
Sunday, September 5, 2004

Wow, never have made it to one of these 'till this weekend. There is so much STUFF to see. I'm a bit overwhelmed. I wish I had been able to get there earlier on Fri Night and seen the BDH's. Sounds like it was a fun time. However, seeing them Sat morning was a BLAST! It's clear that they really do dig making Firefly. Nathan, Jewel and Adam were fantastic. Told stories that made me laugh and tear up some, sang a bit of the theme was great. The story about the big red button REALLY had me close to cry'n. (Alan took the big red button from OoG and gave it Joss as Firefly was done filming. Alan told Joss that when he needed them again, just hit it and they'd all come running back...)

The room was PACKED too, folks were standing up along the walls it was so jammed. I'm sure that made the BDH's feel all that more appreciated. Heh, Nathan dubbed himself the biggest Fireflyfan in the world. I might have to agree w/ him there. He woulnd't shut up! Heh heh. He was crackin jokes about the trailer ( which I've not seen )and how it would sound if the voice over guy mispronounced everyone's name. Had to be there.

Some neat confessions about Jewel and Morena that Jewel told us. Jewel is so not Kaylee, in that she is such a 'girlie girl'. Jewel can't fix much of anything and seldom knows what to do w/ a set of tools. To contrats, Morena is more of a tomboy, prefers jeans and a t-shirt to fancy outfits. So when she gets all made up for Inara, it's as much as a role reversal for her as when Jewel gets all dirty faced for Kaylee.

Jewel says she was fascinated w/ the role of River, and that was her 1st choice. Curious to think about, Jewel playing the part of River. Glad Joss decided to go another way.

Gonna head on back to the Con in a while. This should be fun.


Tuesday, September 7, 2004 12:36 PM


it was great!! i'll second what everyone has said above. our bdh's are a gracious bunch. we made every panel as that was my goal and very often were sitting up front. i was part of the group that helped jewel get one up on nathan with the flipping of the bird. i will always remember the look on his face. priceless. "so many birds ..." :) and i hope we all get to hear about his revenge coz i'm sure there will be some. they have such fun together and it really spills to the audience. and jewel is even prettier and nicer than kaylee, if you can believe that. and nathan is such a gentleman. when we walked up to get his autograph, he stood and shook our hands. and adam said 'hello gorgeous' to my daughter. it's her new mantra. :) this was our very first con but not likely to be the last. we really enjoyed ourselves. and
special thanks to all the browncoats who labored and organized!! there efforts were noticed.

Tuesday, September 7, 2004 8:02 AM


I made it into the Friday night panel as I went really early and they moved me twice but I ended up close to the front. As funny as you thought they were Saturday and Sunday they were even more so Friday. I laughed until I cried. Janestown was sung. Much fun was poked. It was so much fun. I have pictures, but I don't know how to post them here.

Tuesday, September 7, 2004 6:16 AM


As a regular attendee at Dragon Con, I can say that Nathan, Adam, and Jewel are easily among the best guests the con has ever hosted. They're warm, friendly, personable, and unaffected, and they seemed to enjoy participating in the con and socializing with the fans more than anybody else there. Thank you for joining us and making the weekend magical; hope to see you again next year!

Sunday, September 5, 2004 7:56 PM


Ok, in a word, I'm jealous. In two words, REALLY JEALOUS! But I'm also really happy for you guys who are attending. I sure would if I had the chance. Unfortunately I'm actually working this weekend! (Not for much longer, though!)

Keep reporting back! You're helping the morale of those of us stuck outside da fence!


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