Monday, January 30, 2006





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Drops of Jupiter - Absolute Chaos (Chapter 10)
Inara and Zoe struggle to get away from the Reavers attacking the city. Back on the ship, Mal and the rest learn of the reavers and hurry to the rescue. Can they get there in time to save the girls?

{{{{I'm back, finally. Sorry for the wait. See inside for links to past chapters!}}

Drops of Jupiter - Distraction (Chapter 9)
Mal forces Inara and Simon to rest before they collapse, and later Inara is finding it hard to deal, so Zoe tries to make her feel better. Neither realizes the danger that awaits them... <i>{{We're nearing the end! Only a few chapters (3 or 4 at most) remain!}}</i>

Drops of Jupiter - Barely Holding On (Chapter 8)
Mal lashes out angrily as a way of dealing with the devastating news of Kaylee’s condition, while Inara attempts to control the situation while barely being able to cope with the news herself. Simon is pained in more way than one, and together, he and Inara do all they can to ensure Kaylee gets better. FINALLY updated... Sorry it took me so long. PG-PG13 ish for language. Enjoy!!

Drops of Jupiter - Out of Step (Chapter 7)
Simon is pleased with Kaylee's progress, while Jayne broods bitterly on the selectiveness of Kaylee's memory loss, and even moreso as Kaylee finally remembers some things about her best friend and is perhaps over-eager to let her know. --- FINALLY I've updated. Sorry it took me so long. Simon/Kaylee, PG. I still have no idea how long this fic is going to be. xD

Wardrobe Malfunction
Inara recieves a garment that the House requires her to try on at least one customer, and Inara has trouble dealing with it. Kaylee and Simon each (seperately) help her out. (Ha.) *Maybe* PG13, Simon/Inara <3

Inara gets a little something extra installed in her shuttle and asks Kaylee to be the first to try it... how it all works out is a suprise to them both... Kaylee/Inara, femmeslash. Rated R, probably, something along that line.

Truth or Dare (Pt. 1)
Kaylee convinces Simon that "truth" may not be all its cracked up to be, and that being daring could get a lot more fun.... Kaylee/Simon, NC17. Mild kinkiness. Have FUN reading, I had fun writing! There is a sequel planned!

Drops of Jupiter - The Forgotten (Chapter 6)
Serenity's crew learns of and has to deal with a rather saddening aspect of Kaylee's recovery, and they wonder if it'll work itself out in time... Simon/Kaylee.

Woo! I'm back, finally! Sorry it took me so long! Hope you like this chapter!

Just Like All of Your Toys
Simon says: No batteries! Simon/Kaylee, NC-17

Drops of Jupiter - Unwell (Chapter 5)
Simon battles exhaustion as he sits at Kaylee's side, and Mal forces him to take care of himself before he too is out of commission. After a disturbing dream, Inara wakes him, looking scared and informing Kaylee has come to...
Kaylee/Simon, PG. Part 5... I still don't know how many parts this is going to be lol.