La Escorpiona/The Scorpion.Chapter 15: REPOST
Monday, November 12, 2007

There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.Her own salvation.or will she just end up stung by the Scorpion? Takes place after BDM(No Wash or Book).Violent and Adult themes. Jayne/River( River puppy love), OC/Jayne, Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara angst.


Author: Tinadoll (aka Tina- That’s me!)

Setting: After BDM- No Wash or Book.

Rating: R to NC-17.

Spoilers: Yes.

Author’s note: REPOST. Don’t remember if this chapter was Beta’d or not. I try to do the best I can editing by myself but you can do nice by just ignoring all the mistakes.

Chapter 15- Trouble She sat in her room on the bed. She was in deep. She had an urge to sing a pirate song Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate’s life for me. We pillage, we plunder, we rifle, and loot, Drink up, me ‘earties, yo ho. We kidnap and ravage and don’t give a hoot, Drink up me ‘earties, yo ho. She gave a hearty laugh and heard Jayne pound his fist on the wall. It seemed that the only person she amused – was herself. Even though he had previously alleged it to be so “That ain’t funny, woman.” He said angrily. “You are in deep trouble…” But before he could respond she heard a smack and Jayne responding in an “OOF” followed by a thud. “Oof?” she thought. That last part wasn’t normal. She jumped up from the bed to see if she could find a weapon- Maybe it was Lady Yoshida, ready to kill but she wouldn’t have to worry for long When the door slid open and there stood River. “He talked too much,” she said as she slipped on the bed next to Maria. “You shouldn’t worry about him- we can take him anyday.” the girl said as she snuggled up next to her,smiling. “ And don’t worry-I’ll protect you from Captain Daddy- he is just trying to keep everyone neatly in line. So far. So long. No going back.” she added, in jibberish. Maria sat there,nodding slightly and saying nothing She only stroked her hair and sighed. She had no idea what the girl just said but she was glad she had let River live her life. She was one weird and yet extraordinary young woman. She continued to stroke her hair and let her lean on her.

“Thank you,” River said,knowing what she had just thought. It was a tender moment between the two-but it was about to be interrupted. A couple of minutes later she heard loud voices and then a commotion from outside the door and heard the Captain go “Oh what now?”. He had just probably seen Jayne, knocked out cold. But the big man-monkey-merc had it comin’. He slid the door open and saw River in her arms. Simon peaked from behind him. He was following Mal around so that he could make sure his stitches held.

“River come away now,” he said softly. “No,” she said, pleading. “So much anger! No reason.” Before Simon could respond Maria told her :“It’s alright Mei-Mei,” Maria said softly. “I can handle this,” she added, still stroking her hair. She didn’t know if calling River her “mei-mei” was appropriate. After all Maria wanted to take her back to the lab- but now they shared a bond. No one corrected her, so she thought no further upon the subject. Reluctantly River left the room. Jayne popped in and was rubbing his head. “I tell you Mal, that girl is dangerous,” he said, referring to River. When she passed but they exchanged glares and River stuck out her tongue. Mal tried to keep cool and sat down due to the pain. “Not now Jayne, we have other more pressing matters.” Zoë stood by the door and watched. The Captain looked her over. “I don’t regret my decision,” he said looking at her directly. “Captain…” Zoë interjected “I am speaking now, Zo,” he said bluntly. “Let me finish.” She made a face and hushed up. “You fought with my first and you’re superior,” he said, very calmly. She said nothing.

“What no excuse? You’re not going to Mary-sue your way outa this?” he said.

Jayne snerked. “There is no excuse. I did it, and I’d do it again,” she said, bluntly. You want to kill me for insubordination? Just do it and be quick about it.” “Wrong answer girl,” Jayne said, angrily. She saw that he was turning red with anger, partially because he couldn’t do anything to hurt her. Mal waved him off. “Why?” he asked. “Zoë came at me first. I was just defendin’ myself and my emotions got the better of me. After that I would have locked myself up. ” she said. She was still the soldier. I’m getting’ off first opportunity-she thought to herself- No need to worry about me. The Captain sat there and mulled over her responses. “Ok,” he said, after a bit of thought. “It’s been a long first day, I bet you could rustle up some food and I will discuss this with the crew.” He was stumped on how to proceed. He would have tossed her out the nearest airlock-but she had a point. He uncharacteristically wanted to discuss the situation wit the rest of the family. “Yes, sir,” she said. Jayne and Zoë followed the Captain out and into the common area. Maria went to the Mess and started to make dinner. *** The crew sat around and Captain Reynolds took a seat.

