La Escorpiona/The Scorpion.Chapter 16:Getting a talking to.
Monday, November 12, 2007

There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.Her own salvation.or will she just end up stung by the Scorpion? Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes. Jayne/River( River puppy love), OC/Jayne, Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara angst.


Author: Tinadoll (aka Tina- That’s me!)

Setting: After BDM.

Rating: R to NC-17.

Spoilers: Yes.

Author’s note: This is a new chapter. Don’t remember if this chapter was Beta’d or not. I try to do the best I can editing by myself but you can do nice by just ignoring all the mistakes.

Chapter 16: Getting a talking to.

She had a hard time explaining her constant feeling of dread but there she was standing in the middle of the galley feeling like she got kicked in the face. She got off easy. But she figured that it would end badly but pushed it out of her mind in a effort to get something done. She looked in the food stores and all she saw was protein. She made a face-but this was the life she had to lead so she swallowed her pride and started to make some. She would make protein loaf. It would taste like gritty bread but hell it was better then the lumpy way they usually had it.

“Well, busy day,” Jubal said from the table. She turned to face him and saw he was sitting at the table with his feet up.

“I am not speaking to you anymore, Ghost,” she said as she went back to making dinner. “Go pick apart someone else brain. Maybe someone who might actually give a care.”

“Who are you talking too?” the Captain asked as he entered.

“Hmm?” she said. “Oh to no one in particular-Just myself,” she said as she put the protein loaf in the oven and started on the dehydrated potatoes.

“Well don’t make a habit of it, Dong ma?” he said with a warm yet warning smile.

“No sweat,” she said while still working on dinner. She wanted to talk to him but she was afraid that she felt that it was out of place. She offered him some tea and he held out his cup as she poured.

“So-I’m out an airlock again after dinner right?” she asked as she stirred some dehydrated potatoes.

“Not on your first day, perhaps after day three,” he said smiling and relaxing in the chair.

She nodded slightly. There was no saying “Sorry” and making up. Mistakes like that could have caused real harm. But she had meant what she had done and he knew that she had been provoked.

“Just a word of warnin’,” The captain said. “I think Jayne has it in his mind to…ugh..” he chose his words carefully. “Teach you a lesson.”

“Which is what, sir?” She said with a hint of mischief in her eye.

His eyes popped out and he chose his words.

“Take you on,” he said bluntly.

“Not going to happen,” she said, as she turned away from him. A huge smile creeped upon her face. She could take that man-ape out if she needed to. She pictured chaining him to a pipe and having her way with him but she shook away the mental picture so as to concentrate on what she was doing.

“Why?” he said, “Because there was no money involved?” he said a little too blunt for her taste. She was taken aback.

“Badger and I go way back,” she said as her face hardened and she turned to face her accuser. “Getting the money and the sex, which is none of your gorram business, and are two very separate things.”

He made a disgusted face and kept talking:

“So no whorin’. I mean I already have my hands full with one whore, I don’t need two,” he looked at her with disgust and shame. It was his business and she didn’t know why he even bothered looking at her like that.

There was a noise by the door and there stood Inara-hurt look on her face. She wanted to make sure that the Captain didn’t go to hard on Maria. And instead she over heard his comments and ran off in sadness and disgust.

Mal’s eyes went sad but his face held firm. There was something there- Oh yes. And everyone knew about it. Maria wanted to pour salt in that wound. Who the hell was he to judge them?

“Well an Officer and a Gentleman,” she said angrily. “Dinner will be ready in 15,” she threw a towel at him and said angrily. “Take it out yourself.” She went to walk out but the Captain was at his feet quickly and grabbed her and slammed her against the wall. He grimaced in pain, his wound was still fresh.

They stood face to face.

“The only reason why you are standing here is because, you saved my life. But my generosity is wearing thin. A few more days like this and you will bite the bullet. Dong, ma?”

“I ain’t afraid of you,” she said getting out of his grip. “I have taken a lot in stride and you still have a member of your “family” alive. You wanna shoot me again; do it but this time- finish the job.”

