Firefly Speculative System Map 2.0
Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Here is my second version of a Firefly map, inspired by some of the recent images to come out of Serenity. I've corrected the location of a few worlds from the previous map and added a few eliptical orbits. Also, it's 3d... Only named moons and worlds are shown in the map. Some systems will probably contain many moons not named on the show. Hans



Wednesday, August 11, 2004 2:53 AM


All I have to say is, "Holy Sh*t", dude, you should do this more often!

Wednesday, August 11, 2004 3:35 AM


I second that, legomaniac. This is so cool...

Wednesday, August 11, 2004 4:40 AM


Yeah! This gorramned AWESOME! I ruttin' love it! I mean, how shiny is *this*?!!?

Oh, and I really like it too. :)

I agree with legomaniac, keep up the INCREDIBLE JOB!

Hell, I am gonna print this and frame it!

Wednesday, August 11, 2004 5:03 AM


Very nice, Hans! :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2004 5:32 AM


This is sweet - thanks!

I'd love to find out if there's a way to confirm this information with the PTB, maybe even get some feedback...


Wednesday, August 11, 2004 6:00 AM


wow, that's really amazing.
I liked the "not to be used for navigation"

Wednesday, August 11, 2004 9:22 AM


That IS pretty sweet looking (I rated it 10).

I was always of the opinion that all the 'Firefly' worlds do NOT orbit around the same star... but the show never says, so it's certainly open for cool interpretation like this. :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2004 9:50 AM


WOW...and again with the WOW.

That is SUPER shiny.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004 11:11 AM


That's great, Hans, but shouldn't it be a blue sun?

Wednesday, August 11, 2004 2:50 PM


Thank you, Hans. Majorly wow!

Thursday, August 12, 2004 4:17 AM


The fanatasy physics would also include the ability of O type stars to generate that many planets...

Oh yeah and blue stars don't make planets that are habitable by our type.

Thursday, August 12, 2004 4:55 PM


Wow, this is great. "Not to be used for navigation" :-)

By the way, you spelled "Jiangyin" as "Jinagyin."

Saturday, August 14, 2004 10:58 PM


Holy Crap that is coooool! I give it a 10! Oh and even though (as Kugelblitz aptly pointed out) it wouldn't work physically, I would've loved to see a Blue Sun...and maybe a reaver ship or two prowling the "Uninhabitable Zone"
Perhaps i'll give it whirl if you don't mind.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004 7:19 AM


Oh. My. God.
This kicks so much.
I love it.

Thursday, January 20, 2005 5:30 AM


Excellent - this map seems very realistic.
I'll try not to use it for navigation... Hopefully, I won't lose that map.


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Serenity Speculative System Map Version 4
The latest version of my Serenity system map. This was created for the Serenity RPG, and there is more information about this map over on the RPG forums Waves in the Black. Go to : and click on "Filling the void".

More maps of the verse
Details for the latest version of my Serenity map.

Specualtive map of Serenity's travels
Using the latest version of my map for the Serenity RPG, this is my interpretaion of Serenity's travels during the events in the movie.

Xin Chai Class Express Boat - Images
Here’s another of my ship designs for the Serenity roleplaying game. This one is influenced by the classic pony express of the old west. I wanted something slightly smaller than a Firefly but somewhat faster, used mainly as a courier or light transport. After designing several more functional, industrial-type ships I wanted to make something that a group of player characters might be flying around in.

Xin Chai Class Express Boat - Images
Here’s another of my ship designs for the Serenity roleplaying game. This one is influenced by the classic pony express of the old west. I wanted something slightly smaller than a Firefly but somewhat faster, used mainly as a courier or light transport. After designing several more functional, industrial-type ships I wanted to make something that a group of player characters might be flying around in.

Xin Chai Class Express Boat - Schematic
Here’s another of my ship designs for the Serenity roleplaying game. This one is influenced by the classic pony express of the old west. I wanted something slightly smaller than a Firefly but somewhat faster, used mainly as a courier or light transport. After designing several more functional, industrial-type ships I wanted to make something that a group of player characters might be flying around in.

Xin Chai Class Express Boat - Views
Here’s another of my ship designs for the Serenity roleplaying game. This one is influenced by the classic pony express of the old west. I wanted something slightly smaller than a Firefly but somewhat faster, used mainly as a courier or light transport. After designing several more functional, industrial-type ships I wanted to make something that a group of player characters might be flying around in.

Iron Class Recovery/Salvage Vessel - Images
Here’s another of my ship designs for the Serenity roleplaying game. This one is heavily influenced by the scavenger ship from Out of Gas, as well as the intergalactic chop shop in Our Mrs. Reynolds.

Iron Class Recovery/Salvage Vessel - Schematic
Here’s another of my ship designs for the Serenity roleplaying game. This one is heavily influenced by the scavenger ship from Out of Gas, as well as the intergalactic chop shop in Our Mrs. Reynolds.

Iron Class Recovery/Salvage Ship - Views
Here’s another of my ship designs for the Serenity roleplaying game. This one is heavily influenced by the scavenger ship from Out of Gas, as well as the intergalactic chop shop in Our Mrs. Reynolds.