Zoë continued her silence.

“I told you to lay off her,” he said to Zoë. “But you didn’t. You needed to give her time to adjust.”

“Did *we* adjust sir?, “Zoë asked. She was referring to the war. After all he was the one who needed to walk into an Alliance friendly bar every U-day and fight.

“We’re livin,” he said, simply.

“If you can call this livin,” Jayne mused.

“Better then being in a prison being experimented on,” Simon, mused.

“Oh quit using that as an excuse Simon, I’m sick of hearing about your sister and all she went through,” Kaylee said, annoyed at him. “No Offense River,” Kaylee said as she looked up at the stairs where River had been sitting.

“None taken, I’m tired of hearing it too,” River said.

“I wasn’t referring to you mei-mei,” he said. River smiled. Finally her brother came over to the pro-Maria side. Kaylee put her arm in is and River flanked his other side.

“I don’t care. We got paid and Mal’s going to be ok, so where the hell is the problem,” Jayne said bluntly.

“She attacked me and nearly attacked you too,” Zoë said, trying to make some point.

“Yea, so,” he said while taking a sip from is flask and muttered something about foreplay.

Mal put his hand on his face. The stupidity that Jayne sometimes exhibited boggled his mind.

“… But she saved Mal’s life…” Inara said quietly. She didn’t want to interfere but someone had to remind him that he did owe her.

A couple of people nodded and Mal sighed.

“Well, I got shot, command changed hands, there was a fight, and we got paid, cashy-money. So far as I see it,” he said finally, “Nothing out of the ordinary occurred today,”

People nodded in agreement.

“And all we need is to end with dinner and our daily verbal argument.” Inara said to Mal who gave her a look.

“And Jayne needs to get knifed” River said smiling. Jayne’s eyes bulged out and the rest of the crew gave her a look. She just shrugged.



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La Escorpiona- The Scorpion- Epilogue
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.It keeps getting worse for her.Now she has sparked the interest of an evil man. He wants her for his own.Run Scorps Run. Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes

This is how it ends...or does it?

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion: Chapter 25: Ending it...peacefully
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.It keeps getting worse for her.Now she has sparked the interest of an evil man. He wants her for his own.Run Scorps Run. Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion: Chapter 24: My beloved Life
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.It keeps getting worse for her.Now she has sparked the interest of an evil man. He wants her for his own.Run Scorps Run. Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion: Chapter 23:Deep
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.It keeps getting worse for her.Now she has sparked the interest of an evil man. He wants her for his own.Run Scorps Run. Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion: Chapter 22: Into the void.
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.It keeps getting worse for her.Now she has sparked the interest of an evil man. He wants her for his own.Run Scorps Run. Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion :Chapter 21-The jig is up
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.It keeps getting worse for her.Now she has sparked the interest of an evil man. He wants her for his own.Run Scorps Run. Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion :Chapter 20- Trust
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.Her own salvation.or will she just end up stung by the Scorpion? Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes. Jayne/River( River puppy love), OC/Jayne, Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara angst

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion :Chapter 19
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.Her own salvation.or will she just end up stung by the Scorpion? Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes. Jayne/River( River puppy love), OC/Jayne, Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara angst

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion :Chapter 18
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.Her own salvation.or will she just end up stung by the Scorpion? Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes. Jayne/River( River puppy love), OC/Jayne, Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara angst

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion :Chapter 17 I left my heart at Serenity Valley.
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.Her own salvation.or will she just end up stung by the Scorpion? Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes. Jayne/River( River puppy love), OC/Jayne, Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara angst