Honest Run: Daring
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Another round table discussion on how to get the captain out of trouble.


Honest Run: Dilemma
Honest Run: Derelict
Honest Run: Door
Honest Run: Distraction
Honest Run: Delusions
Honest Run: Deal
Honest Run: Din
Honest Run: Detail
Honest Run: Detachment
Honest Run: Diagnosis
Honest Run: Dance
Honest Run: Dignity
Honest Run

“So that’s what we have people…” Zoe surveyed the faces around the table. Each one of them carried a different emotion from Jayne’s incredulous smirk to River’s distant stare. Zoe tried not to stare overmuch in River’s direction, as her reaction was the most unsettling. The girl had that way about her that suggested that she knew most of what would happen before it gone that direction. That, Zoe decided, would be handy to have on their side if they could just find some way to harness it. But now, it was just enough to give her the shivers. “What??” Jayne jeered first, “The captain in trouble,” there was a look of contrived astonishment, “Not our Mal…” The new passenger looked on from the kitchen, leaning over a reheated bowl of the Shepherd’s stew. It wasn’t much in the way of a supper, but the man seemed to be taking his time to savor it. Of course, if those scars of his really came from the deep Black, it had probably had been awhile since he had much of any meal. There was a neutral look in his eyes as he observed the crew. His cool demeanor had only flickered once and that had been at Inara’s introduction. There was a deference there that confirmed that he did indeed originate from the Core planets. “I can’t imagine the cap’n meant for this to happen,” Kaylee offered from the table, “Poor Simon,” she threw a protective arm around River, “Don’t worry, River. We’ll fix it…” she looked doubtfully up at Zoe, “Won’t we?” River, for her part, inspected Kaylee’s fingernails. Before Zoe could respond, Jayne rumbled again, “Serves Mal right for taking the doc on this little run o’ his,” Jayne said, “Should have brought someone useful,” he pointed at Wash, “You figured that your little outing with Niska would have taught ‘im a lesson.” Her husband said nothing. Surprisingly, Inara spoke up, “It doesn’t matter what Mal should have done, it’s done now,” the courtesan flanked River from the other side, “I trust you have some ideas…” Zoe found herself waiting for another outburst from Jayne. Nothing. More scowling. Of all the people at the table, she found herself empathizing with the mercenary. Not something that she was proud of, or would ever share with anyone, but there it was. “It is an interesting point of fact that had Simon not been there,” Book said, “We would be having an entirely different conversation right now.” “Well that ain’t the conversation that I’m jawjacking ‘bout, Preacher,” Jayne replied, “Captain should have taken all of us,” he said, “Not just pretty an’ pasty.” True. He should have. “Jayne,” Zoe stated, “That’s enough,” she looked at Inara, “We do have an idea or two,” she smiled up Book, “Actually, the good shepherd came up with some of the ones that might actually work.” “Mal’s plans are a lot like that,” Wash commented, “Working plans. Plans that work as you go…” Jayne sneered, “Yeah…” Inara looked up at the preacher, “Is this something to help Simon?” she asked doubtfully. “Praying ain’t done much so far,” Jayne sneered. “You’d be surprised,” Book rebuked him slightly, “As for helping the captain and Simon, we’ve got that pickup to make before we make the gallant rescue. Should Simon’s condition deteriorate further, we will need the pickup to save his life.” Wash reached across the table and put a hand on a worried Kaylee’s, “You hear that? ‘Gallant.’” Kaylee smiled back. “From the old French term, ‘gale,’ for enjoyment,” River offered helpfully, “Stately; grand. Brave and noble; daring,” her face twisted slightly, “Polite and attentive to women.” “Thank you, River,” Wash said, “But I think our definition will be including bullets and various acts of seemingly random violence.” Jayne smiled, “Oh yeah,” he rubbed his fist, “That pickup.” It was obvious that he had his own plan for this. “And if you are willing, Inara,” Book offered, “I could use the help of a fine woman…” Inara smiled, “Of course.” “What?!” Jayne blurted out loud, “Inara?!” The next look caught Zoe by surprise, “And a bit of theatrics…” There was some astonished silence. Wash pulled on her arm, “Ummm…. Honey…” he asked, “Is there someone behind me?” “Wash?!?” Both Kaylee and Jayne asked in unison. “None other,” Book smiled. Jayne scrubbed his coarse hair in frustration, “I ain’t gonna be doin’ nothin’ on this trip, am I?” “Wait a minute,” Wash put up his hands, “I hate to say this, but, listen to Jayne…” “Yeah,” Jayne hastily added, though it was apparent to everyone that he had no idea where Wash was going with the topic, but he liked the byline, “Listen to Jayne.” “Last time that I helped the captain with anything, I got his ear cut off,” Wash stood up, “My job description was pretty much reinforced by that…” “Honey,” Zoe laid a hand on her husband’s shoulder, “Mal got his own ear cut off,” she said, “I should know, I was there. Not that he did the actual cutting, but that he had dealings with that man at all.” “There might be some incidentals between Inara and Wash,” Book told her, “To sell the part, you understand…” Jayne was confounded for a moment by the vocabulary, but Kaylee caught the gist of it quickly. Her eyes bulged with a smile. “Nothing too…” Book grasped for a word but couldn’t quite make it out. Zoe smiled. She and Book had already discussed it before, but this was the first that the crew had heard of it. Understanding completely, Wash quickly stood a little straighter, “I’ll do it.” Zoe rolled her eyes. “Oh.” Inara said simply. Jayne put two and two together, “Wait, Wash and Inara? Together?” His face screwed up, “Aw hell…” he threw up his hands, “Sure, they get to play kissy face…” he stood up from his chair, “How does that get us the package?” “I don’t know,” Wash smiled broadly, “But it’s a brilliant plan.” “A distraction,” Book stated, “That’s all.” “I can be ‘distracting,’” Jayne laid his hands on the table with a slap, “Me and Inara can sell that plenty all over that station,” he smiled nastily, “Won’t be a single man, woman, or kiddo lookin’ at nothin’ else.” Every face soured slightly at that particular mental picture. With exception to Jayne, “What?” “I’m sure that that wasn’t what the preacher had in mind,” Inara said. Despite the rude comment, her composure was instantly regained, “From what I can tell from the Cortex, despite the distance from the Alliance, this outpost of theirs has very similar security,” she looked over at Zoe, “Lewd conduct will not be tolerated.” “Lewd conduct is definitely NOT what I had in mind,” Book reassured them. “I know what quality of gears the Preacher’s aturning,” Zoe replied, “Mal and I have done it on occasion…” It’s funny that the married couple never gets to play one, Zoe thought humorously. Despite her serious demeanor, she trusted both Inara and her husband implicitly. Wash because he was her husband, Inara because she was a friend first, a professional second. “Does that mean yes?” Wash asked a little too eagerly. Time to reel him in, “Honey.” “Yes, dear?” “What happens if you enjoy any of this?” Wash’s face fell, “Pain?” She smiled earnestly, “At the very least,” Zoe made a passing gesture to Inara, “He’s all yours.” A slightly moping Wash walked over to Inara as would a condemned man.


