Big Damn Rescue - Book 3, Ch 3
Saturday, March 17, 2007

B3C3: The Infirmary on Serenity has never been so full, and Mal is fast running out of friends. Now, in order to save Inara from her abusive captor, the crew must turn to a former enemy for help. Loyalties split as Book is forced to step into his past and face the most powerful man in the 'verse!
Download the full story in PDF form here.


CHAPTER 3 Wash was grateful to see the shuttle return ahead of schedule. Ever since River’s premonition, the morning had become increasingly creepy. The rain had let up, but the loss of the constant noise had left only smaller, more infrequent noises crawling about the ship like mice. The sun broke through the clouds casting uneven shadows across the spaceport and the ocean visible around the island was filled with Reavers and Loch Ness monsters. Only this wasn’t Loch Ness, it was some other ocean, but the monsters were the same! “Good to see you back, babe,” Wash radioed, waiting to hear Zoë’s sweet voice. “We missed you, darlin’,” Mal answered. Wash rolled his eyes. “Can you bring a stretcher to the shuttle bay?” Wash shot out of his chair at Mal’s request, fumbling for the comm button again. “Zoë?” he called out in a panic. “Just bring the stretcher.” Wash dashed out of the bridge, his slipper ripping as it caught on the uneven floor grating. He ignored the tear, skidding around corridors to the medical bay, then running madly back to the shuttle dock. As he rounded the corner into the cargo bay and took the stairs two at a time, the airlock opened but nobody came out of the shuttle. His concern doubling, Wash dashed in and stopped dead. Zoë was fine. The others were fine. Everyone was fine except the tan-skinned woman on the floor. Simon orchestrated the movement of the patient from the floor to the stretcher and within moments, Kaylee, Simon, Mal, and Jayne were carrying the woman away. Zoë stayed behind with Wash, her hands on her hips, sighing loudly, and looking at the floor the way she always did when she thought Mal was doing something stupid. “Did Caddock get a sex change?” Wash asked, realizing that no one had explained the new visitor. Zoë laughed softly, and touched his chest.


The rest of the afternoon, Jantis paraded Inara around like a new toy. When important meetings arose, he would lock her in a dark closet where she could see and hear nothing. At other times, he would display her proudly before his colleagues. He had not spoken to her directly in hours. Inara had seen stray dogs treated with more consideration and she was beginning to doubt her decision to indenture herself. As she huddled against the back wall of the closet yet again, fighting the vertigo that arose from waves of thirst and pain from her injured hand, she called on Buddha for mercy. With just a little light and water, she would be able to break into her kit, take a pain killer, and apply a brace to her hand. At the moment, her tongue was so dry that she wouldn’t be able to swallow the pain pill even if she could find one. She let one leg slip and extend, but before it could extend completely, her foot hit the opposite wall. The darkness pressed in on all sides and she curled up again, trying to convince herself that she was not in a coffin. The door to her closet peaked open and a stream of light invaded the space, making her squint. Jantis towered over her in silhouette, and with a tilt of his head, he motioned her to come. She despised the too-familiar pang of hunger that threatened to topple her. Jantis lead her up a wide spiral stair case and she was sure it would have been beautiful had she been refreshed and dressed to the nines on the arm of a client. Instead, she felt dizzy as she gazed downward toward the lobby. Was this even the same building as before or had she arrived by magic? The skylight overhead glowed orange with the sunset. Inara gripped the railing tightly with her good hand, trying not to tremble. Jantis had brought her to a room and was ordering someone to make sure she was fed and bathed. Her mouth watered – or it at least became less dry – at the mere thought of food. A moment later, Jantis took his leave, remanding her to the care of the manservant. “Come along, miss,” he ordered in a darkly gruff voice, gripping her arm. From the fuzz of her consciousness, Inara saw a familiar form crossing the lobby. In a world filled with black folk, it was hard not to notice another fair-skinned person. “Who is that?” “That is Ms. Stolte. She’s not one of you. You will not address her directly.” “I understand,” Inara said weakly, even though she didn’t.


