After the War Is Lost
Thursday, August 14, 2008

Pre-Series. Takes place directly after the surrender of Serenity Valley when Mal and the remaining Browncoats are picked up by the Alliance.



Story Status: Completed 3/22/07

Content Warnings: None in this part. Torture, violence, and language in later parts.

Archive Permission: Ask first. I'll probably say yes.

Disclaimer: Firefly and its characters belong to Joss Whedon, Fox, and whoever else who has a claim to ‘em. I, sadly, am not one of them.

Word Count: 381

Author's Notes: I know it’s probably been done quite a few times before, but not by me! This is my first attempt at writing a Firefly fic. Enjoy! _____________________


It wasn't so much the war itself that made his hatred for the Alliance burn so hot within him (though it played a part), nor what was done during it. It was a war after all, and horrible things where done, on both sides, during a war. He understood that. It was what happened afterwards that made him curse the name of every purple belly that ever lived.

The forced surrender of Serenity Valley had bent his spirit and destroyed his faith in God, but it was their time in the POW camps that ignited the smoldering flames of hatred that had, until then, only been simmering.

Two weeks after the official surrender, those who survived were picked up by Alliance transport ships and taken to holding facilities to be "debriefed and processed".

Being the ranking solider left from that battle, Sergeant Malcolm Reynolds was quickly singled out and separated from his men. He was sure it would be the standard "admit you were wrong and sing the praises of the Almighty and Glorious Alliance" debriefing then he'd be reunited with his troops and they would all be released. After all, the war was over, so what did they need prisoners for? They didn't need the Intel anymore. The Independents had not only surrendered the valley, but themselves as well. Which was why they'd been left in the valley so long. Left to deal with the stench of the dead and dying, the decomposing bodies of former friends and enemies, and the never-ending hunger. They had, in a since, been abandoned by both sides while the negotiations where conducted.

Mal's second in command and close friend, Corporal Zoë Alleyne, protested his separation. Loudly. A rifle to the head effectively silenced her. Mal struggled against his captors to protect her, and was rewarded with the same vicious rifle butt to the head. He was dragged, unceremoniously, away. He was brought to a room with manacles hanging from the ceiling. The two men who held him wasted no time clasping him in then left him hanging there, his feet barely touching the floor. It was there, in that room, and in the mines that would come later, that Mal learned the true meaning of hell. And just how inhuman human beings could be.



Thursday, August 14, 2008 9:24 PM


This is what I figured would have happened and it explains Mal's deep seated hatred for all things Alliance. More impressive then that he kept any remnant of humanity. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me


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Trying To Unravel a Mystery
This is the first story in a series called "The Book of Book: The Mysteries Behind Beliefs". Book tries to find out how Mal can still believe in God and yet hate him so much. Book has a talk with Zoë about Mal.

After the War Is Lost part 6
Small gestures and short conversations help Mal and Zoë see that, just maybe, all members of the Alliance military aren't bad people.

After the War Is Lost part 5
Mal learns that Reginald isn't going to follow his new orders exactly as they are given.

After the War Is Lost part 4
Reginald gets orders to release his prisoners and allows Mal to be returned to the cell with the others.

After the War Is Lost part 3
As Reginald continues to torture him, Mal finally learns the reason for the other man's malice towards him. Zoë tries to get help for a sick young private.

After the War Is lost part 2
Mal learns his torturer's. Why does a man he's never met feel such a burning hatred for him?

After the War Is Lost part 1
Mal finds himself hanging by manacles from the celling of a room obviously used for torture. So much for the Alliance being civilized.

After the War Is Lost
Pre-Series. Takes place directly after the surrender of Serenity Valley when Mal and the remaining Browncoats are picked up by the Alliance.

Missing scenes for the episode, Out of Gas.

Writen from River's PoV. Missing scene for the Serenity movie.