The Zero - Episode III: Stole --- Part 1
Saturday, June 12, 2004

Original characters in the Firefly universe. The crew is waiting to hear about a job. Part 1 of 5.


Yeah, it's been a few months since I added to this series (I was doing robotics competitions). If you haven't read Liberty (6 parts) and/or Aquaphobe (5 parts), I'd suggest you find them and read them (they can be found in the fanfic section here) as it explains some of the things in this story. Disclaimer: anything recognizable is property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, etc. The story, however, is mine. Also, I had to take some creative liberties, but only on stuff not explained in the series. I also used my own translator for the Mandarin, so it may be off (although it's still comical). On to the story:

“Haven’t been here in a while.” Tobias was on the open cargo bay ramp overlooking a small city. We were on Ares, an inner borderworld. It was still well within reach of the Alliance, but we had work. It was something. Everybody was waiting in the cargo bay for orders. I walked to the center of them. “Alright, how do we want to play this? We meet Geraldo in an hour to find out what the job is. Where do we want to meet him?” Bill spoke first. “I’d like to stay here. There’s some engine work I’m still doing.” “Granted. Libby, Tobias, you’re with me. Serra?” “I’ll be fine here.” Serra walked back toward the dorms. “Just be careful.” Libby waited until Bill and Serra were out of the room. “Eddie, U-Day started a few hours ago according to the Zulu clock.” I had an idea. “You thinking what I’m thinking?” Libby had the same idea. “Bar or strip club?” I thought about that. “I’m more in the mood for a fight at a strip club this year. Besides, a strip club makes great cover for a meeting about a job.” “Whoa!” Tobias was now concerned. “We’re starting a fight?” “It’s Eddie’s Unification Day tradition.” Libby went up the steps to the catwalk. “I’ll contact Geraldo with the location.” “Do that.” I turned my attention to Tobias. “Why do you think I allowed Bill to stay here? He’d never hold up in a fight like this.” “Has anyone ever told you that you’re crazy?” Tobias went to sit on the steps. “Libby, a countless amount of times.” I went to my stormtank. “But she actually likes this tradition.” “I take it she can take a punch pretty well.” Tobias was now staring at me over by the stormtank. “Better than you.” I started up the “armored pickup truck”. “And that’s a good thing. Hop in.” Tobias got up and walked my way. “Let me guess, you’ll be wearing brown coats.” Libby walked back down into the cargo bay carrying, oddly enough, three brown coats. “Meeting’s set. Also, got our coats from the closet upstairs.” “Well,” I told Tobias, “if we’re going to start a fight in an Alliance friendly strip club, we at least gotta look the part.” “Okay, that’s where I draw the line.” Tobias hopped in the back of the stormtank. “I’m all for kicking some Alliance-friendly ass, but I won’t do it in a brown coat.” Libby put her coat on over her jeans and shirt. “Place where we’re headed don’t allow guns.” “For their safety, probably better.” Tobias hinted that one at me. “You seen the way Eddie-boy here shoots?” Libby picked up the very heavy machine gun off the stormtank. “I so shoot better.” I put on the coat Libby handed me. “Only if you have an electronic link to it.” She dropped the machine gun over by the wall. “I don’t see you being able to operate a small fort by your lonesome.” “You’re worse than a kid.” I drove the stormtank over to the edge of the ramp. “Technically, I am only four.” I hurried up. “Oh, just get in.” Libby hopped in the back with Tobias and we were off to the small city. Libby looked back and with one thought, closed the cargo bay door. It was time to make some money.



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The Zero - Episode IV: Out --- Part 5
Original characters in the Firefly universe. Obligatory flashback, followed by parinoia and insecurity from the captain trying to figure out who sabotaged the ship. Part 5 of 5.

The Zero - Episode IV: Out --- Part 4
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The Zero - Episode IV: Out --- Part 3
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The Zero - Episode IV: Out --- Part 2
Original characters in the Firefly universe. Arriving at a space station with the engine still out, the mind reading begins to try and find out who sabotaged the ship. Part 2 of 5.

The Zero - Episode IV: Out --- Part 1
Original characters in the Firefly universe. A quiet night gets loud when the engine blows... but not by itself. Part 1 of 5.

The Zero - Episode III: Stole --- Part 5
Original characters in the Firefly universe. Brief flashback, followed by finishing the job. Part 5 of 5.

The Zero - Episode III: Stole --- Part 4
Original characters in the Firefly universe. The crew plans to steal from a parked ship. Well, at least until it becomes not so parked. Part 4 of 5.

The Zero - Episode III: Stole --- Part 3
Original characters in the Firefly universe. The crew has a job. Now comes the preparation. Part 3 of 5.

The Zero - Episode III: Stole --- Part 2
Original characters in the Firefly universe. It's U-Day... time to start a fight. Part 2 of 5.

The Zero - Episode III: Stole --- Part 1
Original characters in the Firefly universe. The crew is waiting to hear about a job. Part 1 of 5.