Wednesday, October 25, 2006 11:50 PM


A little short for good faith. Leave yon comments, questions and accusations...

Thursday, October 26, 2006 7:36 AM


Lovely character interaction. I'm looking forward to reading more.

I certainly hope Simon doesn't die.

Kaylee nursing him back to health would be fine and dandy too. . . :)

Friday, October 27, 2006 8:41 PM

BLUEEYEDBRIGADIER was short but freaking brilliant when it came to dialogue and character intereaction:D

Though I think I will have to go back and re-read the preceding chapters. I am a tad lost as to the plot:(


Saturday, October 28, 2006 8:02 AM


I liked this immensely and am anxiously waiting for the Big Gorram Rescue! And please don't let Simon die or the Captain. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Sunday, October 29, 2006 2:42 PM


Yay, just noticed you started writting again was starting to give up hope that I'd ever find out what happens next. Altough am a bit confused when did serenity find out about simon's condition, may have to reread the eariler chapters.

Monday, October 30, 2006 11:10 AM


Jack is most definitely back!!

WOW! Excellent character voices.

Like the others, I'm going to have to go back a re-read the other chapters.

Good t'see you again Jack.

Thursday, November 30, 2006 7:53 AM


Great, PPMS!

Thursday, January 18, 2007 1:15 AM


why do twits like you keep us in supense hurry up and finish the sentence your on and get it posted



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Honest Run: Daring
Another round table discussion on how to get the captain out of trouble.

Honest Run: Dilemma
Honest Run?!? He's still writing this?!?!

Honest Run: Derelict
Zoe and the crew finish their part of the deal, running across a bit of history along the way.

Reaver Attack: Denial
Reavers are real aren't they? My entry into the Serenity contest.

Honest Run: Door
Mal has another one of his barroom confrontations.

Honest Run: Distraction
Comets, comedy, and confession. Another day on Serenity.

Honest Run: Delusions
Things get a little more resolved. Simon's mind begins its downward spiral.

Honest Run: Deal
A little prequel action, explaining a few of the questions of the where and how variety. Features Wash and Zoe and certain Denton.

Honest Run: Din
Pair up. Where's River?

Honest Run: Detail
What is it with Jayne anyway?