Just Something About Him
Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Wash. Zoë. Their first several months together and how they fall in love.


I own nothing, I’m just borrowing it. Chinese translations are found as mouseover. I love comments!

Zoë Alleyne waited stoically at the bottom of the entrance ramp to Serenity. The Captain had told her a hotshot pilot was on the way and that she was to make a good impression on him. How exactly she was supposed to do that standing in front of a ship that was older than she was, she had no idea, but the Captain wanted this pilot pretty badly. She watched him approach, stop, examine the name on the hull. Must be the guy. Goofy and innocent looking, wearing a bright printed shirt. Obviously hiding something. E nu shen! He thought as he laid eyes on the woman guarding Serenity. She put off an aura of power, tall and proud and fierce in a leather vest and hip holster. His eyes were drawn slowly up her legs to her dark, beautiful face. This was definitely the boat for him.

“Ni hao!” She just looked at him for a long moment. “You Washburne?” “Uh, yes, yes I am. Please call me Wash.” He gave her his best smile. Zoë moved her hand off her gun to his shoulder and spun him around. “Spread your arms.” She patted his sides and legs. “Hey, now, don’t you think we should go out a few times, first? I mean, I wouldn’t mind or anything, but I don’t even know your name...” She spun him back around to face her. He’d never seen anyone say “Shut your mouth now or I will slam my fingers into your throat so hard you’ll be dead before you hit the ground” with their eyes before. He wasn’t sure such a threat was even possible, but the fact that she made it without uttering a sound was scary enough for him. “Captain is waiting at the helm. I’m the second in command. My name is Zoë Alleyne. Follow me.” He straightened his clothes a bit and gave her a nervous smile. “Yes ma’am.”

She didn’t like him. He was too cheery, too happy, too goofy. No man was like that. It had to be a front. He wasn’t to be trusted. She preceded him onto the bridge, watching him askance the whole time. Malcolm Reynolds had his back to the door, watching the flickering screens. “Captain.” Mal turned around and smiled his best smile at the goofy pilot. Zoë just stepped aside and leaned against the wall. “You’d be Wash?” “Uh, yes sir. Pleased to meet you, Captain Reynolds.” Most men would have missed the slightly nervous looks he was throwing at the corner where Zoë stood. Qi miao,, she’s already scared him. “Well, come on in, take a look.” Wash’s eyes lit up as he looked at the controls. It was as though he’d just seen the most beautiful woman in the ‘verse and nothing else existed. He ran his hands over the controls, flipped a few switches, ducked down to look underneath with an enormous grin on his face.

Wash was simply in love. It was an amazing ship with endless possibilities. Fireflies were very adaptable, and this one had already had some exciting things done with the controls. He would love to tinker around with this boat. “Yeah, this is all very doable!” he enthused as he hoisted himself back up. “Few modifications… Can get some real maneuverability out of this boat. You’d be surprised.” The Captain looked like Christmas had come early. “So you’ll take the job, then?” Wash gave the second in command a considering look. She was icy, but there was just as much beauty in her as in the Firefly. He gave her a half-smile. “Might do, might do. Think I’m starting to get a feel here.” Zoë tuned and walked off the bridge. “Good. Well, take your time. Make yourself to home. Just, uh fiddle with the dials, there. We'll be nearby.” Mal hastily went after his first mate.

“Great, ain’t he?” “I don’t like him.” “What?” “Something about him bothers me.” “What? What about him bothers you?” “I’m not sure, it’s just… somethin’.” “Well, your "something" comes up against a list of recommendations as long as my leg. Tanaka raves about this guy. Renshaw's been trying to get him on his crew for a month. And we need us a pilot.” “I understand, sir. He bothers me.”


