La Escorpiona- The Scorpion:Chapter 1- The bigger they are,the harder they can fall.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

A Bounty Hunter,torn from her home remolded by the hands of blue. She escapes into the black.Her only target- River tam.But can she kill her?


La Escorpiona- The Scorpion

Author: Tinadoll (aka Tina- That’s me!) Setting: After BDM Rating: PG-13- NC-17. This Chapter is R. Spoilers: probably-But who cares? We have all seen the episodes? Author’s note: I have written fan-fic before. But this is my first Fireflyfic and my first serious (kind of) one. Scorpion is mine. All Spanish, Latin or any other language will be in parenthesis. This could get messy folks. My spelling and grammar is horrible. And my humor is odd. And I’m a fan girl. LOL ENJOY

Disclaimer: Firefly et al. Are properties of Joss Whedon- Those who don’t like that will get punched in the Kidneys

Chapter 1: The bigger they are, the harder they can fall.

So there she was lying on the ground getting all gorram dirty cuz some chump change low-life merc had her in his sights. She could see that he was cute. Oh and he had big feet.

“Now how’s about you telling me how long you were ruttin following us? And how you knew my Gorram name!?” he says, not flinching an inch. Not even when he was trying to peak down her blouse. She knew his name because of the profile given to her by the Corp.

“Don’t think so Ta ma de (Motherfucker).” She said. She smiled the whole time.

“Gorramit lady, this is the point where you talk. I don’t wanna shoot a woman.” He said. Still trying to grab a peek.

She didn’t flinch. This guy was so stupid. Would he even remember anything she said? Maybe if she bribed him…No no Stick with the plan. “Listen, If you are so eager to see my boobs” she swiftly took of her shirt and unhooked her bra. “There” she said, hands on hips.

His eyes popped out of his head and a wicked smile came upon his lips. If he was on the ship he would have ran to his bunk for some one on one time. Too bad he didn’t see her move her leg swiftly to his thigh.She had just used the heel of her shoe (which concealed a poisoned dart) and which knocked him the hell out.

“Gorram Women.” He said as he fell face first into the dirt. What did he have against women?

She stood up and put on her blouse and bra.

“Gets em every time.” she said rolling her eyes. She dragged big, tall and stupid to a nearby tree. Takes off his shirt (well girls gotta have some fun) and she bounds him and just for the fun of it gags him. She grabs an apple and puts her gun away. It wasn’t time to kill the target yet. She needed to wait for the opportune time. She ate a piece of the apple and proceeded to inspect Vera. She knew it was called Vera due to gun being marked on the handle “Vera”. Well Vera was one pretty gun. But it wasn’t in her nature to steal other people’s guns so she set it aside.

She woke up the big dummy. But first she sat on a rock and admired his chest. So big and so yummy. She shrugged and opened smelling salts under his nose. He flinches a little and gives her a hard look. She gets down and straddles him.

“I’m going to tell you this once, Jayne Cobb.” She says running her finger down his cheek. “And I don’t play around.” She says.

He narrows his eyes.

“My business is just what it is, my business. I’m not following you.” She looks at him. “And when I mean you, I mean you personally.” She slaps him across the face “get it?”

He nods. If he were untied it probably would have attempted to kick her ass.

He tries to say something. She straddles him and takes off his gag

“ If you even attempt to hurt moonbrain…I’ll kill you.” She sees he isn’t as stupid as he looks. She gets comfortable straddling his lap. And she licks the tip of his nose.


From below River can sense danger in the air.

“Mine” She says.

Simon grabs her arm. “Of course it’s yours. You can have all the apples you want once we get to town.” Mal smiles at Kaylee who is still going on about converters and ship parts. She throws in something on kittens which diverts Rivers attention.

The Amazon warrior woman Zoe Speaks-“Jayne is missing.”

“What else is new?” Mal retorts as they walk to town. Clueless to the danger.


Scorpions head starts to hurt. She backs off and rubs her temples… …

“You don’t want emotions.” Her teacher and master says.

Its three years later. They are on some nameless moon. A moon base. It’s lavishly furnished and there are so many artifacts she holds her breathe when walking from room to room. She once saw a maid break a vase and get sent out an airlock without any hesitation.

Her master, she simply calls,Saiai(Beloved)He teaches her combat skills(through 7 different martial arts), keeps her fit(through excersize and starvation), some self-defense and self-cultivation (meditation) and mental discipline through torture. They would practice all day and she would feel it at night. She learns through fear and through pain. And since she feels no pain, all she learned was a giant sense of contempt.

