Needy's Destiny II: The Legend of Fox Cipher - PROLOGUE
Monday, February 25, 2008

The much-delayed follow-up to "Needy's Destiny" sees the young male companion beginning his journey to find himself. But first, he has to find Frankie, the love of his life that disappeared mysteriously three months ago.


Needy's Destiny II: The Legend Of Fox Cipher


Fox Cipher was a legend It was a name that had been heard a lot over the past thirty years even though nobody was really sure of who, or what, it was.

It had shown up in witness testimonies, had been whispered about on the cortex, and was found regularly near the top of the Alliance’s most wanted list. Was it a man or an organisation? Nobody knew for sure, there were so many different stories floating around. Some might even have you believe it was something far more insidious – some dark creature from a lost world. It was a ghost story, an urban myth. Or at least, that’s what I had been told, what I had been led to believe. Turns out, Fox Cipher was so much more than that, and had been around for a lot longer than anyone could have ever imagined.


It had been three months since Frankie had disappeared. Three long months. And yet, even though she had grown up at the companion house of Crescendo, spent the majority of her life there… in just three months it seemed that everyone had forgotten about her. Everyone, that is, but me.

I was back on my feet; the injury sustained during the Sammy D incident had long healed. Even the officers had stopped paying me visits with questions – questions intended to make me slip up and confess to a crime I wasn’t responsible for. That I was glad of at least, I could go back to my normal life. Only I couldn’t. I couldn’t think straight, couldn’t concentrate on my work, and couldn’t even perform on one occasion – which, needless to say, can prove absolutely detrimental to ones career. I knew I needed to focus but I couldn’t. Frankie was on my brain, day in, day out. Where was she? Was she okay? And what of Nemmi? Some would suppose that the disappearance of both of them meant one thing – they had fallen in love and left in secret, starting a life together far away from home.

I couldn’t believe that. Maybe it was just wishful thinking on my part, that I simply didn’t want to believe it, didn’t want that to be the reason she left. And suppose that was the reason, I wanted to believe that at the very least, she would have told me. That our close relationship might not have been anything more than friendship in her eyes, but it was a friendship at the very least, we were close enough to confide in each other weren’t we? There needn’t have been any secrets, nor did she ever need to feel that I wouldn’t understand. But truth was, we had both kept secrets. I had never told her how much she meant to me. And she had never told me everything about herself – the truth that would go a long way to explain why she had gone missing. Still, if she and Nemmi were together, then I needed to know. The pain of rejection wouldn’t matter, I just needed to know they were ok. Not knowing was far worse.

As that third month drew to a close, the officers assigned to the case seem to lose all interest as did my fellow companions. They carried on work as normal and I began to realise that Frankie and Nemmi’s disappearance had stopped being viewed as a mystery and had been relegated simply to “one of those things.”

It was my quest now and mine alone.

Frankie was gone but I would find her. I would do everything in my power to find out what happened, where she was and why she left. Nothing, and nobody, could stop me.


Monday, February 25, 2008 3:36 AM


Glad to see this continued.

Nice stuff, Needy!

Monday, February 25, 2008 7:00 AM


NEEDY!!! Brilliant!! I have been waiting for this to continue! More!

- Soul


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Needy's Destiny II: Chapter 4 - Outsiders
Needy is a male companion working at the companion house at Kara, Londinium. When his beloved Frankie mysteriously disappears, Needy takes it upon himself to track her down. His search leads him to the district of Tamsborough, hardly the friendliest of places for a civilised man. Nevertheless, Samaire - former companion and colleague of Frankie - is his only lead, and happens to live in the nearby village of Sharpe. Unfortunately, finding one person in the small locale is not as easy as it looks as Needy soon finds himself on the wrong side of some locals...

Needy's Destiny II: Chapter 3 - Ain't No Place For Boy Whores
Needy is a male companion working at the companion house at Kara, Londinium. When his beloved Frankie mysteriously disappears, Needy takes it upon himself to track her down. His search leads him to the notorious town of Tamsborough, hoping to find former companion Samaire Huizhong who may hold the key to discovering Frankie’s whereabouts...

