Meeting Jewel at Dragon*Con
Thursday, September 9, 2004

Jewel played Ariel Brentwood in an Atlanta Radio Theatre Company production of The Menace From Earth, and Matt was kind enough to take this photo afterwards. She is such a gem. Earlier in the evening, he portrayed Richard Icthyopolis in the Slaves of the Zombie-Tron radio drama.



Friday, September 10, 2004 1:20 AM


Was "The Menace from Earth" based on the Heinlein short story, or was it an original story?

Friday, September 10, 2004 3:05 AM


It was based on the Heinlein story and adapted for radio theatre. Very well done, I might add. Jewel was great, but the regular cast also did a superb job.

Friday, September 10, 2004 10:37 AM


If anyone is interested in seeing more pictures of the lovely and talented Jewel, I have sent most of my pictures of her from Dragon*Con to . It's a great Jewel Staite fan site. Check it out!


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Fan group gives t-shirt to Nathan for Adam
As I recall, a group of people calling themselves the Nerd _something_ had a presentation for Adam. He apparently stopped in during one of their gatherings during the Dragon*Con weekend for a bit. They made an honorary nerd shirt for Adam, and asked Nathan and Jewl to give it to him, since he had already left for Africa.

Stormtroopers capture fugitive Mal Reynolds
To make up for the poor quality of the last picture, here's another shot of the Stormtroopers busting up the Sunday Firefly panel at Dragon*Con. "Nothing to see here. Go back to your homes." Freakin' hilarious!

Friday Firefly panel at Dragon*Con
It's not the greatest picture due to my distance from the stage, but I was elated just to be able to get in. There were dozens of Browncoats who had to wait outside because the room was already filled to capacity.

Firefly Q & A with Nathan and Jewel
Another image from the informative and funny Sunday Q&A session at Dragon*Con. As one person in the audience put it, they put on the best forums the Con has seen in 18 years!

Meeting Jewel at Dragon*Con
Jewel played Ariel Brentwood in an Atlanta Radio Theatre Company production of The Menace From Earth, and Matt was kind enough to take this photo afterwards. She is such a gem. Earlier in the evening, he portrayed Richard Icthyopolis in the Slaves of the Zombie-Tron radio drama.

Meeting Nathan at Dragon*Con
I had no idea how funny he was until I attended the Firefly Q&A sessions. He knows how to work an audience.

Meeting Adam Baldwin at Dragon*Con
I got to shake hands with the Hero of Canton! What a great guy. I didn't even realize he was selling the shirts until I got home and looked at the picture.

Nathan giving fan Alliance money at Dragon*Con
Browncoat1's daughter receives alliance money from Nathan after asking a question at Sunday's Firefly panel.