Simon could hear Kaylee tinkering away at the engine before he saw her. The familiar clanking of tools against the ship’s surface was accompanied by River’s melodic voice. He’d never known River to enter the engine room, but was glad he would find the two girls together. With Saskia stabilized and resting, he had taken a quick shower, changed into dry clothes, and now he wanted to get the new ultrasound installed. “Here you two are,” Simon said warmly. “I thought you’d still be in the Infirmary with our new patient.” “I… yeah,” Kaylee answered, halfheartedly, her eyes focused on a bundle of wires. “Supper’s almost ready.” “Not hungry,” River answered tersely, handing Kaylee an ampmeter. “The whole nav system is on the fritz. I gotta fix it,” Kaylee said distantly. Simon sensed a problem. “Are you okay?” “No.” “River!” Kaylee cried, looking betrayed. “It’s true,” River insisted. “What is it?” “It’s nothing. I just need to get this working again and everything will be fine.” Kaylee jumped back as a spark flew from the wires she was fiddling with. “Well that one’s live,” she smiled wryly, trying to make light of the spark. “Your hand is shaking,” River pointed out. Assuming his doctorly manner, Simon took hold of Kaylee’s hand and checked for burns, but she pulled away quickly and resumed her work. Kaylee usually wasn’t so cold towards him until after he’d said something stupid, but he hadn’t said anything yet. Kaylee sighed heavily at the weight of his concern. “You two just go eat and let me work.” “Kaylee why are you so upset?” Simon asked. Kaylee ignored him. “I’m not leaving until you tell me.” “Saskia,” River answered. “Now leave.” Kaylee’s head dropped at the mention of the name, and Simon could see tears forming in her eyes. The image of her bruised and battered body on her return from the Neptune seared in his memory. “Did she say something to you? What did she do?” he demanded angrily. “It’s not her,” Kaylee whispered, wiping her eyes and looking again at the electrics before her. River sidled in and hugged Kaylee from behind. “The Neptune…” Kaylee began. “They hurt her.” “Yes, I know,” Simon said. “It’s so stupid… I mean, Saskia saved my life …” The wire bundle Kaylee had been working on sparked again, this time without prompting, and then the engine hiccupped. “What was that?” Kaylee replaced the tears on her cheeks with fresh smudges of grease. Standing assuredly, she cut power to a few different systems and headed out of the engine room. “The problem isn’t here. I have to go.” “Kaylee.” Simon started to follow, but River grabbed his arm. “She’s awake.”


