
Notes on my little FicVerse
Sunday, March 9, 2008

Hello, Firefly People!

Due to some comments on my last posts I feel the need to clarify some fic issues.

I first set out to write one fic. Then, I discovered I liked the process so here I am going on and on... So, yes, each fic is a part of a continuing series.

I should probably do chapters but I'm not nearly that organized. So, here is my attempt at organization. Please note that if you are reading the stories, stick to this order otherwise it ain't gonna make a lot of sense!

The Aftermath Series
This series takes place after the battle on Mr. Universe's moon and continues to the end of the BDM.


The Funeral:


The Alliance Spins:
Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

A couple of other issues:

First off, my intention is to explore the Firefly 'Verse and all (yes, all) our BDHs. I'm interested in writing about their back stories, families, and struggles within the 'verse as well as their struggles with each other. Where do they come from? Why are they like they are? How do they find jobs? How do they adjust to life after Miranda? How do they deal with each other? Why are they drawn to each other and to Serenity? I hope to answer these questions through various adventures.


Canon, baby, canon. I'm a big lover of Mal/Inara. While their relationship is not the focus of my 'Verse it is what motivates me to write. I fully intend to explore their relationship but if you are looking for a quick resolution to all their problems, you won't find it here. I don't even see them sort of getting together until at least a year after the BDM.

I'm also interested in other non-romantic relationships. I must say, though, River will not be paired with any other crew member. She's a mentally traumitized teenager who needs to figure out who she is and she can't be doing that being some older guy's baby doll. So, if you see River and Jayne on an adventure, don't expect to find any romance.


Based on statements by Mal and the Operative in the BDM, Miranda occurs approximately eight months (and, actually, I'm stretching it to almost nine) after Simon rescues River. I know there is some controversy on this but I'll defer to Mr. Whedon's script on this issue.

And, because I am a geek, here are some dates that I have worked out. (Also, thanks to JewelStaiteFan for the timeline help - I thought I was way off base until you posted your timeline thoughts)

August 16 - U-Day
February, 2518 Inara leaves
March, 2518 Book leaves
early April, 2518 - Operative put on Tam case
May 1, 2518 - Miranda broadcast

One last note. By trade, I'm a CPA (at this point you are asking yourself isn't it tax season? And I answer yes but I'm stressed to the max and this is a nice little outlet!) and the only writing I've done in the past five years involves correspondence to the IRS requesting abatement of penalties and interest and other boring stuff. I'm afraid I get bogged down in details or over explain things. So, with that in mind, I do appreciate any constructive criticism.

Thanks for reading.


Monday, March 10, 2008 5:33 PM


Can't wait to read more. Do we have to wait until after tax season?

Monday, March 10, 2008 8:04 AM


Cool, good luck. I'm considering doing a story based in the firefly universe, and I was wondering: where did you get the information to figure out those dates from?


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