The Alliance Spins, Part 2
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Serenity lands on Persephone for repairs. Takes place post Mr. U moon but before the end of the BDM.


Title: The Alliance Spins, Part 2 Author: CharlieBZ Summary: Serenity lands on Persephone for repairs. Rating: PG for language Characters: Crew Pairing: Canon, if any Spoilers/Timeline: post BDM Disclaimer: No money is being made from by me and I certainly don’t own Firefly/Serenity. Author's Note: This fic takes place within my FicVerse. If you’re a little lost see my blog entry here. ______________________________________________________________________________

Part 1.

The Alliance Spins, Part 2


Sitting in Wash’s seat staring out the cockpit window, Mal didn’t look up. He couldn’t bring himself to respond to the increasingly persistent shouting of his name but he heard it alright. “Reynolds! Reeyyynolllldddsss!” No, Mal couldn’t look away from the black; his eyes focused on the deep, blank expanse in front of him tuning out the sounds around him. Someone was calling him to let him know that Serenity was close to Persephone which meant it was time to face the reality of their situation. Broken ship. Little money. No pilot…

“Captain O’Riley’s calling you,” River said, rousing him from his musings.

Surprised to hear her, Mal started; he had forgotten she was sitting on the bridge with him. Rubbing his hands over his eyes he spared a last glance at the window.

“Can’t the man use a com like everyone else,” Mal muttered getting up.

Not meeting River’s gaze, he headed down the steps and walked through the corridor. Turning left, he walked to the overhead airlock and looked up to see O’Riley’s smiling face peering down from the Magdalena. In his continual efforts to avoid his crew, Mal had spent some time aboard the Magdalena talking shop with Baba. The first couple of days Mal told himself he was there to ensure that O’Riley and his bunch didn’t have nefarious intentions. Serenity was vulnerable being towed by a strange ship but Mal learned soon enough that Baba, his wife, Annie, his brother-in-law and his three grandkids were about as threatening as his Aunt Sally.

“You deaf, Reynolds? I been calling at you for five minutes,” Baba said.

“Ever heard of a com?” Mal asked not unkindly.

“Prefer the personal touch. Wanted to let you and yours know we’re almost to Persephone. Atmo will be shaky to say the least. Should be at Marseilles New within an hour.”

“I’ll let everyone know.”

“Buckle in. I mean it. Hey, you could send your people up here if you like. Annie likes Kaylee. And everyone else, of course.”

“I’ll pass it on.” With a slight wave to Baba, Mal turned to go back to the bridge and almost ran into River. It greatly unsettled him that she could approach him so silently that he was completely unaware of her presence.

“Bells would be good for you,” he said absently. “You wanna go up there with them?”

“I’ll be in my bunk,” River said, walking down the stairs.

“Ask if anyone wants to go up to the O’Riley’s, will ya?” He hollered at her back.

Mal went back to the bridge. Before strapping himself into the co-pilot’s chair he reached up to the com and informed the crew to settle in for a rough landing.

Baba wasn’t exaggerating the extent of the shakiness. For an awful five minutes, Mal wondered if the cables binding Serenity to the Magdalena would hold. He tried not to think of the last time Serenity had such a bumpy landing but another particularly violent shake had him in a vivid state of recollection. Mal’s attention was briefly diverted when he noticed that on the pilot’s console, one of Wash’s little palm tree’s had fallen over. He watched until the cheery little plastic tree fell over onto the floor. Huh, funny how it had stayed in place before. Suddenly seeing no need to be in the cockpit, Mal set about to check on how everyone else was faring.

Leaving the bridge, the shaking intensified and he almost tumbled down the steps. Jayne, just coming out of his bunk merely grunted at Mal. Bad times indeed when Jayne didn’t have anything to say about Mal almost falling flat on his face.

“Maybe best you stay in your bunk,” Mal said.

“Figured I’d check on O’Riley and his folk,” Jayne said. Another fierce round of shaking had him grabbing his bunk ladder. “’Sides, landing’s near robbed me of breakfast, lunch and last night’s dinner. Bunk makes it worse.”

“How’s that help?” Mal asked pointing to Jayne’s holstered pistol.

“Gives me a measure of comfort,” Jayne said.