Zoë was tired of waiting for Saskia to recover. While it was possible that Saskia could point them toward Caddock, it was also very probable that Saskia knew nothing. According to the Neptune’s logs, the crew had disbanded shortly after Serenity’s departure, having no money to repair the ship. As time wore on, it seemed less likely that they’d be able to find Jantis, and if Prio was any measure, Inara would be dead before they found her. Impatient for news, Zoë went to the Infirmary to check on the patient. A shadow flew past the window and disappeared. Suddenly alert, Zoë pressed against the wall outside the Infirmary and peered in. The bed was empty—Saskia was gone. Quickly, Zoë checked the hallway and ceiling, but she was alone. Keeping low and out of sight of the window, Zoë crept to the Infirmary door and swiftly opened it, staying back. Nothing. “Saskia?” she called, her voice a warning and a peace offering at once. Zoë backed away from the door, trying to get a visual on Saskia, her gun at ready. From the common area, she could see most of the Infirmary, but Saskia wasn’t there. She must have been pressed up against the near wall. “You can come out now,” Zoë said to the silence, every hair on end. She wasn’t expecting obedience. Within half a heartbeat, Saskia flew out the Infirmary door like a pouncing tiger, tackling Zoë to the ground. Zoë rolled quickly, holding back on her punches because she wanted Saskia conscious. Saskia had no such qualms and jarred Zoë against the table in the common area. With Saskia already gasping for breath, Zoë didn’t waste her strength. A quick jab later, Zoë had Saskia pinned to the ground. “Oh my… what’s? … Zoë, get off her!” Simon stuttered, as he entered the common area and rushed to Saskia’s side. “Calm down, we just want to help. Do you understand?” Her dark eyes still flashing at Zoë, Saskia nodded. Zoë didn’t like the look on her face, and stood slowly, finding her gun. As soon as Zoë had cleared them, Saskia sprang into action. Whipping out a scalpel, she sliced Simon across the knuckles and knocked him backwards over the table. Zoë dove in hard, knocking Saskia across the jaw, but this time, Saskia jabbed back, catching Zoë’s cheek with the edge of the scalpel blade. Jayne came in a moment later and on seeing the tussle, plunged in and tackled Saskia to the ground. He pounded her wrist until she released the scalpel, but not accepting defeat, Saskia used her legs to roll Jayne over her head and grabbed his knife. Jumping over the table, she put her boot on Simon’s chest, holding him down. Both Zoë and Jayne had their guns pointed at her. “What the tian xiao de is going on here?” Mal hollered and on seeing, he drew his gun as well. “What do you want with me?” Saskia wheezed. “I want you to put that knife down and let my doctor go.” Saskia did neither, catching her breath, the knife at ready. “Doc, you okay?” “Not terminal, but I could be better.” “Saskia!” Kaylee cried, entering as well. “Captain, what’s going on?” “Kaylee, stay back.” “Kaylee?” Saskia whispered, her face contorting in recognition and confusion. She stopped looking at the Captain or the others and looked directly at Kaylee. “What do you want from me?” “Nothing,” Kaylee stammered. “I just wanted to help.” Saskia ground her book harder into Simon’s chest until the young doctor cried out. Zoë and Jayne inched closer. “What do you want with me?!” “I want Caddock.” Mal said quickly. “Captain!” “You tell me where he is. I patch you up and send you on your merry.” Saskia glared as she considered the offer. “Can you take me off this world?” “It’s possible. Can’t guarantee a destination.” “What is your destination?” “Wherever Jantis is.” Saskia’s face twisted into an unsettling grin. “You won’t find Caddock here. Start at city hall. Talk to the mayor.” With that, she lifted her boot from the doctor’s chest and nudged him with her toe until he was on his knees. “Now patch me up.” “Doc, you heard the woman,” Mal said evenly. Kaylee’s hands reached out from across the room, wanting to help him, but afraid to cross in front of the guns. They met at the Infirmary door and she ushered him in, but Saskia waited. “Take me off this world, Captain. But if you take me to Jantis, I will kill him. Do we have an understanding?” Mal met her stare with a hard one of his own. “The only reason I let you on my boat is because Kaylee has some attachment to you. Don’t make her regret that choice or I will end you. And if you hurt any member of my crew again, your life is forfeit. Do we have an understanding?” That unnerving smile playing across her lips, Saskia handed over Jayne’s knife. “I believe we do.” As she entered the Infirmary, Zoë, Jayne, and Mal relaxed their trigger hands. “Jayne, stay here and keep an eye on our guest. Zoë and I are going to check out city hall. We’ll make contact within the hour.” Jayne nodded, tucking his knife in his boot. Zoë holstered her weapon, planning to grab some food before prepping the shuttle. “Sir, are we really just going to waltz into city hall unannounced and ask the mayor about Caddock?” “Well when you say it like that, it sounds so brassy.” “No, sir. It sounds like we’re off to see the wizard.”


Go to Chapter 4


Sunday, March 18, 2007 2:11 AM


I wasn't expecting Saskia to be exactly grateful but wasn't expecting her to try to take out the crew either. Glad she hates Jantis as much as they do and I'm hoping she'll keep her word at least while on the ship. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me


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Gravity Broke
Uncle Jayne loves waking up Serenity's passel of kids, but today he finds one of them broken. Sweet, fluffy. Sweet, fluffy, post-BDM, part of Namesake series.

Transition, Epilogue
Cole and Genny find resolution.

Transition, Part 11
A few more heart-to-heart chats. Jamie talks to Simon, Mal talks to Cole. Be prepared with tissues, but the end will make you smile.

Transition, Part 10
Jamie and Genny help each other through their respective emotional turmoils.

Transition, Part 9
Little Zoe talks to Michael about Berke, and Michael does not respond as well as she'd hoped. Inara talks to Simon and receives another birthday gift.

Transition, Part 8
Mal is getting worried about Genny, and he talks to Cole. Jayne is glad to see Jamie, but is a little surprised. We find out what Jamie's been up to.

Transition, Part 7
Mal get's Daquan's side of the story. Simon asks River what she wants to do.

Transition, Part 6
Mal and Inara get one more surprise at the space dock, then return home to deal with their uninvited guest.

Transition, Part 5
Mal and Inara share a romantic moment. River's dream about restoring her family turns into a nightmare.

Transition, Part 4
More of Inara's birthday - Cole dances with Genny, River encourages Michael, and Mal gives Inara a priceless gift. 25 years post-BDM. Reunion fic. Part of the Namesake series. Canon pairings. Minor angst warning - have tissues at ready.