Date Night; 2/5: ...And again.
Sunday, May 20, 2007

Head trauma? Not to worry. (Jaylee)


Kaylee lay under the engine, listening to the whinge in her ship. It had only been a few hours since Mal'd let her leave the kitchen. He'd continued to shout at Jayne and Kaylee had caught the bits of it. Something about seducing innocent girls. Kaylee giggled, wondering when it was Mal figured she was being innocent: initiating a bar fight or trying to pick up on the man who'd started it. She quieted again, listening closely to her girl.

She could hear it, amidst all the perfectly fine noises, whingin' on about it's neglect. She could almost put her finger on it...yes, it was-


Kaylee sat up in surprise, accidentally banging her head on the over-thruster. She cried out, putting her hand to her forehead. She looked over to see Jayne filling up the doorway and looking awkwardly at his shoes. He looked up at the ruckus she'd made hitting her head. "Are you alright?"

Her hand still pressed firmly on her forehead, Kaylee wiggled out from beneath the engine. "I'm fine...I think."

"Let me take a look at it."

Jayne stepped forward and moved her hand away. There was a cut on her head and a bruise. He squinted at her, like she had a math problem written on her forehead. His look of deep concentration struck the little mechanic as very funny and she started to laugh, even though it hurt her head.

"Wow, Jayne, you look like you're thinking harder then you have in your whole life!"

He straightened up, posturing like he was some fancy gentleman. "Am I enough like the Doc now for you to like me?" he said, adopting a pompous air and an affected expression of arrogance.

Kaylee's smile faded. "Twasn't the right thing to say Jayne. You and Simon...well, you's are like black and white ta me. Wouldn't want the two of ya ta mix."

Jayne looked at her curiously. "Well, ya don't need ta worry about anything like that. I'm too much fun to ever be anything like him." She smiled at him again.

"So," he said. "You ready for our second date? Me, you, the medlab?" He offered her his arm, all dramatical like.

She took his arm with a flourish as they left the engine room.


Monday, May 21, 2007 9:58 AM


Too damn short by a mile, dannii...but some utterly fabulous stuff. Especially loved how you had Kaylee chuckle at Mal's overprotectiveness and Jayne stare at Kaylee's head injury like it's the most complex thing he's ever seen:D



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River likes the way Jayne looks at her. My first (and possibly only) foray into Rayne. Hints of Jaylee and Mal/River.

Date Night; 2/5: ...And again.
Head trauma? Not to worry. (Jaylee)

Date Night 1/5; Headache
A series of ficlets as a follow up to 'Of Bar Fights and White Knights'. Part One of Five.(Jaylee)

Of Bar Fights and White Knights
You better be a gentleman when Jayne Cobb is around. (Non-canon pairing: Jaylee)

Better Times - Ch 10 - Red
Last chapter in this story. Inara finds justice, Kaylee tries to get lucky and Jayne tries to find his way home. *Sexuality, violence* WARNING: Jaylee. :Continued in World Without Sin:

Better Times Ch 9 - Unbidden
Definately a plot builder. River tries not to fade, Jayne changes who he is while Kaylee suffers inside and out. WARNING: non canon pairings: J/K, S/Z. If you don't like these pairings refrain from reading. Dark, implied domestic abuse.

Character, Pairings: Jaylee, Crew
Rating: PG
Set: During the episode Shindig

Inara wants to get some.

Inspired by a line in 'The Shiny Affair of Mr. Pink' by beautifool. Jayne/Inara.

Better Times Ch 8 - Out of Sight
One month after Ch 7. Everyone is starting to come apart.(hello angsty?)
WARNING: Non-Canon/Canon pairings J/K, Z/S, M/I. follow up to 'Life Goes On'.

She Takes Lookin After
Kaylee hates being alone. Graphic imagery. WARNING: Character(s) death and Jaylee if you squint.