Zoë stored the last of their first cargo safely as the engines warmed up. This Washburne sure seemed trigger-happy. Shouldn’t he wait until everyone was in their quarters? But what did she know? Maybe these old boats needed to be started awhile before they could take off. That would sound about right. Burning up all the fuel before they could even get off the ground. What her Captain had been thinking with this ship... The floor stopped vibrating under her feet as she headed to the catwalk. She stopped and cocked her head, listening for the hum of the engine. No, the engine hadn’t died, but it had quieted down some. Zoë had spent a lot of her life on ships, and she’d only known an engine to settle down like that during flight. Maybe there was something wrong with it, even if it hadn’t died. The near-subliminal sense of motion hit her as she walked down the hall to her quarters. They were in the air. Yi tian tang had she not felt a jolt of motion? She kept going past her bunk, heading up to the bridge. Wash was very calmly taking them out of atmo. She barely felt the inevitable turbulence. The Black opened up before her, jeweled velvet. “Quite a sight, isn’t it?” he remarked without turning around. “Yes, it is.” “Going off to flight school was the first time I really got to see it. I’d wanted to see what people on other worlds were talking about, and as soon as I did I wanted to spend my life just watching the ‘verse sparkle. I’ve never gotten tired of it.” He turned to face her, and she felt herself go a little bit weak at the expression on his face. She hated it. “No, I never got tired of it either.” “Want to sit up here with me? Watch it all drift by?” Zoë gritted her teeth. “No, thank you. I just wanted to see what our progress was.” He was gazing at her the same way he had been gazing out into the Black. Definitely not to be trusted. “So what’s our ETA?” “We should be on Whitefall by 0900 tomorrow. Give you time to make it to the drop point no problem.” “Right. Good.” She nodded like a woman with better things to do with her time and marched back down the hallway. Her heart was fluttering. What was the matter with her?


Zoë’s stomach clenched as the ship twisted wildly through the air. His control was perfect and the speed made her dizzy. She’d never seen anybody fly like this. Wash whooped like a little boy as he pulled out of the spiral and shot through the hills at insane speeds. Zoë looked over at Mal, who looked torn between terror and joy. “Told ya this boat could out-maneuver anything!” Wash grinned at the two of them as he set Serenity down as lightly as a snowflake. Mal rubbed his chest a little. “You obviously know what you’re doing, there.” Wash patted the console lovingly. “She works well with me. Took to the modifications nicely, listens to my every movement. It’s a great ship.” Zoë still felt weak and dizzy. Never in all her time at war had anything made her react this way. What Washburne had just made the ship do was mind-blowing. He obviously had a talent and skill that most of the ‘verse had only read about. “You okay?” He was right in front of her. How had he gotten in front of her? “Fine. Just wondering if you’ll be able to pull tricks like that when there’s actually someone chasing you.” He grinned his sweet, goofy grin at her. “Not too accustomed to being chased. Let’s hope we never have to find out.” “We will.” She left the bridge.


He’d made her smile today. She was a tough nut to crack, but it had been worth his relentless good humor. She had a radiant look to her when she smiled. Her eyes glowed and her skin seemed to soften. It had been momentary heaven. She liked to stand on the bridge and watch him fly. She thought he didn’t notice her occasional look of awe, but she was wrong. He noticed everything about her. And he loved every bit of it.


He was being funny again. She was starting to get used to smiling. Even laughing. She found she hated it a good deal less than she’d expected to. Hoban. A silly sounding name with a core of strength. It suited him. He cringed if it was said in his presence, but that didn’t keep her from repeating it to herself over and over. Hoban. He was everything he had seemed to be the first day she met him. Sincere. Silly. Innocent and funny. He wasn’t hiding anything from her. Especially not the fact that he was madly in love with her. It didn’t bother her as much as she expected.


She had started sitting at the helm with him, watching the ‘verse drift by. He liked talking with her, the way she smiled at the stupider things he said, the way she watched the stars. He shifted as close to her as he dared, refilling her glass with the wine Kaylee had managed to squeeze out of the engine. “You know, I don’t think I ever met a woman like you.” “No, I imagine you haven’t.” He brushed his hand softly over hers and waited to see if she would break his wrist. She looked down at his fingers a little oddly, but didn’t say anything. “Zoë...” She looked back up at him. He’d never seen anyone say “I’m utterly in love with you and you can kiss me now” with their eyes before.


Tuesday, February 13, 2007 10:41 AM


*gasp* oh! so-very-sweet! obviously i have quite a large soft spot for wash n zoe stuff, but this is so delightful! love the last line! n the gradual way she warms to him is very well put. it's kinda understated too which is cool. lovely lovely lovely! i likes, phoenixrose (as you cant tell!) =D

ps not enough w/z stuff out there! write more!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 10:41 AM


*gasp* oh! so-very-sweet! obviously i have quite a large soft spot for wash n zoe stuff, but this is so delightful! love the last line! n the gradual way she warms to him is very well put. it's kinda understated too which is cool. lovely lovely lovely! i likes, phoenixrose (as you cant tell!) =D

ps not enough w/z stuff out there! write more!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 10:41 AM