Looks like Jayne was also thinking about their last rough landing.

With a quick nod to Mal, Jayne stumbled toward the accessway linking Serenity to Magdalena.

Mal started toward the dining area. Even at this time, he felt apprehension at approaching his crew. Other than time spent aboard the Magdalena with O’Riley and his folk, the last week in the black had been a solitary one. Taking a deep breath, he assumed Captain mode and began to make his way to find his remaining crew.

Hearing a sound, he glanced down the adjoining corridor surprised to see Zoë. Hampered by the rocking of the ship, she approached him slowly. Without a word or any other kind of acknowledgement, she continued on toward the bridge. Should’ve put the tree back.

Watching her walk away, Mal leaned against the bulkhead. Not for physical support against the shakiness but more because the rift between him and Zoë was getting wider and it was quite simply exhausting him. Hell, he hadn’t even laid eyes on Zoë in three days. A deep uncomfortableness had settled between them and he couldn’t think of how the rutting hell it was going to get better.

When another particularly violent shake sent him to the opposite bulkhead he figured that was his cue to get moving and stop thinking.

As he walked through the empty dining room, he debated again if he was dreading seeing Mar-New again or if he was looking forward to getting off Serenity. Both thoughts depressed him. Serenity had always been his hav-…refuge but for the first time in many a year, he had allowed himself to miss the openness of the range. Working in the fresh air. The sun on his face. He’d always been partial to the outdoors but now his life consisted of steel, recycled air, protein, dehydrated food - all things that if you’d asked the other Malcolm Reynolds if he would prefer this life he’d laugh at the absurdity of the notion.

Gorramnit! How the hell did I end up here? He asked himself for the millionth time.

Approaching the engine room, he wasn’t surprised to see Kaylee and Simon sitting together. Mal quelled his irritation at seeing them sitting so close. Seems every time he saw them they were always sitting a little closer. Pretty soon he’d be finding Kaylee as he had first met her.

Before entering the engine room, he took a deep breath determined to sound friendly with Kaylee.

“How’s she doin’, Kaylee?” Mal was pleased he’d done a good job at not sounding tetchy.

“She’s holdin’ together, Cap’n,” Kaylee said favoring him with a wide smile. “Magdalena’s takin’ good care of our girl.”

At her words there was a last fierce shudder and then Serenity evened out.

“Looks like we finally cleared atmo. Glad that’s over.” With a glance toward Simon, Kaylee said, “But, I wasn’t worried.”

“Well, now the real work begins, huh Kaylee?”

“I’m all ready. Got lists and schedules already planned out.”

Turning his attention to Simon, Mal said, “Ain’t got time for socializing, you know.”

Kaylee’s pleased look became apprehensive making Mal instantly regret his sharp words. He flashed her what he hoped was a sincere, apologetic smile before turning to go below deck to check on the rest of the crew.


Mal continued on toward the stairs.

“Captain!” The irritating insistence of the voice stopped Mal.

He turned to face Simon.

“Captain, uh…what exactly do you expect of us when we get to Persephone?” Simon asked.

Mal had to give the doctor credit for coming straight to the point.

“I expect you to sit tight and not stick your noses out where anyone’ll see ‘em. Don’t rightly know where you stand with things.”

Simon followed as Mal continued on down the stairs.

“I mean, where do River and I stand with you? Staying on Serenity?”

“Can’t think on that now, doc. Too much to do. You and River just stay put ‘til I say so.”

“What do you want us to do? At the shipyards I mean.”

“Find a way to help.” Mal stopped, turned and looked Simon in the eye. “And stay outta Kaylee’s way. She’s got plenty to do without you…distractin’ her.”

Simon started to protest but Mal gave him a look that he hoped the doctor wasn’t stupid enough to ignore. Nodding slightly, Simon turned going back up the stairs. Mal shook his head in wonder. Obviously the doctor was too stupid to get his message to stay away from Kaylee.

Continuing on toward the dorms, Mal looked inside Book’s old room where Inara had taken up residence. She and River were sitting on the floor with their backs against the bulkhead.

“Worst is over. Be in Mar-New soon enough.”

“That wasn’t fun,” River said, getting up from the floor. She extended a hand to Inara pulling her up.

