River - a first attempt.
Monday, September 20, 2004

As some of you know (most probably do not) I used to draw quite a bit and then got busy with work/life and somehow just never seemed to find the time. Almost 5 years passed with no serious drawing, a few doodles a year, well a few months back i did a portrait of my cousin as a present for her 10th birthday. It turned out pretty shiny so i got it in my head to try the BDH's. My only other creative outlet recently has been the 5 Firefly themed WindowsXP boot screens last month. Well this taght me a few things, 1. Whew am i rusty. :P 2. I know my cousins face much better than i know Rivers. I wasn't really going to post this first attempt because i am not really pleased with the result... but since others have i guess i will too. Just remember when commenting that this is only my second real drawing since the new Millenium. Any comments or constructive criticism from other artists is welcome and will hopefully make my next attempt better. Channain? IronCladOtter? Any others?



Monday, September 20, 2004 9:54 PM


Only my second portrait attempt in a lonnnnnngggggg time. Comments? Suggestions for improvements?

Tuesday, September 21, 2004 3:50 AM


This is actually really, really good. The one thing I'm noticing that seems a bit off is the shape of the head, should be more oval. You have a bit of "boxiness" at the top and back of the head. The eyes are a bit more sultry than River's as well. But that might just be a perceptive differance. ;-)

Tuesday, September 21, 2004 6:01 AM


Better than most. Incredibly, the preview image is right on.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004 6:18 AM


Immediately identifiable as River. I liked that you didn't try to "pretty her up". One thing I noticed is that she has really straight, lanky hair. You made it kind of wavy.

Very good likeness though, and much better that I could do!

Tuesday, September 21, 2004 9:56 AM


Excellent sketch!

Tuesday, September 21, 2004 1:47 PM


Perfect!!!! I totally love it!... you should do one for all the characters!!!!.... I realize that may take a while but I HAVE FAITH IN YOU!.... lol

lovely job!!!! keep up the perfect work

Tuesday, September 21, 2004 7:17 PM


It's just fabulous! Previous review mentions the face shape, which I think is fine, but a teensy more shading might create the longer look; it's something about the cheek bone area?
The hair was mentioned, that it should be straight, but River's hair is long and slightly wavy (which you did).
Perhaps that's the distraction I find... the wisps of hair should be pretty much all one length. Hair is just hard to draw, that's what I remember. I think her features are perfect tho'.

Oh and yes, do more! I want to see a Zoe. :)
*cracks whip*

Tuesday, September 21, 2004 7:56 PM


Neroli: Thanks you bring up some good points.
Lurking Horror: You and (one of the)Anonymous hit on something I didn't see until it got thumbnailed while posting, and i think you are right, the smaller preview size looks more like her but on closer inspection of the larger image the likeness is somehow less there.
Willowy: Yes i got a little creative but her hair is pretty wavy in the image i was studying while doing the pencil outline.
Thanks Browncoat1 and Anonymous1.
Araglas: You are too kind, don't know if i will have time to do them all but i have started another.
Anonymous3: I started the outline (15min) whilst looking at an image on my pc then took my pad outside and over the next three days carried it with me in my vehicle while driving and worked on it here and there for about 4 hours total using memory and the base outline as a reference. Probably would've helped to do it with the image in front of me but i don't like sitting indoors in front of the pc all day.
Needleseye: Very perceptive, there is actually more shading but it is in pencil and didn't show up as well in the photo. You can see the darkest of it above her lips showed up but the lighter stuff got washed out. I' take a better image and post it to my website
a little later. I think you are right on the hair too now that i look at it more. Thanks.
Funny you should mention Zoe...

Tuesday, September 21, 2004 9:17 PM


Dunno why you're asking for my feedback, Christopher... you're better at this than I am. :D The only commentary I have is in agreement with that posted previously... I have no problem with the hair (I've worked from that photo as well and they've got a fan on her or something ;)) Something about the eyes seems a little disconnected, like there's not enough texture to attach them to the rest of the shapes, but that could just be that your lighter shading has washed out.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004 2:56 AM


That's one chuffing good pic!

Wednesday, September 22, 2004 3:37 AM


NOw don't get me wrong CR, I love this pic, and I haven't done a serious drawing since the late '80s (where's my walker? I need liver pills!!!)...anywho, I think you channeled a little Zoe into the pic...the lips and eyes seem too seductive. Just me, TCM, a REALLY rusty handdrawing artist (computers have spoiled me).

