAL: Jayne! Can’t end a Shepard inside a Church. (beat) Lets get him out to space, find out what he knows then…if we need…end him..


INARA Is sitting at her tea table with her fake Companion documents spread out in front of her. She is checking out the details. We also see to the next of the documents are three client folders. She picks one up, looks at it, sighs and puts it back down.

KAYLEE appears at the doorway.

KAYLEE: Inara? You ok?

INARA who is a little startled gestures for her friend to enter and covers the fake documents with the client folders.

INARA: Yes, I’m fine. Would you like me to do your hair?

KAYLEE: (shaking her head) That’s ok, it’s your turn. Washed my hands and everything!

KAYLEE has a big grin on her face as she holds up her hands to show INARA. INARA smiles gently at her friend and allows her to sit behind her. KAYLEE begins combing INARA’S Hair. As soon as KAYLEE thinks INARA can no longer see her face her smile disappears completely.

INARA: How are you?

KAYLEE: I’m fine.

INARA: Kaylee? (pause) I can see your reflection in my mirror.

KAYLEE stops playing with INARA’S hair and INARA turns around.

KAYLEE: Hi, I’m Kaylee. I’ll be the one makin sure we all get where were going and that your not dead on arrival to…Canton is it? Why a preacher would be wanting to go there…

WENTON: Actually I’m not going to Canton.

JAYNE: You’re not. (to MAL) We’re not?

MAL: We’re not.

JAYNE: Not that that’s a bad thing. I was gonna sit on the ship anyhow…

WENTON: There was a last minute change in my schedule, same distance to travel of course, just a different direction.

MAL: Jayne, how bout you run on in and inform everyone of our guests arrival. Make good and sure his dorm is ready and the like.

MAL gives JAYNE a knowing look, like this is a hint JAYNE should be getting. JAYNE squints his eyes back and looks at the preacher and at MAL.

MAL finally gives up.

MAL: Kaylee would you go with him.

KAYLEE: (nodding) Capt’n. Nice to meet you Shepard.

KAYLEE loops one arm around JAYNE’S and walks him back onto the ship.

JAYNE: Mal have sommen in his eye?

KAYLEE: No, that was a hint, he was trying to tell you something.

JAYNE: I got sommen in my eye?

KAYLEE: Jayne, I’m gonna say this real slow. What, do, you know about the Shepard? Anything Capt’n might want the rest of the ship to know?

After a beat.



Every one is there apart from MAL who is entertaining WENTON in the cargo bay, clearly giving JAYNE time to explain to the crew.

SIMON: So he used to know Shepard Book?

KAYLEE: And he asked for Serenity and to fly with us?

JAYNE: Practically insisted. The guys no good. We’re gonna have to end him.

ZOE: Let’s not jump to unprovoked murder Jayne.

JAYNE: (like a child) Mal said.

DERRIA: What was his name?

KAYLEE: (cold) What does that matter?

INARA: Perhaps it is all just a coincidence and Shepard Book did just speak highly of us.

ZOE: Book knew what kind of crew we ran, wouldn’t just push civilians our way because they needed safe passage.

RIVER (quietly to DERRIA) Shepard Wenton Dale. Do you know him?

DERRIA shakes her head back to say no.

RIVER CONT: He knows you. And me.



Wednesday, November 18, 2009 8:18 PM


Please ignore the spelling errors, stupid computer wants to correct everything that doesn't need correcting and not tell me about it...Will fix

Friday, November 20, 2009 5:35 PM


JAYNE: (trying for politeness) And the money makes it such an enjoyable and rewarding journey.

XD Perfect. While I can't quite imagine Jayne SOUNDING like he's attempting to be polite, I can see the weak slightly forced and somewhat insincere, almost gritted teeth smile.

Has Mal somehow lost his mind? Or is the money just THAT good? But, nice moment with River and Derria.


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SERENITY - Life Revelation
So much has changed, it's time for some answers. Lots of angst, action, mystery and like i said....answers will be revealed!!!

During the BDM the Operative destroyed every connection the crew of Serenity had to the thieving underworld. Everyone they'd ever had a job with, through, helped, including Badger.

Serenity 'Close the Door and Open A Window Gorramit!'
How to deal with the present when the crew is still fighting (in their own unique ways) with the past.

Serenity 'All Hallow's Fair'
Halloween is now celebrated at yearly carnivals throughout the verse and after hearing that the Alliance is covering up what the crew uncovered on Miranda, they need some loosening up.

Serenity 'Shiperoid'
What happens when a Firefly class ship uses magnetics in it's systems and comes across an asteroid mostly made of metal? SHIPEROID!
(please read Serenity 'A Nightmare by Derria' first to understand the teaser)

Serenity 'A Nightmare by Derria'
Seven plus two. When River walks in a Reaver's mind (Derria) while she sleeps it's not only the Reaver's secrets she unravels.

Serenity 'Learning Curve'
There is a Reaver amongst the crew, and she wants to stay.

Serenity 'Snippets for later
Mal/Inara centered, they have some things to sort out after Mal stole from the Guild right under Inara's nose and Kaylee and Simon think sending them on a job together might be the way to do it.... (if you haven't read my other ones just ignore Derria's lines, you wont know who she is anyway)

Serenity 'Shiny Whores and Dirty Thieves'
How do you, too much to do, a Shiny Whore and a Dirty thief for you!
Mal and Inara's fight has forced Simon to be Inara's date for the Gala. Mal however is still planning on attending. Just with Kaylee and Jayne, through the back door, with a bagful of theiving. Oh the crime and angst!

Serenity 'It's Who I Am'
Set after BDM. The crew return to the Training House to retrieve the rest of Inara's belongings. Along the way Mal gets word of a job which turns out to be more than he could ever bargain for.