“Have you been able to contact your friend yet?” Inara asked.

“Yeah. He’s got a nice clever spot for us in his ‘yards. Won’t attract any attention. Got us a cover and all so I don’t expect any trouble.”

She nodded.

“ ’Preciate you puttin’ your special skills to use for us,” Mal said.

Inara gave him an amused look. For a moment he was transported back to better times. He’d forgotten how much he had enjoyed barging into her shuttle to razz her about this or that.

“I mean, you know, negotiatin’ and all. Using your…wiles…you can dicker down prices on repairs—”

“My wiles?” Inara smiled again. “Mal, what are you expecting me to do?”

He almost smiled back. “Cajoling of the verbal kind.”

Mal looked at her for a bit relishing the moment until his attention was diverted by River’s presence. She was watching them with great interest.

“Yeah. Well, uh, when we get there I already got lined up who we need to talk to. Kaylee said some of the equipment and people power necessary to fix Serenity ain’t comin’ cheap.”

“We’ll see what we can do about that,” Inara said. She started to speak again but was interrupted by Mrs. O’Riley’s voice over the com system.

“Brace for impact! I mean…we’re gettin’ ready to land, Serenity people.”

“Well, here we are,” Mal said. His temporary good feeling faded as the weight of everything that must be done hit him again.


Lowering the ramp, Mal breathed in the fresh air. He looked around the familiar shipyards. Just beyond the outer fence he could visualize the usual hustle and bustle of the busy port city, Marseilles New. Long buried feelings tried to push their way to his consciousness. Mal shook his head as if the physical action could stave off thoughts he didn’t want to revisit. Things were wretched enough without him reliving other bad times.

Hearing someone approach, he looked over his shoulder. Zoë walked purposefully toward him. She didn’t spare a glance outside at the shipyard.

Mal hated that disinterest. It just wasn’t her. Whatever else, Zoë could be counted on to coolly assess every situation no matter how unthreatening it seemed. Her apathy even to the tow-ship that carried Serenity from Mr. Universe’s moon alarmed him. Corporal Alleyne would never have been at the mercy of strangers without thoroughly checking out the tow-ship and personally ensuring the safety of her crew. Mrs. Washburn, grieving widow, didn’t seem to give a kick if Serenity was hijacked and the crew was spaced.

“Kaylee figures if all goes well, repairs’ll be ‘bout two weeks,” she said looking fixedly at a point beyond his head.

Mal’s foul mood was immediately lifted. Pleased she was showing an interest, he jumped in to include her in the repair plans.

“That’s assuming parts and equipment are available. Maybe you could—”

“Look,” Zoë said finally looking him in the eye. “I’m taking a shuttle and…well, I’m just goin’.”

“You’re leaving?” Mal couldn’t keep the shock from his voice.

“Wave me when Serenity’s ready.” She turned to walk away.

“You ain’t gonna be here?” Mal wasn’t expecting this. If she left…

“You don’t need me for this,” Zoë said keeping her back to him.

“I always need you, Zoë.”

She turned and coolly met his gaze. Mal refused to look away and as they looked at each other wordlessly he couldn’t for the life of him figure out what she was thinking.

Zoë broke the silence. “Need to be on my own right now. Been awhile and might as well reacquaint myself to it.”

“You comin’ back?” He couldn’t resist asking.

“You’ll get your shuttle. Just let me know when the repairs are finished.” She didn’t look back at him as she walked away.

Mal watched her go. He thought things couldn’t get worse but somehow they always did. He stared outside until he heard the heavy footsteps of Jayne.

“You goin’ out?” Jayne asked.

“Got to see people about getting’ Serenity back together.”

“I’ll get ready.” Jayne started to walk away.

“No. Need you to stay here.”

“Been stuck here a gorramn week! Need to see some smilin’ folk.”

“We don’t know where we stand with the law and-”

“Someone comes for them, I ain’t expending any serious effort to keep them here.”

“Not only them, Jayne. Us. I’m not sure if the Operative let on it was us that sent that wave. We could have more law trouble than usual. And since we got no way of clearin’ out of here quick, I say keep a low profile.”

At Jayne’s belligerent look, Mal said, “Which means stayin’ put until I figure out where we’re at.”

