Entries are sorted in chronological order with most recent entries at the bottom of the page.


Looking For Advice
Tuesday, February 3, 2004 4:03:43 AM

So I have this custom avatar icon I want to use and I've emailed it to Haken. Where do I go from here? I'm not so much with the patience thing and Haken is admittedly a very busy person... :crap: So ...


Shiny-ness In The Great White North
Friday, February 6, 2004 4:43:08 AM

I was recently on the website for the big video rental chain up here in Ontario, Canada. I was checking for the availability of a recommended Adam Baldwin movie, by searching the actors name. In ...


Full Conversion
Friday, February 27, 2004 3:14:38 AM

A friend of mine that I haven't seen for about a year is in town visiting this week. He'd never seen Firefly before, just heard about it from the emails I send him. He comes over last night for a get ...