*gasp* oh! so-very-sweet! obviously i have quite a large soft spot for wash n zoe stuff, but this is so delightful! love the last line! n the gradual way she warms to him is very well put. it's kinda understated too which is cool. lovely lovely lovely! i likes, phoenixrose (as you cant tell!) =D

ps not enough w/z stuff out there! write more!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 10:41 AM


*gasp* oh! so-very-sweet! obviously i have quite a large soft spot for wash n zoe stuff, but this is so delightful! love the last line! n the gradual way she warms to him is very well put. it's kinda understated too which is cool. lovely lovely lovely! i likes, phoenixrose (as you cant tell!) =D

ps not enough w/z stuff out there! write more!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 10:41 AM


*gasp* oh! so-very-sweet! obviously i have quite a large soft spot for wash n zoe stuff, but this is so delightful! love the last line! n the gradual way she warms to him is very well put. it's kinda understated too which is cool. lovely lovely lovely! i likes, phoenixrose (as you cant tell!) =D

ps not enough w/z stuff out there! write more!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 10:41 AM


*gasp* oh! so-very-sweet! obviously i have quite a large soft spot for wash n zoe stuff, but this is so delightful! love the last line! n the gradual way she warms to him is very well put. it's kinda understated too which is cool. lovely lovely lovely! i likes, phoenixrose (as you cant tell!) =D

ps not enough w/z stuff out there! write more!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 10:49 AM


I love it PR !! It's sweet and funny .

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 10:59 AM


Wow! That was brilliant! It was very sweet, the characters' voices spot on and the humour's just perfect. It reads as perfectly canon. Good job :-)

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 11:49 AM


Thank you for this. So very on the mark.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 1:14 PM


Just loved this so much, especially that last amazing line! Sigh. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 3:23 PM


SQUEEE! I needed something like this for today. It's been rainy and cold all day, and it's supposed to be colder tomorrow. Thanks, PR! I think you captured their voices quite well.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 9:02 PM


I read this at work. Since I can't post from there, all the others beat me to all the good compliments.

Happy. Just the thing for Valentine's Day.

But , hey, what was Wash hiding in the second paragraph? Dinos?

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 10:22 PM


He wasn't hiding anything, she just thought he must be since he's all sweet and goofy lookin'. That's how I always saw the 'he bothers me' thing; he was like nothing she'd ever seen and she liked it and that bothered her...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 10:24 PM


Trigger happy 'puter!
This is very shiny, PR. I like how you put in her 'awe' at his flying, cuz I really saw that in the series. It's a great little piece of writing:)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007 12:46 AM


Wonderful. Absolutely shiny!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007 4:09 AM


Every line was beautiful - the whole damn fic was beautiful - but the last line - just perfect.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007 7:00 AM


That was so sweet! How come I can't find guys like this anywhere but fiction?

Wednesday, February 14, 2007 2:30 PM


Damn it! My original comment got ate!

Anyway...this was some beautiful work here, PhoenixRose! Definitely loved how you portrayed the realistic shift between Zoe wanting to dump Wash off the boat to never wanting to leave his side again:D


Thursday, February 15, 2007 4:41 AM


I just loved it! Beautiful job PR! This had me smiling the entire time I was reading it and made my heart flutter a lil. So sorry I didn't comment on it sooner. :^(

Thursday, February 15, 2007 6:49 AM


Very nice work PR. Felt like I was watching a prequel to the show as I read it!

Thursday, February 15, 2007 4:42 PM


Aww, that was great! Thanks for writing it :)

Wednesday, March 21, 2007 4:17 AM


I can't believe I missed this until now!

That was simply wonderful PR! It was at once funny ("She watched him approach, stop, examine the name on the hull. Must be the guy. Goofy and innocent looking, wearing a bright printed shirt. Obviously hiding something") and fluffy as all get out ("He’d never seen anyone say “I’m utterly in love with you and you can kiss me now” with their eyes before"), I think it can be safely assumed that this was a work of sentimental genius!


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Just Something About Him
Wash. Zoë. Their first several months together and how they fall in love.

In Earnest
A quick look at Mal's possible feelings for River and his confusion over Inara. Set during the movie.

Zoë's Balance
POST BDM - if you haven't seen the movie, you should not read this. Period. I'm betting most people reading fanfic have seen everything, but I have to be careful.
Zoë mourns her loss, and River has some unlooked-for insight. Pretty short. My first attempt at writing in the 'verse!