“Alright then, babysittin’ it is,” Jayne said, not hiding his disgust with their situation. “But I mean it, Mal, I ain’t got no more fight in me when it comes to those two.”

“I get that.” And he did.


An hour later, Mal was in his bunk getting ready to go. He counted and recounted what little money he had left from the Lilac job knowing he was seriously short on the necessary funds to get Serenity back on her feet. Nothing new there. Opening a drawer on his desk, he rifled through the little bits of junk until he found a small box. He looked at it for a moment before putting it in his pocket.

Kaylee and Inara were waiting for him by the ramp. Kaylee was wearing her usual coveralls but he was surprised to see Inara decked out in Kaylee’s “socializing” dress.

“You incognito or what?” He asked her.

“I’m just setting the scene for some serious bargaining. Besides, I’ve been wearing the same clothes for a week and,” she looked at Kaylee with a smile, “I’ve always liked this dress. Kaylee tells me it’s lucky.”

At her words, Kaylee smiled slipping her arm under Inara’s elbow.

“Don’t we look a pair? Almost like two mes.”

Mal refused to get caught up in their light heartedness. “Just be happy she didn’t give you her unlucky pink fripperied get-up. We’d never get to bargaining for all the laughin’.”

He wasn’t surprised at the reaction to his words; Kaylee’s smile faded and Inara glared at him.

They started to leave but the sound of a shuttle taking off from Serenity stopped them. Mal looked down at the ground until the sound faded in the distance.

“Where’s she going?” Mal asked looking up at the sky.

“Cap’n, she just had to get away is all. Got to get herself together the best she can.”

“Where is she going?”

Inara and Kaylee exchanged worried glances.

“To a beach,” Inara said softly.

“Her way of honoring him, I guess,” Kaylee said.

No, Mal knew it was her way of making her own self feel worse. Looks like Zoë had moved from blaming him to blaming herself. He’d much rather she blame him. More than just about anything, Mal hated feeling helpless and there wasn’t one gorramn thing in the ‘Verse he could do to help her.

Except get her home back together.

“Alright, ladies, let’s go do some business.”

Part 3


Tuesday, March 18, 2008 7:31 PM


Good job; you get my first ten rating if only for the fact that you named a character Baba O'Riley. Who fan, eh?

Tuesday, March 18, 2008 7:33 PM


Er, sorry that sounds a little bad. I liked the story (and you're verse) a lot. I'm just giving extra props for the Who reference.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008 9:31 PM


I'm really enjoying this, I already like the O'Rileys but Zoe's worring me a bit - it's not like her to cut loose like this. You write Kaylee and Inara also very well, do we get to see Inara doing business along with Mal? Hope to see the next part soon!

Keep flying ;)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008 6:38 AM


I see I'm not the only one who got the Who reference. Great chapter. You write everyone well, but especially Zoe and Inara.


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Somewhere Down the Crazy River (6/10)
In this part, Kaylee and River search for Simon and Inara, Jayne finds a jail pasttime, Simon and Inara continue their swamp trek.

Somewhere Down the Crazy River 5/10
Crew fic. Mal wakes up in jail and he is not happy. Kaylee deals with a fretful River. Simon's bad day just got worse.

A Rainy Morning (nc-17ish)
Inara and Mal and a lazy rainy morning.

Somewhere Down the Crazy River (4/10)
Simon and Inara go on the job. Of course, nothing goes according to plan. What fun would that be?

Somewhere Down the Crazy River (3/10)
Inara visits the Sheriff's office to try to release Mal, Zoe, and Jayne. Simon plans.

Somewhere Down the Crazy River (2/10)
Inara and River stay with Serenity as Mal and the rest of the crew head for town.

Somewhere Down the Crazy River, part 1
Three months after Miranda, Mal and the crew prepare for a much needed job.

A Midnight Clear, 5/5 (NC-17)
Mal and Inara spend the night together. The last part of the collaborative Christmas story by gilliebeans and charliebz.

A Midnight Clear (4/5)
The crew have a Christmas party. Mal and Inara clean up. Collaboration with gilliebeans.

A Midnight Clear (3/5)
Continuing the Christmas story (sorry for the delay!). Mal and Inara make a date.