Needy's Destiny II: Chapter 2 - The Other Woman
Needy is a male companion working at the companion house at Kara, Londinium. When his beloved Frankie mysteriously disappears, Needy takes it upon himself to track her down. His search leads him to the notorious town of Tamsborough, hoping to find former companion Samaire Huizhong who may hold the key to discovering Frankie’s whereabouts...
(This chapter was originally meant to be posted last week, but chapter 3 will be posted tomorrow as planned)

Needy's Destiny II: Chapter 1 - Passengers
Needy is a male companion working at the companion house at Kara, Londinium. When his beloved Frankie mysteriously disappears, Needy takes it upon himself to track her down. But in getting involved, he may be putting his own life in danger.

Needy's Destiny II: The Legend of Fox Cipher - PROLOGUE
The much-delayed follow-up to "Needy's Destiny" sees the young male companion beginning his journey to find himself. But first, he has to find Frankie, the love of his life that disappeared mysteriously three months ago.

Needy's Destiny - Chapter 8: Home
The "final" chapter wrapping up the current story-arc (but more is on the way later).
Recap: Needy is a male companion working at Crescendo, the companion house at Kara, Londinium. He came from a humble background, but against his family's wishes, left home and began his training to be a male companion.
Deep down he is in love with his friend and former mentor, Frankie, but he is unsure if she feels the same way.
Recent events have seen Needy in way over his head. A fellow companion was violently attacked by a young man and Needy joined his peer Kal and the menacing security guard Cutter in tracking down the criminal.
After a violent confrontation, Cutter killed the man responsible before leaving the scene to embark on his own personal vendetta.
Both Needy, who is suffering with a broken ankle, and Kal are left behind to face the music alone.

Needy's Destiny - Chapter 7: When Words Cut Deep
Needy is a male companion working at the companion house, Crescendo.
When Victoria, a fellow companion is violently attacked though, he joins her close friend Kal and the mysterious security guard Cutter in tracking down the man responsible. With the culprit managing to escape outside, his heroic pursuers are close behind. But then, without warning, the tables turn.
Currently Needy, Kal and Cutter are being held at gunpoint by the perpetrator, and somehow he seems to know Cutter very well.

Needy's Destiny - Chapter 6: The Chase
Needy's Back!
The beautiful companion Victoria has been violently attacked by a client and now those close to her are out for blood.
Whilst a mysterious security guard by the name of Cutter takes the lead in tracking down the culprit, fellow companions Needy and Kal are close behind.
After a struggle with Cutter ensued in a couple's room, the criminal managed to escape through an open window, armed with Cutter's pistol.

Needy's Destiny - Chapter 5: The Hunt
After a big gap, Needy's back. Here's a recap of recent events:
After a violent attack on one of the girls at the companion house named Crescendo, Cutter (a security guard) attempts to track the perp down before they get the chance to leave the house, refusing Needy's offered to help in the process.
Now though, Kal - a close friend of Victoria, the girl that was attacked - is determined to make the guy responsible pay for what he did, and he's not going to let anyone stand in his way. Not even Needy who has lied about where he last saw Cutter tracking the criminal.

Needy's Destiny - Chapter 4: Prayer
Needy is a companion residing at the companion house Crescendo in Kara, Londinium. He loves Frankie... a lot.

Whilst servicing the attractive Venetia Laurel -the daughter of a famous politician - Needy is interrupted by a man breaking into his room. The intruder is a man named Cutter, who works security at Crescendo. He is looking for a particular "wild card" (a client who "doesn't play by the rules" and usually gets violent) and believes he may have been hiding in Needy's quarters.
After Cutter refuses help from Needy to track the "wild card" down, Needy returns to Venetia who proceeds to ask him a bunch of questions about what is going on.
These questions lead him to the frightening truth that he has no idea who the victim was or if they were seriously hurt.
He fears Frankie, the love of his life, was the one involved