He let her go and she stood her ground. She was not afraid-especially not of him.

“I consider us even- now. My life and your life-spared,” she said, circling him like a predator. “But don’t ever call Inara or me a whore again. I may be a murderer and a loose cannon, but I am not a liar a thief or a whore. And she is a respectable companion. And someone with respectability is what you need ‘round here.”

A look of contentment and resolve came across his face and he nodded because he approved. He drank down the last of the tea.

She stopped, confused and watched him walk out the room.

*** She lay in her bunk staring at the ceiling again. She had picked up Mal’s nightmare again. She closed her eyes.

He was running..Running towards his men. Running towards the line. She looked down and she was wearing her uniform and the infamous browncoat…

She heard in the back of her head…about being a big damned heroes. She saw eyes, pale green eyes. And a smile, a smile that made her heart take flight. Oh Matt.

Matt? Who was Matt???

She saw a downed Alliance plane and hopped in and took off. From the window she saw Mal, at the helm of a big gun- shooting at her. His face in anger.

Down Down.


“Mayday Mayday,” she heard as she franticly punched out.

Right into Enemy Territory.

She opened her eyes with a start because she had just realized she just remembered something: During the battle of Serenity Valley, the man who brought her down was now her employer: Captain Malcolm Reynolds.

She gasped for air and someone yelled to her: “This isn’t real!!!” You must focus away the pain!” she didn’t recognize the voice.

But there he stood. He was a tall, older gentleman wearing Shepard’s clothes. His white hair was pulled back and on his face there was the warmest smile.

“I hope you enjoyed the book I left…” he said, reassuring. She hadn’t notice the fight around her come to a complete standstill. The sounds of war had ceased.

“Book…” Mal said, Maria hadn’t noticed Malcolm standing there. But he was oblivious to her. Shejust stared at the Shepard named Book.

“There is a connection…” she asked, confused by this.

“And you will figure it out- But that’s another story,” he said with a wink.


Wednesday, November 14, 2007 9:21 AM


Phew. Reappearance of Book, really pullin' at the strings here. Seems that one started a lump.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007 7:27 PM


Interesting chapter, pretty good.


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La Escorpiona- The Scorpion- Epilogue
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.It keeps getting worse for her.Now she has sparked the interest of an evil man. He wants her for his own.Run Scorps Run. Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes

This is how it ends...or does it?

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion: Chapter 25: Ending it...peacefully
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.It keeps getting worse for her.Now she has sparked the interest of an evil man. He wants her for his own.Run Scorps Run. Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion: Chapter 24: My beloved Life
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.It keeps getting worse for her.Now she has sparked the interest of an evil man. He wants her for his own.Run Scorps Run. Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion: Chapter 23:Deep
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.It keeps getting worse for her.Now she has sparked the interest of an evil man. He wants her for his own.Run Scorps Run. Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion: Chapter 22: Into the void.
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.It keeps getting worse for her.Now she has sparked the interest of an evil man. He wants her for his own.Run Scorps Run. Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion :Chapter 21-The jig is up
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.It keeps getting worse for her.Now she has sparked the interest of an evil man. He wants her for his own.Run Scorps Run. Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion :Chapter 20- Trust
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.Her own salvation.or will she just end up stung by the Scorpion? Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes. Jayne/River( River puppy love), OC/Jayne, Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara angst

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion :Chapter 19
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.Her own salvation.or will she just end up stung by the Scorpion? Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes. Jayne/River( River puppy love), OC/Jayne, Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara angst

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion :Chapter 18
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.Her own salvation.or will she just end up stung by the Scorpion? Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes. Jayne/River( River puppy love), OC/Jayne, Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara angst

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion :Chapter 17 I left my heart at Serenity Valley.
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.Her own salvation.or will she just end up stung by the Scorpion? Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes. Jayne/River( River puppy love), OC/Jayne, Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara angst