Still, I really like the drawing, and encourage you to do more.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004 8:54 AM


WOW!!! Shiny!!!!!!!

Friday, September 24, 2004 8:53 AM


My jaw dropped at the preview image - literally.

Saturday, September 25, 2004 2:44 AM


I love it. It's soulful. What is she thinking? You've captured the vulnerability of River too.
The hair's rendered really well.River's hair usually looks a little dishevelled. It defines that crazy personality of hers. The eyes are beautiful.
If there was room for improvement it wouldn't be much. (I agree with ironcladotter about the lighter shading. Although it doesn't matter 'cause you've already made it life like.)
I'm a bit of an artist, and I can't believe it's a second attempt. It's a lot better than anything I could do. Keep up the shiny work!
Are there any more pictures of the rest of the crew?

Tuesday, September 28, 2004 4:27 AM


Wow... As mesmerising as the real deal...


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River - a first attempt.
As some of you know (most probably do not) I used to draw quite a bit and then got busy with work/life and somehow just never seemed to find the time. Almost 5 years passed with no serious drawing, a few doodles a year, well a few months back i did a portrait of my cousin as a present for her 10th birthday.
It turned out pretty shiny so i got it in my head to try the BDH's.
My only other creative outlet recently has been the 5 Firefly themed WindowsXP boot screens last month.
Well this taght me a few things,
1. Whew am i rusty. :P
2. I know my cousins face much better than i know Rivers.
I wasn't really going to post this first attempt because i am not really pleased with the result... but since others have i guess i will too. Just remember when commenting that this is only my second real drawing since the new Millenium. Any comments or constructive criticism from other artists is welcome and will hopefully make my next attempt better. Channain? IronCladOtter? Any others?

A little Captain in Cappy?
This idea hit me whilst i was looking at Angelic's last image and I couldn't resist.
The look on his face... his pose...coincidence?

BLUE SUN Edition now available for all
Finally the wait is over and I am happy to share with you guys the much anticipated BLUE SUN Edition. It is now ready for download off my website here --->
Remember people this is for WindowsXP Home with Service pack 1 and WindowsXP Professional with Service pack 1 only.
If you have WinXP Student version, or a WinXP version made for a country other than the US these boot screens will not work for you! Email me here ---> and I will see about getting you a set of files that will work for your version of Windows XP. Also remember this has not yet been tested with Service Pack2.
Read all the instructions (which are included with the file) and enjoy Blue Sun, you know you want to. ;)

"Hero Edition" is now ready to download!
Hero Edition is now available for download at my site here--->
Click the Firefly button then click the image of your choice to download.
Blue Sun will be ready as soon as I get some more time this week.
I also made a few aesthetic enhancements to the other Boot Screens as well.
Nothing major but feel free to grab a newer copy of Firefly or Tight Pants Editions if you like.
I've got a new "Serenity Edition" in the works now too so stay tuned.
It is a major improvement over the original I think.
Questions? email me @ or click the mailbox on my webpage.

Website updated
I just updated my website and made a page just for these boot screens. The first two are ready for download and the last two should be ready in the next week. Enjoy

How about WindowsXP BLUE SUN Edtion!
Several people here have noted similarities between Microsoft and Blue Sun but i believe it was TCM who first suggested the idea to me for a Blue Sun Edition boot screen. So to all who have asked here you go. It is nearly completed and will be available soon.

How about Windows XP Hero Edition
Not to leave out T.M.T.C.J. (The Man They Call Jayne) and Adam Baldwin fans i decided to try one based on the clay statue in Canton.

How about WindowsXP Tight Pants Edition. :)
To all the Fillionaires and Cappy fans in general i am working on a new creation just for you. I have almost fallen out of my chair twice i was laughing so hard while working on this.
HAAAAA! My sides are killing me but it was worth it.
It is not ready for prime-time yet but here is a sneak peak, so post away and let me hear what you guys think.

WindowsXP Firefly Edition now available to all. :smile:
Here you go fellow browncoats for those of you who have been requesting it.
It's now newly improved and tested on WinXP Home with SP1 and WinXP Pro with SP1 and ready to share. Let the downloads begin.

How about Windows XP Firefly Edition? :)
I got tired one day of looking at the normal WinXP boot screen while waiting for my pc to load and decided to make my own. This is only my first attempt, and i am more of a pencil and paper artist than digital, so it's not perfect but i don't mind waiting for pc to load anymore. I'm interested in what you guys think.