She also spends time learning Companion skills from separate female teachers. But they were silent. The were told not to speak to her in personal terms-under penalty of death.No friends, no emotions. She just keeps her head down and her mouth shut.

He also takes her to bed. Though fear he gets what he wants. He is not gentle.

“Emotions are useless.” She responds one day to his query. She is brushing her hair emotionlessly (going out as his escort for an evening down planet side) and he is watching her. He grabs her hair. “I just said that. Why do you repeat everything I say?” he asks. It may be rhetorical but she answers anyway.

“I only agreed with you, Saiai.” she says, voice steady. She has learned that weakness sets him off. With much effort she grabs his hand and he lets go of her hair.

“Next time you want to hurt me, grab my throat. I spend too much time on my appearance to please you for you to ruin it. If I have marks on my neck, I can cover my neck.” She says thoughtfully.

He laughs and kisses her on the cheek.

Silent depression.


She opens her eyes and looks back to Jayne

“And I thought River had problems.” He says.

With a swift punch, she shatters his jaw and knocks him out.

Fits of rage not becoming of a lady

She unties him from the tree and throws him on her mule. Her ship is nearby and she enters and throws him on a chair, gives him a heavy sedative and resets his jaw

As an added bonus – she wires his mouth shut.

Her shuttle is kind of cramped. It wasn’t designed to be the love boat but an efficient way to get to the main ship and back. She had her essentials- rations, ammo and grenades. She also had a couple of choice articles of clothes. Lots of leather for actiony goodness. And she did her work- Cleanly and quietly. What she lacked in personality she gained in efficiency.

She changed into her Ninja outfit and checked on the merc. She needed to wait till night fall to make her next move… Night fall was for a couple more hours so she watched him sleep a dreamless drug induced sleep.

End of chapter.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 9:25 AM


Interesting...that's a nice character you've created there. Really gotten into what makes her tick. Still enjoying it, but poor Jayne. Ouch!

At least he got a looksee first.

- Soul

Tuesday, March 20, 2007 10:26 AM


Strange. I posted a comment and got kicked back to the home page. Anyhoo, Jayne seems to be in a bit of a bad/good spot. Lovin' all the bits. Can't wait for our next fix.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007 3:41 PM


Ooh...psychic assassing cat fight a' comin'! Things are definitely looking up!


Lovely bit of effort here, Tinadoll! Really lovin' the exploration of Scorpion's background and her rather interesting...behaviour...with Jayne.

If chicken-winged, the only complaint I could come up with is that a few spots were spacing and spelling were a tad bit off.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 3:42 PM


Crap...meant "psychic assassin," not "psychic assassing."


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La Escorpiona- The Scorpion- Epilogue
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.It keeps getting worse for her.Now she has sparked the interest of an evil man. He wants her for his own.Run Scorps Run. Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes

This is how it ends...or does it?

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion: Chapter 25: Ending it...peacefully
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.It keeps getting worse for her.Now she has sparked the interest of an evil man. He wants her for his own.Run Scorps Run. Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion: Chapter 24: My beloved Life
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.It keeps getting worse for her.Now she has sparked the interest of an evil man. He wants her for his own.Run Scorps Run. Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion: Chapter 23:Deep
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.It keeps getting worse for her.Now she has sparked the interest of an evil man. He wants her for his own.Run Scorps Run. Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion: Chapter 22: Into the void.
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.It keeps getting worse for her.Now she has sparked the interest of an evil man. He wants her for his own.Run Scorps Run. Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion :Chapter 21-The jig is up
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.It keeps getting worse for her.Now she has sparked the interest of an evil man. He wants her for his own.Run Scorps Run. Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion :Chapter 20- Trust
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.Her own salvation.or will she just end up stung by the Scorpion? Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes. Jayne/River( River puppy love), OC/Jayne, Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara angst

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion :Chapter 19
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.Her own salvation.or will she just end up stung by the Scorpion? Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes. Jayne/River( River puppy love), OC/Jayne, Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara angst

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion :Chapter 18
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.Her own salvation.or will she just end up stung by the Scorpion? Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes. Jayne/River( River puppy love), OC/Jayne, Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara angst

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion :Chapter 17 I left my heart at Serenity Valley.
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.Her own salvation.or will she just end up stung by the Scorpion? Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes. Jayne/River( River puppy love), OC/Jayne, Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara angst